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# Windows Setup
* Turn off hibernation
* Open admin cmd prompt: `powercfg.exe /hibernate off`
* Install Windows Defender
* Enable clear text
* Setup a symbol server:
* Right-click My Computer -> Properties -> Advanced Tab -> Environment Variables
* Add a new System Variable called `_NT_SYMBOL_PATH`
* Set the value to `SRV*c:\symbols*`, replacing the
first path to where you want the symbols to live.
* Configure crash dump storage location for projects via the registry.
## Enable security updates
If you don't have an antivirus program, or you do but it's not verified by Microsoft, then you will
not receive security updates unless you set a key in the registry. Note that Windows Defender counts
as a valid antivirus program.
Add the following registry key:
Value="cadca5fe-87d3-4b96-b7fb-a231484277cc" Type="REG_DWORD”
## Disable Win 7 Fault Tolerant Heap
*Might be in Win 10+ too?*
* I don't see why you want to spend large amounts of CPU time to hide application instability.
* Disable on system via regedit: set the REG_DWORD value **HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\FTH\\Enabled** to **0**.
## Setup up Unix-like Shell
* Install [MSYS2 w/ MinGW-w64]( to `C:\msys64`
* Open `C:\msys64\mingw64.exe`
* Run `pacman -S base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain git bc`
* Use `C:\Users\<user>` as the terminal $HOME by editting `C:\msys64\etc\nsswitch.conf` and
changing the `db_home` value to `windows`.
* You may need to work around an issue with envsubst.exe - you'll know there's a bug if git
displays `not a valid identifier line 89: export: dashless` or rebase complains about `new_count`.
* To patch, cd into `/mingw64/bin` and run `mv envsubst.exe envsubst.exe_backup`. Now run `pacman -S gettext`
and verify that `which envsubst` reports back `/usr/bin/envsubst`.
* Bug report is at
* Map caps to left-ctrl using
* Use symlink command `cmd //c 'mklink .name-of-dotfile drive:\path\to\file`.
* Symlink `~/.private-files` to the root directory containing `dev/`.
* Symlink `~/.dev` to `~/.private-files/path/to/dev`.
* Symlink `~/.dotfiles` to `~/.dev/path/to/dotfiles`.
* Create `~/bin`.
* Symlink `$HOME/bin/sym` to `$HOME/.dotfiles/windows/`. You can now use this to
do symlinks.
* Symlink files in the dotfiles windows folder.
* Symlink appropriate files in the root dotfiles directory.
* Ignore all zsh files.
* Don't symlink .vim folder because Plugged will fail to install the plugins. Just make a copy.
* Setup private dotfiles. Once done, you should now have `~/bin` and `~/.dotfiles/bin` in your path.
## Configure Private dotfiles
* The most important task is to setup the `c-dev-x64` shortcut for launching a msys shell with appropriate dev environment.
* Add this to your taskbar and use this for launching a shell.
## Setting up dev tools
* Download the Windows 2003 Resource Kit in order to get tools like `list.exe` (command line hex
* URL:
* Installer will display a compatibility warning. Ignore it.
* Full list of tools can be found here
## Setting up Visual Studio
* Use the backed up VS2015 ISO.
* Pick a custom install directory, e.g. /x/programs/VS2015, /c/VS2015, etc.
* Make sure to not do a default install. You must select the C++ language support.
* Edit visual studio options. Open Debugging -> Symbols and add the path to your cached symbols.
## Setting up Vim
### Compiling
* If for some reason you want to compile Vim on Windows, do the following:
* Git clone vim from Github
* `cd vim/src`
### Configuring
You have to make a copy of the vim folder. For some unknown reason the Plugged scripts
don't work when running them on a symlinked .vim directory. Can also symlink most of the
directories in the vim folder. You have to symlink using the full path instead of
something like `~\.dotfiles\vim`, otherwise it won't work. The full path is something like
`c:\users\michael\.dotfiles\vim`. Be careful when removing symlinks as it will delete the
linked source as well.
### Setting up Custom Search
* First install Rusto. See `Setting up Rust` below.
* Setup `ripgrep`:
* Open an `msvc x64` shell and run `cargo install ripgrep`.
* Verify it works by running `rg` in a shell.
### Setting up ctags
* Install the latest Universal ctags build:
* Place it in `~/bin`.
## Setting up Cygwin
* Can create symlinks to dotfiles using the git bash shell. The cygwin home directory
is likely going to be `C:\cygwin\home\<username>`.
* Build [rlwrap](
## Setting up Rust
* Install `rustup`:
## Setting up Go
* Installer:
## Setting up Clojure
* Install Lein:
## Setting up Xbox stuff
* Install the xbox controller drivers
* Turn off stats collection
* cmd-r, msconfig.exe, startup tab, uncheck `Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories`.
## Turn off various startup processes
* cmd-r -> msconfig.exe -> startup tab
## Software
* Install Desktop Restore (
* Install Android platform tools to get adb.exe:
* Download Android commandline tools
* Unzip to some location.
* Inside the sdk dir, run `$ tools/bin/sdkmanager.bat platform-tools`.
* You can now add the platform-tools dir to your path if you want, or just symlink `adb` to `~/bin`.
### Firefox
* If you see jaggy fonts then about `about:config` and check the value of
`gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.rendering_mode`. Mine was -1 by default. Setting it to 5
removed the bad font rendering.