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+This software is available as a choice of the following licenses. Choose
+whichever you prefer.
+ALTERNATIVE 1 - Public Domain (www.unlicense.org)
+This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
+Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this
+software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose,
+commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
+In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors of this
+software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the software to the public
+domain. We make this dedication for the benefit of the public at large and to
+the detriment of our heirs and successors. We intend this dedication to be an
+overt act of relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to
+this software under copyright law.
+For more information, please refer to
+ALTERNATIVE 2 - MIT No Attribution
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+# dr_libs.jai
+Jai bindings for [dr_libs](https://github.com/mackron/dr_libs)
+## Initial setup
+If you want to build the lib then you'll need the source code. You can do this with: `git submodule update --init --recursive`.
+In the future if you need to pull in the source submodule again (e.g. the folder got deleted), then run: `git submodule update --recursive`
+## Usage
+Simply import the module. If you're using a static library version then you're set. If you generated a DLL (and new bindings to load it) then you need to copy the DLL from the windows/ folder to the working directory of your exe.
+## TODO
+* Add support for other platforms.
diff --git a/generate.jai b/generate.jai
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+++ b/generate.jai
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+#!/usr/bin/env jai
+libs_to_include: Libs = Libs.DR_WAV | Libs.DR_FLAC | Libs.DR_MP3; // @consider making this a metaprogram/command line arg?
+Libs :: enum_flags {
+ DR_MP3;
+COMPILE :: true; // Enable to compile the dr_libs library from source before generating bindings.
+COMPILE_DEBUG :: false; // Compile a debug or release version of dr_libs
+SOURCE_PATH :: "source";
+ #run {
+ set_build_options_dc(.{do_output=false});
+ if !generate_bindings() {
+ compiler_set_workspace_status(.FAILED);
+ }
+ }
+else {
+ #import "System";
+ main :: () {
+ set_working_directory(path_strip_filename(get_path_of_running_executable()));
+ if !generate_bindings() {
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+generate_bindings :: () -> bool {
+ if libs_to_include == 0 {
+ log_error("You need to specify at least one library for binding generation!\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Prepare the source for our needs.
+ {
+ copy_file(tprint("%/dr_wav.h", SOURCE_PATH), tprint("%/dr_wav.c", SOURCE_PATH));
+ copy_file(tprint("%/dr_flac.h", SOURCE_PATH), tprint("%/dr_flac.c", SOURCE_PATH));
+ copy_file(tprint("%/dr_mp3.h", SOURCE_PATH), tprint("%/dr_mp3.c", SOURCE_PATH));
+ }
+ src_files: [..] string;
+ extra: [..] string;
+ libs_info := type_info(Libs);
+ for libs_info.values {
+ if libs_to_include & cast(Libs)it {
+ name := libs_info.names[it_index];
+ array_add(*src_files, tprint("%/%.c", SOURCE_PATH, to_lower_copy(name)));
+ array_add(*extra, tprint("/D%_IMPLEMENTATION", name));
+ }
+ }
+ #if COMPILE {
+ #import "BuildCpp";
+ success := false;
+ #if OS == .WINDOWS {
+ make_directory_if_it_does_not_exist("windows");
+ success = build_cpp_dynamic_lib("windows/dr_libs", ..src_files, extra = extra, debug=COMPILE_DEBUG);
+ }
+ else {
+ success = build_cpp_static_lib("windows/dr_libs", ..src_files, extra = extra, debug=COMPILE_DEBUG);
+ if success {
+ // Remove existing DLL otherwise the bindings will have a "#library" directive that loads the DLL. The lib version is "#library,no_dll"
+ if file_exists("windows/dr_libs.dll") {
+ deleted := file_delete("windows/dr_libs.dll");
+ if !deleted {
+ log_error("Failed to remove existing dr_libs.dll from the windows/ folder.\n\n");
+ success = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ log_error("This OS isn't supported yet.\n");
+ }
+ if !success return false;
+ }
+ output_filename: string;
+ opts: Generate_Bindings_Options;
+ {
+ using opts;
+ #if OS == .WINDOWS {
+ array_add(*libpaths, "windows");
+ output_filename = "windows.jai";
+ }
+ else {
+ log_error("This OS isn't supported yet.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ array_add(*libnames, "dr_libs");
+ array_add(*system_include_paths, GENERATOR_DEFAULT_SYSTEM_INCLUDE_PATH);
+ array_add(*include_paths, SOURCE_PATH);
+ source_files = src_files;
+ log_stripped_declarations = false; // Set to true if things aren't working...
+ generate_compile_time_struct_checks = true;
+ }
+ return generate_bindings(opts, output_filename);
+#import "Basic";
+#import "Bindings_Generator";
+#import "Compiler";
+#import "File";
+#import "File_Utilities";
+#import "String";
diff --git a/module.jai b/module.jai
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+++ b/module.jai
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+size_t :: u64;
+#import "Basic";
+#if OS == .WINDOWS {
+ #load "windows.jai";
+else {
+ assert(false);
diff --git a/windows.jai b/windows.jai
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/windows.jai
@@ -0,0 +1,3103 @@
+// This file was auto-generated using the following command:
+// jai generate.jai -quiet
+DRWAV_TOO_BIG :: -11;
+DRWAV_BUSY :: -19;
+DRWAV_NO_HOST :: -49;
+DRWAV_AT_END :: -53;
+DRWAV_SEQUENTIAL :: 0x00000001;
+DRWAV_WITH_METADATA :: 0x00000002;
+DRMP3_TRUE :: 1;
+DRMP3_FALSE :: 0;
+DRMP3_ERROR :: -1;
+DRMP3_TOO_BIG :: -11;
+DRMP3_END_OF_FILE :: -17;
+DRMP3_NO_SPACE :: -18;
+DRMP3_BUSY :: -19;
+DRMP3_IO_ERROR :: -20;
+DRMP3_BAD_SEEK :: -25;
+DRMP3_BAD_PIPE :: -26;
+DRMP3_TIMEOUT :: -34;
+DRMP3_NO_HOST :: -49;
+DRMP3_AT_END :: -53;
+/* Sized Types */
+drwav_int8 :: s8;
+drwav_uint8 :: u8;
+drwav_int16 :: s16;
+drwav_uint16 :: u16;
+drwav_int32 :: s32;
+drwav_uint32 :: u32;
+drwav_int64 :: s64;
+drwav_uint64 :: u64;
+drwav_uintptr :: drwav_uint64;
+drwav_bool8 :: drwav_uint8;
+drwav_bool32 :: drwav_uint32;
+/* Result Codes */
+drwav_result :: drwav_int32;
+drwav_version :: (pMajor: *drwav_uint32, pMinor: *drwav_uint32, pRevision: *drwav_uint32) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_version_string :: () -> *u8 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Allocation Callbacks */
+drwav_allocation_callbacks :: struct {
+ pUserData: *void;
+ onMalloc: #type (sz: size_t, pUserData: *void) -> *void #c_call;
+ onRealloc: #type (p: *void, sz: size_t, pUserData: *void) -> *void #c_call;
+ onFree: #type (p: *void, pUserData: *void) -> void #c_call;
+/* End Allocation Callbacks */
+drwav_seek_origin :: enum s32 {
+ start :: 0;
+ current :: 1;
+ drwav_seek_origin_start :: start;
+ drwav_seek_origin_current :: current;
+drwav_container :: enum s32 {
+ riff :: 0;
+ rifx :: 1;
+ w64 :: 2;
+ rf64 :: 3;
+ aiff :: 4;
+ drwav_container_riff :: riff;
+ drwav_container_rifx :: rifx;
+ drwav_container_w64 :: w64;
+ drwav_container_rf64 :: rf64;
+ drwav_container_aiff :: aiff;
+drwav_chunk_header :: struct {
+ id: union {
+ fourcc: [4] drwav_uint8;
+ guid: [16] drwav_uint8;
+ };
+ /* The size in bytes of the chunk. */
+ sizeInBytes: drwav_uint64;
+ /*
+ RIFF = 2 byte alignment.
+ W64 = 8 byte alignment.
+ */
+ paddingSize: u32;
+drwav_fmt :: struct {
+ /*
+ The format tag exactly as specified in the wave file's "fmt" chunk. This can be used by applications
+ that require support for data formats not natively supported by dr_wav.
+ */
+ formatTag: drwav_uint16;
+ /* The number of channels making up the audio data. When this is set to 1 it is mono, 2 is stereo, etc. */
+ channels: drwav_uint16;
+ /* The sample rate. Usually set to something like 44100. */
+ sampleRate: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Average bytes per second. You probably don't need this, but it's left here for informational purposes. */
+ avgBytesPerSec: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Block align. This is equal to the number of channels * bytes per sample. */
+ blockAlign: drwav_uint16;
+ /* Bits per sample. */
+ bitsPerSample: drwav_uint16;
+ /* The size of the extended data. Only used internally for validation, but left here for informational purposes. */
+ extendedSize: drwav_uint16;
+ /*
+ The number of valid bits per sample. When is equal to WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE,
+ is always rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8. This variable contains information about exactly how
+ many bits are valid per sample. Mainly used for informational purposes.
+ */
+ validBitsPerSample: drwav_uint16;
+ /* The channel mask. Not used at the moment. */
+ channelMask: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The sub-format, exactly as specified by the wave file. */
+ subFormat: [16] drwav_uint8;
+drwav_fmt_get_format :: (pFMT: *drwav_fmt) -> drwav_uint16 #foreign dr_libs;
+Callback for when data is read. Return value is the number of bytes actually read.
+pUserData [in] The user data that was passed to drwav_init() and family.
+pBufferOut [out] The output buffer.
+bytesToRead [in] The number of bytes to read.
+Returns the number of bytes actually read.
+A return value of less than bytesToRead indicates the end of the stream. Do _not_ return from this callback until
+either the entire bytesToRead is filled or you have reached the end of the stream.
+drwav_read_proc :: #type (pUserData: *void, pBufferOut: *void, bytesToRead: size_t) -> size_t #c_call;
+Callback for when data is written. Returns value is the number of bytes actually written.
+pUserData [in] The user data that was passed to drwav_init_write() and family.
+pData [out] A pointer to the data to write.
+bytesToWrite [in] The number of bytes to write.
+Returns the number of bytes actually written.
+If the return value differs from bytesToWrite, it indicates an error.
+drwav_write_proc :: #type (pUserData: *void, pData: *void, bytesToWrite: size_t) -> size_t #c_call;
+Callback for when data needs to be seeked.
+pUserData [in] The user data that was passed to drwav_init() and family.
+offset [in] The number of bytes to move, relative to the origin. Will never be negative.
+origin [in] The origin of the seek - the current position or the start of the stream.
+Returns whether or not the seek was successful.
+Whether or not it is relative to the beginning or current position is determined by the "origin" parameter which will be either drwav_seek_origin_start or
+drwav_seek_proc :: #type (pUserData: *void, offset: s32, origin: drwav_seek_origin) -> drwav_bool32 #c_call;
+Callback for when drwav_init_ex() finds a chunk.
+pChunkUserData [in] The user data that was passed to the pChunkUserData parameter of drwav_init_ex() and family.
+onRead [in] A pointer to the function to call when reading.
+onSeek [in] A pointer to the function to call when seeking.
+pReadSeekUserData [in] The user data that was passed to the pReadSeekUserData parameter of drwav_init_ex() and family.
+pChunkHeader [in] A pointer to an object containing basic header information about the chunk. Use this to identify the chunk.
+container [in] Whether or not the WAV file is a RIFF or Wave64 container. If you're unsure of the difference, assume RIFF.
+pFMT [in] A pointer to the object containing the contents of the "fmt" chunk.
+Returns the number of bytes read + seeked.
+To read data from the chunk, call onRead(), passing in pReadSeekUserData as the first parameter. Do the same for seeking with onSeek(). The return value must
+be the total number of bytes you have read _plus_ seeked.
+Use the `container` argument to discriminate the fields in `pChunkHeader->id`. If the container is `drwav_container_riff` or `drwav_container_rf64` you should
+use `id.fourcc`, otherwise you should use `id.guid`.
+The `pFMT` parameter can be used to determine the data format of the wave file. Use `drwav_fmt_get_format()` to get the sample format, which will be one of the
+`DR_WAVE_FORMAT_*` identifiers.
+The read pointer will be sitting on the first byte after the chunk's header. You must not attempt to read beyond the boundary of the chunk.
+drwav_chunk_proc :: #type (pChunkUserData: *void, onRead: drwav_read_proc, onSeek: drwav_seek_proc, pReadSeekUserData: *void, pChunkHeader: *drwav_chunk_header, container: drwav_container, pFMT: *drwav_fmt) -> drwav_uint64 #c_call;
+/* Structure for internal use. Only used for loaders opened with drwav_init_memory(). */
+drwav__memory_stream :: struct {
+ data: *drwav_uint8;
+ dataSize: size_t;
+ currentReadPos: size_t;
+/* Structure for internal use. Only used for writers opened with drwav_init_memory_write(). */
+drwav__memory_stream_write :: struct {
+ ppData: **void;
+ pDataSize: *size_t;
+ dataSize: size_t;
+ dataCapacity: size_t;
+ currentWritePos: size_t;
+drwav_data_format :: struct {
+ container: drwav_container; /* RIFF, W64. */
+ format: drwav_uint32; /* DR_WAVE_FORMAT_* */
+ channels: drwav_uint32;
+ sampleRate: drwav_uint32;
+ bitsPerSample: drwav_uint32;
+drwav_metadata_type :: enum s32 {
+ none :: 0;
+ unknown :: 1;
+ smpl :: 2;
+ inst :: 4;
+ cue :: 8;
+ acid :: 16;
+ bext :: 32;
+ list_label :: 64;
+ list_note :: 128;
+ list_labelled_cue_region :: 256;
+ list_info_software :: 512;
+ list_info_copyright :: 1024;
+ list_info_title :: 2048;
+ list_info_artist :: 4096;
+ list_info_comment :: 8192;
+ list_info_date :: 16384;
+ list_info_genre :: 32768;
+ list_info_album :: 65536;
+ list_info_tracknumber :: 131072;
+ list_all_info_strings :: 261632;
+ list_all_adtl :: 448;
+ all :: -2;
+ all_including_unknown :: -1;
+ drwav_metadata_type_none :: none;
+ drwav_metadata_type_unknown :: unknown;
+ drwav_metadata_type_smpl :: smpl;
+ drwav_metadata_type_inst :: inst;
+ drwav_metadata_type_cue :: cue;
+ drwav_metadata_type_acid :: acid;
+ drwav_metadata_type_bext :: bext;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_label :: list_label;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_note :: list_note;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_labelled_cue_region :: list_labelled_cue_region;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_info_software :: list_info_software;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_info_copyright :: list_info_copyright;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_info_title :: list_info_title;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_info_artist :: list_info_artist;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_info_comment :: list_info_comment;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_info_date :: list_info_date;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_info_genre :: list_info_genre;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_info_album :: list_info_album;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_info_tracknumber :: list_info_tracknumber;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_all_info_strings :: list_all_info_strings;
+ drwav_metadata_type_list_all_adtl :: list_all_adtl;
+ drwav_metadata_type_all :: all;
+ drwav_metadata_type_all_including_unknown :: all_including_unknown;
+Sampler Metadata
+The sampler chunk contains information about how a sound should be played in the context of a whole
+audio production, and when used in a sampler. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample-based_synthesis.
+drwav_smpl_loop_type :: enum s32 {
+ forward :: 0;
+ pingpong :: 1;
+ backward :: 2;
+ drwav_smpl_loop_type_forward :: forward;
+ drwav_smpl_loop_type_pingpong :: pingpong;
+ drwav_smpl_loop_type_backward :: backward;
+drwav_smpl_loop :: struct {
+ /* The ID of the associated cue point, see drwav_cue and drwav_cue_point. As with all cue point IDs, this can correspond to a label chunk to give this loop a name, see drwav_list_label_or_note. */
+ cuePointId: drwav_uint32;
+ /* See drwav_smpl_loop_type. */
+ type: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The byte offset of the first sample to be played in the loop. */
+ firstSampleByteOffset: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The byte offset into the audio data of the last sample to be played in the loop. */
+ lastSampleByteOffset: drwav_uint32;
+ /* A value to represent that playback should occur at a point between samples. This value ranges from 0 to UINT32_MAX. Where a value of 0 means no fraction, and a value of (UINT32_MAX / 2) would mean half a sample. */
+ sampleFraction: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Number of times to play the loop. 0 means loop infinitely. */
+ playCount: drwav_uint32;
+drwav_smpl :: struct {
+ /* IDs for a particular MIDI manufacturer. 0 if not used. */
+ manufacturerId: drwav_uint32;
+ productId: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The period of 1 sample in nanoseconds. */
+ samplePeriodNanoseconds: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The MIDI root note of this file. 0 to 127. */
+ midiUnityNote: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The fraction of a semitone up from the given MIDI note. This is a value from 0 to UINT32_MAX, where 0 means no change and (UINT32_MAX / 2) is half a semitone (AKA 50 cents). */
+ midiPitchFraction: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Data relating to SMPTE standards which are used for syncing audio and video. 0 if not used. */
+ smpteFormat: drwav_uint32;
+ smpteOffset: drwav_uint32;
+ /* drwav_smpl_loop loops. */
+ sampleLoopCount: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Optional sampler-specific data. */
+ samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes: drwav_uint32;
+ pLoops: *drwav_smpl_loop;
+ pSamplerSpecificData: *drwav_uint8;
+Instrument Metadata
+The inst metadata contains data about how a sound should be played as part of an instrument. This
+commonly read by samplers. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample-based_synthesis.
+drwav_inst :: struct {
+ midiUnityNote: drwav_int8; /* The root note of the audio as a MIDI note number. 0 to 127. */
+ fineTuneCents: drwav_int8; /* -50 to +50 */
+ gainDecibels: drwav_int8; /* -64 to +64 */
+ lowNote: drwav_int8; /* 0 to 127 */
+ highNote: drwav_int8; /* 0 to 127 */
+ lowVelocity: drwav_int8; /* 1 to 127 */
+ highVelocity: drwav_int8; /* 1 to 127 */
+Cue Metadata
+Cue points are markers at specific points in the audio. They often come with an associated piece of
+drwav_list_label_or_note metadata which contains the text for the marker.
+drwav_cue_point :: struct {
+ /* Unique identification value. */
+ id: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Set to 0. This is only relevant if there is a 'playlist' chunk - which is not supported by dr_wav. */
+ playOrderPosition: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Should always be "data". This represents the fourcc value of the chunk that this cue point corresponds to. dr_wav only supports a single data chunk so this should always be "data". */
+ dataChunkId: [4] drwav_uint8;
+ /* Set to 0. This is only relevant if there is a wave list chunk. dr_wav, like lots of readers/writers, do not support this. */
+ chunkStart: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Set to 0 for uncompressed formats. Else the last byte in compressed wave data where decompression can begin to find the value of the corresponding sample value. */
+ blockStart: drwav_uint32;
+ /* For uncompressed formats this is the byte offset of the cue point into the audio data. For compressed formats this is relative to the block specified with blockStart. */
+ sampleByteOffset: drwav_uint32;
+drwav_cue :: struct {
+ cuePointCount: drwav_uint32;
+ pCuePoints: *drwav_cue_point;
+Acid Metadata
+This chunk contains some information about the time signature and the tempo of the audio.
+drwav_acid_flag :: enum s32 {
+ one_shot :: 1;
+ root_note_set :: 2;
+ stretch :: 4;
+ disk_based :: 8;
+ acidizer :: 16;
+ drwav_acid_flag_one_shot :: one_shot;
+ drwav_acid_flag_root_note_set :: root_note_set;
+ drwav_acid_flag_stretch :: stretch;
+ drwav_acid_flag_disk_based :: disk_based;
+ drwav_acid_flag_acidizer :: acidizer;
+drwav_acid :: struct {
+ /* A bit-field, see drwav_acid_flag. */
+ flags: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Valid if flags contains drwav_acid_flag_root_note_set. It represents the MIDI root note the file - a value from 0 to 127. */
+ midiUnityNote: drwav_uint16;
+ /* Reserved values that should probably be ignored. reserved1 seems to often be 128 and reserved2 is 0. */
+ reserved1: drwav_uint16;
+ reserved2: float;
+ /* Number of beats. */
+ numBeats: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The time signature of the audio. */
+ meterDenominator: drwav_uint16;
+ meterNumerator: drwav_uint16;
+ /* Beats per minute of the track. Setting a value of 0 suggests that there is no tempo. */
+ tempo: float;
+Cue Label or Note metadata
+These are 2 different types of metadata, but they have the exact same format. Labels tend to be the
+more common and represent a short name for a cue point. Notes might be used to represent a longer
+drwav_list_label_or_note :: struct {
+ /* The ID of a cue point that this label or note corresponds to. */
+ cuePointId: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Size of the string not including any null terminator. */
+ stringLength: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The string. The *init_with_metadata functions null terminate this for convenience. */
+ pString: *u8;
+BEXT metadata, also known as Broadcast Wave Format (BWF)
+This metadata adds some extra description to an audio file. You must check the version field to
+determine if the UMID or the loudness fields are valid.
+drwav_bext :: struct {
+ pDescription: *u8; /* Can be NULL or a null-terminated string, must be <= 256 characters. */
+ pOriginatorName: *u8; /* Can be NULL or a null-terminated string, must be <= 32 characters. */
+ pOriginatorReference: *u8; /* Can be NULL or a null-terminated string, must be <= 32 characters. */
+ pOriginationDate: [10] u8; /* ASCII "yyyy:mm:dd". */
+ pOriginationTime: [8] u8; /* ASCII "hh:mm:ss". */
+ timeReference: drwav_uint64; /* First sample count since midnight. */
+ version: drwav_uint16; /* Version of the BWF, check this to see if the fields below are valid. */
+ /*
+ Unrestricted ASCII characters containing a collection of strings terminated by CR/LF. Each
+ string shall contain a description of a coding process applied to the audio data.
+ */
+ pCodingHistory: *u8;
+ codingHistorySize: drwav_uint32;
+ pUMID: *drwav_uint8; /* Exactly 64 bytes of SMPTE UMID */
+ loudnessValue: drwav_uint16; /* Integrated Loudness Value of the file in LUFS (multiplied by 100). */
+ loudnessRange: drwav_uint16; /* Loudness Range of the file in LU (multiplied by 100). */
+ maxTruePeakLevel: drwav_uint16; /* Maximum True Peak Level of the file expressed as dBTP (multiplied by 100). */
+ maxMomentaryLoudness: drwav_uint16; /* Highest value of the Momentary Loudness Level of the file in LUFS (multiplied by 100). */
+ maxShortTermLoudness: drwav_uint16; /* Highest value of the Short-Term Loudness Level of the file in LUFS (multiplied by 100). */
+Info Text Metadata
+There a many different types of information text that can be saved in this format. This is where
+things like the album name, the artists, the year it was produced, etc are saved. See
+drwav_metadata_type for the full list of types that dr_wav supports.
+drwav_list_info_text :: struct {
+ /* Size of the string not including any null terminator. */
+ stringLength: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The string. The *init_with_metadata functions null terminate this for convenience. */
+ pString: *u8;
+Labelled Cue Region Metadata
+The labelled cue region metadata is used to associate some region of audio with text. The region
+starts at a cue point, and extends for the given number of samples.
+drwav_list_labelled_cue_region :: struct {
+ /* The ID of a cue point that this object corresponds to. */
+ cuePointId: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The number of samples from the cue point forwards that should be considered this region */
+ sampleLength: drwav_uint32;
+ /* Four characters used to say what the purpose of this region is. */
+ purposeId: [4] drwav_uint8;
+ /* Unsure of the exact meanings of these. It appears to be acceptable to set them all to 0. */
+ country: drwav_uint16;
+ language: drwav_uint16;
+ dialect: drwav_uint16;
+ codePage: drwav_uint16;
+ /* Size of the string not including any null terminator. */
+ stringLength: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The string. The *init_with_metadata functions null terminate this for convenience. */
+ pString: *u8;
+Unknown Metadata
+This chunk just represents a type of chunk that dr_wav does not understand.
+Unknown metadata has a location attached to it. This is because wav files can have a LIST chunk
+that contains subchunks. These LIST chunks can be one of two types. An adtl list, or an INFO
+list. This enum is used to specify the location of a chunk that dr_wav currently doesn't support.
+drwav_metadata_location :: enum s32 {
+ invalid :: 0;
+ top_level :: 1;
+ inside_info_list :: 2;
+ inside_adtl_list :: 3;
+ drwav_metadata_location_invalid :: invalid;
+ drwav_metadata_location_top_level :: top_level;
+ drwav_metadata_location_inside_info_list :: inside_info_list;
+ drwav_metadata_location_inside_adtl_list :: inside_adtl_list;
+drwav_unknown_metadata :: struct {
+ id: [4] drwav_uint8;
+ chunkLocation: drwav_metadata_location;
+ dataSizeInBytes: drwav_uint32;
+ pData: *drwav_uint8;
+Metadata is saved as a union of all the supported types.
+drwav_metadata :: struct {
+ /* Determines which item in the union is valid. */
+ type: drwav_metadata_type;
+ data: union {
+ cue: drwav_cue;
+ smpl: drwav_smpl;
+ acid: drwav_acid;
+ inst: drwav_inst;
+ bext: drwav_bext;
+ labelOrNote: drwav_list_label_or_note; /* List label or list note. */
+ labelledCueRegion: drwav_list_labelled_cue_region;
+ infoText: drwav_list_info_text; /* Any of the list info types. */
+ unknown: drwav_unknown_metadata;
+ };
+drwav :: struct {
+ /* A pointer to the function to call when more data is needed. */
+ onRead: drwav_read_proc;
+ /* A pointer to the function to call when data needs to be written. Only used when the drwav object is opened in write mode. */
+ onWrite: drwav_write_proc;
+ /* A pointer to the function to call when the wav file needs to be seeked. */
+ onSeek: drwav_seek_proc;
+ /* The user data to pass to callbacks. */
+ pUserData: *void;
+ /* Allocation callbacks. */
+ allocationCallbacks: drwav_allocation_callbacks;
+ /* Whether or not the WAV file is formatted as a standard RIFF file or W64. */
+ container: drwav_container;
+ /* Structure containing format information exactly as specified by the wav file. */
+ fmt: drwav_fmt;
+ /* The sample rate. Will be set to something like 44100. */
+ sampleRate: drwav_uint32;
+ /* The number of channels. This will be set to 1 for monaural streams, 2 for stereo, etc. */
+ channels: drwav_uint16;
+ /* The bits per sample. Will be set to something like 16, 24, etc. */
+ bitsPerSample: drwav_uint16;
+ /* Equal to fmt.formatTag, or the value specified by fmt.subFormat if fmt.formatTag is equal to 65534 (WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE). */
+ translatedFormatTag: drwav_uint16;
+ /* The total number of PCM frames making up the audio data. */
+ totalPCMFrameCount: drwav_uint64;
+ /* The size in bytes of the data chunk. */
+ dataChunkDataSize: drwav_uint64;
+ /* The position in the stream of the first data byte of the data chunk. This is used for seeking. */
+ dataChunkDataPos: drwav_uint64;
+ /* The number of bytes remaining in the data chunk. */
+ bytesRemaining: drwav_uint64;
+ /* The current read position in PCM frames. */
+ readCursorInPCMFrames: drwav_uint64;
+ /*
+ Only used in sequential write mode. Keeps track of the desired size of the "data" chunk at the point of initialization time. Always
+ set to 0 for non-sequential writes and when the drwav object is opened in read mode. Used for validation.
+ */
+ dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite: drwav_uint64;
+ /* Keeps track of whether or not the wav writer was initialized in sequential mode. */
+ isSequentialWrite: drwav_bool32;
+ /* A array of metadata. This is valid after the *init_with_metadata call returns. It will be valid until drwav_uninit() is called. You can take ownership of this data with drwav_take_ownership_of_metadata(). */
+ pMetadata: *drwav_metadata;
+ metadataCount: drwav_uint32;
+ /* A hack to avoid a DRWAV_MALLOC() when opening a decoder with drwav_init_memory(). */
+ memoryStream: drwav__memory_stream;
+ memoryStreamWrite: drwav__memory_stream_write;
+ msadpcm: struct {
+ bytesRemainingInBlock: drwav_uint32;
+ predictor: [2] drwav_uint16;
+ delta: [2] drwav_int32;
+ cachedFrames: [4] drwav_int32; /* Samples are stored in this cache during decoding. */
+ cachedFrameCount: drwav_uint32;
+ prevFrames: [2] [2] drwav_int32; /* The previous 2 samples for each channel (2 channels at most). */
+ };
+ ima: struct {
+ bytesRemainingInBlock: drwav_uint32;
+ predictor: [2] drwav_int32;
+ stepIndex: [2] drwav_int32;
+ cachedFrames: [16] drwav_int32; /* Samples are stored in this cache during decoding. */
+ cachedFrameCount: drwav_uint32;
+ };
+ aiff: struct {
+ isLE: drwav_bool8; /* Will be set to true if the audio data is little-endian encoded. */
+ };
+Initializes a pre-allocated drwav object for reading.
+pWav [out] A pointer to the drwav object being initialized.
+onRead [in] The function to call when data needs to be read from the client.
+onSeek [in] The function to call when the read position of the client data needs to move.
+onChunk [in, optional] The function to call when a chunk is enumerated at initialized time.
+pUserData, pReadSeekUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onRead and onSeek.
+pChunkUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onChunk.
+flags [in, optional] A set of flags for controlling how things are loaded.
+Returns true if successful; false otherwise.
+Close the loader with drwav_uninit().
+This is the lowest level function for initializing a WAV file. You can also use drwav_init_file() and drwav_init_memory()
+to open the stream from a file or from a block of memory respectively.
+Possible values for flags:
+DRWAV_SEQUENTIAL: Never perform a backwards seek while loading. This disables the chunk callback and will cause this function
+to return as soon as the data chunk is found. Any chunks after the data chunk will be ignored.
+drwav_init() is equivalent to "drwav_init_ex(pWav, onRead, onSeek, NULL, pUserData, NULL, 0);".
+The onChunk callback is not called for the WAVE or FMT chunks. The contents of the FMT chunk can be read from pWav->fmt
+after the function returns.
+See also: drwav_init_file(), drwav_init_memory(), drwav_uninit()
+drwav_init :: (pWav: *drwav, onRead: drwav_read_proc, onSeek: drwav_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_ex :: (pWav: *drwav, onRead: drwav_read_proc, onSeek: drwav_seek_proc, onChunk: drwav_chunk_proc, pReadSeekUserData: *void, pChunkUserData: *void, flags: drwav_uint32, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_with_metadata :: (pWav: *drwav, onRead: drwav_read_proc, onSeek: drwav_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, flags: drwav_uint32, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Initializes a pre-allocated drwav object for writing.
+onWrite [in] The function to call when data needs to be written.
+onSeek [in] The function to call when the write position needs to move.
+pUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onWrite and onSeek.
+metadata, numMetadata [in, optional] An array of metadata objects that should be written to the file. The array is not edited. You are responsible for this metadata memory and it must maintain valid until drwav_uninit() is called.
+Returns true if successful; false otherwise.
+Close the writer with drwav_uninit().
+This is the lowest level function for initializing a WAV file. You can also use drwav_init_file_write() and drwav_init_memory_write()
+to open the stream from a file or from a block of memory respectively.
+If the total sample count is known, you can use drwav_init_write_sequential(). This avoids the need for dr_wav to perform
+a post-processing step for storing the total sample count and the size of the data chunk which requires a backwards seek.
+See also: drwav_init_file_write(), drwav_init_memory_write(), drwav_uninit()
+drwav_init_write :: (pWav: *drwav, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, onWrite: drwav_write_proc, onSeek: drwav_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_write_sequential :: (pWav: *drwav, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, totalSampleCount: drwav_uint64, onWrite: drwav_write_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_write_sequential_pcm_frames :: (pWav: *drwav, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, totalPCMFrameCount: drwav_uint64, onWrite: drwav_write_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_write_with_metadata :: (pWav: *drwav, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, onWrite: drwav_write_proc, onSeek: drwav_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks, pMetadata: *drwav_metadata, metadataCount: drwav_uint32) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Utility function to determine the target size of the entire data to be written (including all headers and chunks).
+Returns the target size in bytes.
+The metadata argument can be NULL meaning no metadata exists.
+Useful if the application needs to know the size to allocate.
+Only writing to the RIFF chunk and one data chunk is currently supported.
+See also: drwav_init_write(), drwav_init_file_write(), drwav_init_memory_write()
+drwav_target_write_size_bytes :: (pFormat: *drwav_data_format, totalFrameCount: drwav_uint64, pMetadata: *drwav_metadata, metadataCount: drwav_uint32) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Take ownership of the metadata objects that were allocated via one of the init_with_metadata() function calls. The init_with_metdata functions perform a single heap allocation for this metadata.
+Useful if you want the data to persist beyond the lifetime of the drwav object.
+You must free the data returned from this function using drwav_free().
+drwav_take_ownership_of_metadata :: (pWav: *drwav) -> *drwav_metadata #foreign dr_libs;
+Uninitializes the given drwav object.
+Use this only for objects initialized with drwav_init*() functions (drwav_init(), drwav_init_ex(), drwav_init_write(), drwav_init_write_sequential()).
+drwav_uninit :: (pWav: *drwav) -> drwav_result #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads raw audio data.
+This is the lowest level function for reading audio data. It simply reads the given number of
+bytes of the raw internal sample data.
+Consider using drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16(), drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32() or drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32() for
+reading sample data in a consistent format.
+pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed.
+Returns the number of bytes actually read.
+drwav_read_raw :: (pWav: *drwav, bytesToRead: size_t, pBufferOut: *void) -> size_t #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads up to the specified number of PCM frames from the WAV file.
+The output data will be in the file's internal format, converted to native-endian byte order. Use
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16/f32/s32() to read data in a specific format.
+If the return value is less than it means the end of the file has been reached or
+you have requested more PCM frames than can possibly fit in the output buffer.
+This function will only work when sample data is of a fixed size and uncompressed. If you are
+using a compressed format consider using drwav_read_raw() or drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16/s32/f32().
+pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed.
+drwav_read_pcm_frames :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *void) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_le :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *void) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_be :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *void) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Seeks to the given PCM frame.
+Returns true if successful; false otherwise.
+drwav_seek_to_pcm_frame :: (pWav: *drwav, targetFrameIndex: drwav_uint64) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Retrieves the current read position in pcm frames.
+drwav_get_cursor_in_pcm_frames :: (pWav: *drwav, pCursor: *drwav_uint64) -> drwav_result #foreign dr_libs;
+Retrieves the length of the file.
+drwav_get_length_in_pcm_frames :: (pWav: *drwav, pLength: *drwav_uint64) -> drwav_result #foreign dr_libs;
+Writes raw audio data.
+Returns the number of bytes actually written. If this differs from bytesToWrite, it indicates an error.
+drwav_write_raw :: (pWav: *drwav, bytesToWrite: size_t, pData: *void) -> size_t #foreign dr_libs;
+Writes PCM frames.
+Returns the number of PCM frames written.
+Input samples need to be in native-endian byte order. On big-endian architectures the input data will be converted to
+little-endian. Use drwav_write_raw() to write raw audio data without performing any conversion.
+drwav_write_pcm_frames :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToWrite: drwav_uint64, pData: *void) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_write_pcm_frames_le :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToWrite: drwav_uint64, pData: *void) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_write_pcm_frames_be :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToWrite: drwav_uint64, pData: *void) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads a chunk of audio data and converts it to signed 16-bit PCM samples.
+pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed.
+Returns the number of PCM frames actually read.
+If the return value is less than it means the end of the file has been reached.
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *drwav_int16) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16le :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *drwav_int16) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_s16be :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *drwav_int16) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting unsigned 8-bit PCM samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_u8_to_s16 :: (pOut: *drwav_int16, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting signed 24-bit PCM samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_s24_to_s16 :: (pOut: *drwav_int16, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting signed 32-bit PCM samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_s32_to_s16 :: (pOut: *drwav_int16, pIn: *drwav_int32, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 32-bit floating point samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_f32_to_s16 :: (pOut: *drwav_int16, pIn: *float, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 64-bit floating point samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_f64_to_s16 :: (pOut: *drwav_int16, pIn: *float64, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting A-law samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_alaw_to_s16 :: (pOut: *drwav_int16, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting u-law samples to signed 16-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_mulaw_to_s16 :: (pOut: *drwav_int16, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads a chunk of audio data and converts it to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples.
+pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed.
+Returns the number of PCM frames actually read.
+If the return value is less than it means the end of the file has been reached.
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *float) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32le :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *float) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_f32be :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *float) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting unsigned 8-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */
+drwav_u8_to_f32 :: (pOut: *float, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting signed 16-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */
+drwav_s16_to_f32 :: (pOut: *float, pIn: *drwav_int16, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting signed 24-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */
+drwav_s24_to_f32 :: (pOut: *float, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting signed 32-bit PCM samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */
+drwav_s32_to_f32 :: (pOut: *float, pIn: *drwav_int32, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 64-bit floating point samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */
+drwav_f64_to_f32 :: (pOut: *float, pIn: *float64, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting A-law samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */
+drwav_alaw_to_f32 :: (pOut: *float, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting u-law samples to IEEE 32-bit floating point samples. */
+drwav_mulaw_to_f32 :: (pOut: *float, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads a chunk of audio data and converts it to signed 32-bit PCM samples.
+pBufferOut can be NULL in which case a seek will be performed.
+Returns the number of PCM frames actually read.
+If the return value is less than it means the end of the file has been reached.
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32 :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *drwav_int32) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32le :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *drwav_int32) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_read_pcm_frames_s32be :: (pWav: *drwav, framesToRead: drwav_uint64, pBufferOut: *drwav_int32) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting unsigned 8-bit PCM samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_u8_to_s32 :: (pOut: *drwav_int32, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting signed 16-bit PCM samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_s16_to_s32 :: (pOut: *drwav_int32, pIn: *drwav_int16, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting signed 24-bit PCM samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_s24_to_s32 :: (pOut: *drwav_int32, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 32-bit floating point samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_f32_to_s32 :: (pOut: *drwav_int32, pIn: *float, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting IEEE 64-bit floating point samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_f64_to_s32 :: (pOut: *drwav_int32, pIn: *float64, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting A-law samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_alaw_to_s32 :: (pOut: *drwav_int32, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Low-level function for converting u-law samples to signed 32-bit PCM samples. */
+drwav_mulaw_to_s32 :: (pOut: *drwav_int32, pIn: *drwav_uint8, sampleCount: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+Helper for initializing a wave file for reading using stdio.
+This holds the internal FILE object until drwav_uninit() is called. Keep this in mind if you're caching drwav
+objects because the operating system may restrict the number of file handles an application can have open at
+any given time.
+drwav_init_file :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *u8, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_ex :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *u8, onChunk: drwav_chunk_proc, pChunkUserData: *void, flags: drwav_uint32, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_w :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *wchar_t, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_ex_w :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *wchar_t, onChunk: drwav_chunk_proc, pChunkUserData: *void, flags: drwav_uint32, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_with_metadata :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *u8, flags: drwav_uint32, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_with_metadata_w :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *wchar_t, flags: drwav_uint32, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Helper for initializing a wave file for writing using stdio.
+This holds the internal FILE object until drwav_uninit() is called. Keep this in mind if you're caching drwav
+objects because the operating system may restrict the number of file handles an application can have open at
+any given time.
+drwav_init_file_write :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *u8, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_write_sequential :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *u8, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, totalSampleCount: drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *u8, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, totalPCMFrameCount: drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_write_w :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *wchar_t, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_write_sequential_w :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *wchar_t, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, totalSampleCount: drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_file_write_sequential_pcm_frames_w :: (pWav: *drwav, filename: *wchar_t, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, totalPCMFrameCount: drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Helper for initializing a loader from a pre-allocated memory buffer.
+This does not create a copy of the data. It is up to the application to ensure the buffer remains valid for
+the lifetime of the drwav object.
+The buffer should contain the contents of the entire wave file, not just the sample data.
+drwav_init_memory :: (pWav: *drwav, data: *void, dataSize: size_t, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_memory_ex :: (pWav: *drwav, data: *void, dataSize: size_t, onChunk: drwav_chunk_proc, pChunkUserData: *void, flags: drwav_uint32, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_memory_with_metadata :: (pWav: *drwav, data: *void, dataSize: size_t, flags: drwav_uint32, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Helper for initializing a writer which outputs data to a memory buffer.
+dr_wav will manage the memory allocations, however it is up to the caller to free the data with drwav_free().
+The buffer will remain allocated even after drwav_uninit() is called. The buffer should not be considered valid
+until after drwav_uninit() has been called.
+drwav_init_memory_write :: (pWav: *drwav, ppData: **void, pDataSize: *size_t, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_memory_write_sequential :: (pWav: *drwav, ppData: **void, pDataSize: *size_t, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, totalSampleCount: drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_init_memory_write_sequential_pcm_frames :: (pWav: *drwav, ppData: **void, pDataSize: *size_t, pFormat: *drwav_data_format, totalPCMFrameCount: drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens and reads an entire wav file in a single operation.
+The return value is a heap-allocated buffer containing the audio data. Use drwav_free() to free the buffer.
+drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (onRead: drwav_read_proc, onSeek: drwav_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *drwav_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (onRead: drwav_read_proc, onSeek: drwav_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 :: (onRead: drwav_read_proc, onSeek: drwav_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *drwav_int32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens and decodes an entire wav file in a single operation.
+The return value is a heap-allocated buffer containing the audio data. Use drwav_free() to free the buffer.
+drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (filename: *u8, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *drwav_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (filename: *u8, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 :: (filename: *u8, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *drwav_int32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16_w :: (filename: *wchar_t, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *drwav_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32_w :: (filename: *wchar_t, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32_w :: (filename: *wchar_t, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *drwav_int32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens and decodes an entire wav file from a block of memory in a single operation.
+The return value is a heap-allocated buffer containing the audio data. Use drwav_free() to free the buffer.
+drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (data: *void, dataSize: size_t, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *drwav_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (data: *void, dataSize: size_t, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 :: (data: *void, dataSize: size_t, channelsOut: *u32, sampleRateOut: *u32, totalFrameCountOut: *drwav_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> *drwav_int32 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Frees data that was allocated internally by dr_wav. */
+drwav_free :: (p: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drwav_allocation_callbacks) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Converts bytes from a wav stream to a sized type of native endian. */
+drwav_bytes_to_u16 :: (data: *drwav_uint8) -> drwav_uint16 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_bytes_to_s16 :: (data: *drwav_uint8) -> drwav_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_bytes_to_u32 :: (data: *drwav_uint8) -> drwav_uint32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_bytes_to_s32 :: (data: *drwav_uint8) -> drwav_int32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_bytes_to_u64 :: (data: *drwav_uint8) -> drwav_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_bytes_to_s64 :: (data: *drwav_uint8) -> drwav_int64 #foreign dr_libs;
+drwav_bytes_to_f32 :: (data: *drwav_uint8) -> float #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Compares a GUID for the purpose of checking the type of a Wave64 chunk. */
+drwav_guid_equal :: (a: *[16] drwav_uint8, b: *[16] drwav_uint8) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Compares a four-character-code for the purpose of checking the type of a RIFF chunk. */
+drwav_fourcc_equal :: (a: *drwav_uint8, b: *u8) -> drwav_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Sized Types */
+drflac_int8 :: s8;
+drflac_uint8 :: u8;
+drflac_int16 :: s16;
+drflac_uint16 :: u16;
+drflac_int32 :: s32;
+drflac_uint32 :: u32;
+drflac_int64 :: s64;
+drflac_uint64 :: u64;
+drflac_uintptr :: drflac_uint64;
+drflac_bool8 :: drflac_uint8;
+drflac_bool32 :: drflac_uint32;
+drflac_version :: (pMajor: *drflac_uint32, pMinor: *drflac_uint32, pRevision: *drflac_uint32) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+drflac_version_string :: () -> *u8 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Allocation Callbacks */
+drflac_allocation_callbacks :: struct {
+ pUserData: *void;
+ onMalloc: #type (sz: size_t, pUserData: *void) -> *void #c_call;
+ onRealloc: #type (p: *void, sz: size_t, pUserData: *void) -> *void #c_call;
+ onFree: #type (p: *void, pUserData: *void) -> void #c_call;
+drflac_cache_t :: drflac_uint64;
+drflac_container :: enum s32 {
+ native :: 0;
+ ogg :: 1;
+ unknown :: 2;
+ drflac_container_native :: native;
+ drflac_container_ogg :: ogg;
+ drflac_container_unknown :: unknown;
+drflac_seek_origin :: enum s32 {
+ start :: 0;
+ current :: 1;
+ drflac_seek_origin_start :: start;
+ drflac_seek_origin_current :: current;
+/* The order of members in this structure is important because we map this directly to the raw data within the SEEKTABLE metadata block. */
+drflac_seekpoint :: struct {
+ firstPCMFrame: drflac_uint64;
+ flacFrameOffset: drflac_uint64; /* The offset from the first byte of the header of the first frame. */
+ pcmFrameCount: drflac_uint16;
+drflac_streaminfo :: struct {
+ minBlockSizeInPCMFrames: drflac_uint16;
+ maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames: drflac_uint16;
+ minFrameSizeInPCMFrames: drflac_uint32;
+ maxFrameSizeInPCMFrames: drflac_uint32;
+ sampleRate: drflac_uint32;
+ channels: drflac_uint8;
+ bitsPerSample: drflac_uint8;
+ totalPCMFrameCount: drflac_uint64;
+ md5: [16] drflac_uint8;
+drflac_metadata :: struct {
+ /*
+ The metadata type. Use this to know how to interpret the data below. Will be set to one of the
+ */
+ type: drflac_uint32;
+ /*
+ A pointer to the raw data. This points to a temporary buffer so don't hold on to it. It's best to
+ not modify the contents of this buffer. Use the structures below for more meaningful and structured
+ information about the metadata. It's possible for this to be null.
+ */
+ pRawData: *void;
+ /* The size in bytes of the block and the buffer pointed to by pRawData if it's non-NULL. */
+ rawDataSize: drflac_uint32;
+ data: union {
+ streaminfo: drflac_streaminfo;
+ padding: struct {
+ unused: s32;
+ };
+ application: struct {
+ id: drflac_uint32;
+ pData: *void;
+ dataSize: drflac_uint32;
+ };
+ seektable: struct {
+ seekpointCount: drflac_uint32;
+ pSeekpoints: *drflac_seekpoint;
+ };
+ vorbis_comment: struct {
+ vendorLength: drflac_uint32;
+ vendor: *u8;
+ commentCount: drflac_uint32;
+ pComments: *void;
+ };
+ cuesheet: struct {
+ catalog: [128] u8;
+ leadInSampleCount: drflac_uint64;
+ isCD: drflac_bool32;
+ trackCount: drflac_uint8;
+ pTrackData: *void;
+ };
+ picture: struct {
+ type: drflac_uint32;
+ mimeLength: drflac_uint32;
+ mime: *u8;
+ descriptionLength: drflac_uint32;
+ description: *u8;
+ width: drflac_uint32;
+ height: drflac_uint32;
+ colorDepth: drflac_uint32;
+ indexColorCount: drflac_uint32;
+ pictureDataSize: drflac_uint32;
+ pPictureData: *drflac_uint8;
+ };
+ };
+Callback for when data needs to be read from the client.
+pUserData (in)
+The user data that was passed to drflac_open() and family.
+pBufferOut (out)
+The output buffer.
+bytesToRead (in)
+The number of bytes to read.
+Return Value
+The number of bytes actually read.
+A return value of less than bytesToRead indicates the end of the stream. Do _not_ return from this callback until either the entire bytesToRead is filled or
+you have reached the end of the stream.
+drflac_read_proc :: #type (pUserData: *void, pBufferOut: *void, bytesToRead: size_t) -> size_t #c_call;
+Callback for when data needs to be seeked.
+pUserData (in)
+The user data that was passed to drflac_open() and family.
+offset (in)
+The number of bytes to move, relative to the origin. Will never be negative.
+origin (in)
+The origin of the seek - the current position or the start of the stream.
+Return Value
+Whether or not the seek was successful.
+The offset will never be negative. Whether or not it is relative to the beginning or current position is determined by the "origin" parameter which will be
+either drflac_seek_origin_start or drflac_seek_origin_current.
+When seeking to a PCM frame using drflac_seek_to_pcm_frame(), dr_flac may call this with an offset beyond the end of the FLAC stream. This needs to be detected
+and handled by returning DRFLAC_FALSE.
+drflac_seek_proc :: #type (pUserData: *void, offset: s32, origin: drflac_seek_origin) -> drflac_bool32 #c_call;
+Callback for when a metadata block is read.
+pUserData (in)
+The user data that was passed to drflac_open() and family.
+pMetadata (in)
+A pointer to a structure containing the data of the metadata block.
+Use pMetadata->type to determine which metadata block is being handled and how to read the data. This
+will be set to one of the DRFLAC_METADATA_BLOCK_TYPE_* tokens.
+drflac_meta_proc :: #type (pUserData: *void, pMetadata: *drflac_metadata) -> void #c_call;
+/* Structure for internal use. Only used for decoders opened with drflac_open_memory. */
+drflac__memory_stream :: struct {
+ data: *drflac_uint8;
+ dataSize: size_t;
+ currentReadPos: size_t;
+/* Structure for internal use. Used for bit streaming. */
+drflac_bs :: struct {
+ /* The function to call when more data needs to be read. */
+ onRead: drflac_read_proc;
+ /* The function to call when the current read position needs to be moved. */
+ onSeek: drflac_seek_proc;
+ /* The user data to pass around to onRead and onSeek. */
+ pUserData: *void;
+ /*
+ The number of unaligned bytes in the L2 cache. This will always be 0 until the end of the stream is hit. At the end of the
+ stream there will be a number of bytes that don't cleanly fit in an L1 cache line, so we use this variable to know whether
+ or not the bistreamer needs to run on a slower path to read those last bytes. This will never be more than sizeof(drflac_cache_t).
+ */
+ unalignedByteCount: size_t;
+ /* The content of the unaligned bytes. */
+ unalignedCache: drflac_cache_t;
+ /* The index of the next valid cache line in the "L2" cache. */
+ nextL2Line: drflac_uint32;
+ /* The number of bits that have been consumed by the cache. This is used to determine how many valid bits are remaining. */
+ consumedBits: drflac_uint32;
+ /*
+ The cached data which was most recently read from the client. There are two levels of cache. Data flows as such:
+ Client -> L2 -> L1. The L2 -> L1 movement is aligned and runs on a fast path in just a few instructions.
+ */
+ cacheL2: [512] drflac_cache_t;
+ cache: drflac_cache_t;
+ /*
+ CRC-16. This is updated whenever bits are read from the bit stream. Manually set this to 0 to reset the CRC. For FLAC, this
+ is reset to 0 at the beginning of each frame.
+ */
+ crc16: drflac_uint16;
+ crc16Cache: drflac_cache_t; /* A cache for optimizing CRC calculations. This is filled when when the L1 cache is reloaded. */
+ crc16CacheIgnoredBytes: drflac_uint32; /* The number of bytes to ignore when updating the CRC-16 from the CRC-16 cache. */
+drflac_subframe :: struct {
+ subframeType: drflac_uint8;
+ /* The number of wasted bits per sample as specified by the sub-frame header. */
+ wastedBitsPerSample: drflac_uint8;
+ /* The order to use for the prediction stage for SUBFRAME_FIXED and SUBFRAME_LPC. */
+ lpcOrder: drflac_uint8;
+ /* A pointer to the buffer containing the decoded samples in the subframe. This pointer is an offset from drflac::pExtraData. */
+ pSamplesS32: *drflac_int32;
+drflac_frame_header :: struct {
+ /*
+ If the stream uses variable block sizes, this will be set to the index of the first PCM frame. If fixed block sizes are used, this will
+ always be set to 0. This is 64-bit because the decoded PCM frame number will be 36 bits.
+ */
+ pcmFrameNumber: drflac_uint64;
+ /*
+ If the stream uses fixed block sizes, this will be set to the frame number. If variable block sizes are used, this will always be 0. This
+ is 32-bit because in fixed block sizes, the maximum frame number will be 31 bits.
+ */
+ flacFrameNumber: drflac_uint32;
+ /* The sample rate of this frame. */
+ sampleRate: drflac_uint32;
+ /* The number of PCM frames in each sub-frame within this frame. */
+ blockSizeInPCMFrames: drflac_uint16;
+ /*
+ The channel assignment of this frame. This is not always set to the channel count. If interchannel decorrelation is being used this
+ */
+ channelAssignment: drflac_uint8;
+ /* The number of bits per sample within this frame. */
+ bitsPerSample: drflac_uint8;
+ /* The frame's CRC. */
+ crc8: drflac_uint8;
+drflac_frame :: struct {
+ /* The header. */
+ header: drflac_frame_header;
+ /*
+ The number of PCM frames left to be read in this FLAC frame. This is initially set to the block size. As PCM frames are read,
+ this will be decremented. When it reaches 0, the decoder will see this frame as fully consumed and load the next frame.
+ */
+ pcmFramesRemaining: drflac_uint32;
+ /* The list of sub-frames within the frame. There is one sub-frame for each channel, and there's a maximum of 8 channels. */
+ subframes: [8] drflac_subframe;
+drflac :: struct {
+ /* The function to call when a metadata block is read. */
+ onMeta: drflac_meta_proc;
+ /* The user data posted to the metadata callback function. */
+ pUserDataMD: *void;
+ /* Memory allocation callbacks. */
+ allocationCallbacks: drflac_allocation_callbacks;
+ /* The sample rate. Will be set to something like 44100. */
+ sampleRate: drflac_uint32;
+ /*
+ The number of channels. This will be set to 1 for monaural streams, 2 for stereo, etc. Maximum 8. This is set based on the
+ value specified in the STREAMINFO block.
+ */
+ channels: drflac_uint8;
+ /* The bits per sample. Will be set to something like 16, 24, etc. */
+ bitsPerSample: drflac_uint8;
+ /* The maximum block size, in samples. This number represents the number of samples in each channel (not combined). */
+ maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames: drflac_uint16;
+ /*
+ The total number of PCM Frames making up the stream. Can be 0 in which case it's still a valid stream, but just means
+ the total PCM frame count is unknown. Likely the case with streams like internet radio.
+ */
+ totalPCMFrameCount: drflac_uint64;
+ /* The container type. This is set based on whether or not the decoder was opened from a native or Ogg stream. */
+ container: drflac_container;
+ /* The number of seekpoints in the seektable. */
+ seekpointCount: drflac_uint32;
+ /* Information about the frame the decoder is currently sitting on. */
+ currentFLACFrame: drflac_frame;
+ /* The index of the PCM frame the decoder is currently sitting on. This is only used for seeking. */
+ currentPCMFrame: drflac_uint64;
+ /* The position of the first FLAC frame in the stream. This is only ever used for seeking. */
+ firstFLACFramePosInBytes: drflac_uint64;
+ /* A hack to avoid a malloc() when opening a decoder with drflac_open_memory(). */
+ memoryStream: drflac__memory_stream;
+ /* A pointer to the decoded sample data. This is an offset of pExtraData. */
+ pDecodedSamples: *drflac_int32;
+ /* A pointer to the seek table. This is an offset of pExtraData, or NULL if there is no seek table. */
+ pSeekpoints: *drflac_seekpoint;
+ /* Internal use only. Only used with Ogg containers. Points to a drflac_oggbs object. This is an offset of pExtraData. */
+ _oggbs: *void;
+ /* Internal use only. Used for profiling and testing different seeking modes. */
+ _noSeekTableSeek: drflac_bool32;
+ #place _noSeekTableSeek; /*bitfield 1*/ _noBinarySearchSeek: drflac_bool32;
+ #place _noSeekTableSeek; /*bitfield 2*/ _noBruteForceSeek: drflac_bool32;
+ /* The bit streamer. The raw FLAC data is fed through this object. */
+ bs: drflac_bs;
+ /* Variable length extra data. We attach this to the end of the object so we can avoid unnecessary mallocs. */
+ pExtraData: [1] drflac_uint8;
+Opens a FLAC decoder.
+onRead (in)
+The function to call when data needs to be read from the client.
+onSeek (in)
+The function to call when the read position of the client data needs to move.
+pUserData (in, optional)
+A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onRead and onSeek.
+pAllocationCallbacks (in, optional)
+A pointer to application defined callbacks for managing memory allocations.
+Return Value
+Returns a pointer to an object representing the decoder.
+Close the decoder with `drflac_close()`.
+`pAllocationCallbacks` can be NULL in which case it will use `DRFLAC_MALLOC`, `DRFLAC_REALLOC` and `DRFLAC_FREE`.
+This function will automatically detect whether or not you are attempting to open a native or Ogg encapsulated FLAC, both of which should work seamlessly
+without any manual intervention. Ogg encapsulation also works with multiplexed streams which basically means it can play FLAC encoded audio tracks in videos.
+This is the lowest level function for opening a FLAC stream. You can also use `drflac_open_file()` and `drflac_open_memory()` to open the stream from a file or
+from a block of memory respectively.
+The STREAMINFO block must be present for this to succeed. Use `drflac_open_relaxed()` to open a FLAC stream where the header may not be present.
+Use `drflac_open_with_metadata()` if you need access to metadata.
+Seek Also
+drflac_open :: (onRead: drflac_read_proc, onSeek: drflac_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens a FLAC stream with relaxed validation of the header block.
+onRead (in)
+The function to call when data needs to be read from the client.
+onSeek (in)
+The function to call when the read position of the client data needs to move.
+container (in)
+Whether or not the FLAC stream is encapsulated using standard FLAC encapsulation or Ogg encapsulation.
+pUserData (in, optional)
+A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onRead and onSeek.
+pAllocationCallbacks (in, optional)
+A pointer to application defined callbacks for managing memory allocations.
+Return Value
+A pointer to an object representing the decoder.
+The same as drflac_open(), except attempts to open the stream even when a header block is not present.
+Because the header is not necessarily available, the caller must explicitly define the container (Native or Ogg). Do not set this to `drflac_container_unknown`
+as that is for internal use only.
+Opening in relaxed mode will continue reading data from onRead until it finds a valid frame. If a frame is never found it will continue forever. To abort,
+force your `onRead` callback to return 0, which dr_flac will use as an indicator that the end of the stream was found.
+Use `drflac_open_with_metadata_relaxed()` if you need access to metadata.
+drflac_open_relaxed :: (onRead: drflac_read_proc, onSeek: drflac_seek_proc, container: drflac_container, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens a FLAC decoder and notifies the caller of the metadata chunks (album art, etc.).
+onRead (in)
+The function to call when data needs to be read from the client.
+onSeek (in)
+The function to call when the read position of the client data needs to move.
+onMeta (in)
+The function to call for every metadata block.
+pUserData (in, optional)
+A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onRead, onSeek and onMeta.
+pAllocationCallbacks (in, optional)
+A pointer to application defined callbacks for managing memory allocations.
+Return Value
+A pointer to an object representing the decoder.
+Close the decoder with `drflac_close()`.
+`pAllocationCallbacks` can be NULL in which case it will use `DRFLAC_MALLOC`, `DRFLAC_REALLOC` and `DRFLAC_FREE`.
+This is slower than `drflac_open()`, so avoid this one if you don't need metadata. Internally, this will allocate and free memory on the heap for every
+metadata block except for STREAMINFO and PADDING blocks.
+The caller is notified of the metadata via the `onMeta` callback. All metadata blocks will be handled before the function returns. This callback takes a
+pointer to a `drflac_metadata` object which is a union containing the data of all relevant metadata blocks. Use the `type` member to discriminate against
+the different metadata types.
+The STREAMINFO block must be present for this to succeed. Use `drflac_open_with_metadata_relaxed()` to open a FLAC stream where the header may not be present.
+Note that this will behave inconsistently with `drflac_open()` if the stream is an Ogg encapsulated stream and a metadata block is corrupted. This is due to
+the way the Ogg stream recovers from corrupted pages. When `drflac_open_with_metadata()` is being used, the open routine will try to read the contents of the
+metadata block, whereas `drflac_open()` will simply seek past it (for the sake of efficiency). This inconsistency can result in different samples being
+returned depending on whether or not the stream is being opened with metadata.
+Seek Also
+drflac_open_with_metadata :: (onRead: drflac_read_proc, onSeek: drflac_seek_proc, onMeta: drflac_meta_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+The same as drflac_open_with_metadata(), except attempts to open the stream even when a header block is not present.
+See Also
+drflac_open_with_metadata_relaxed :: (onRead: drflac_read_proc, onSeek: drflac_seek_proc, onMeta: drflac_meta_proc, container: drflac_container, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+Closes the given FLAC decoder.
+pFlac (in)
+The decoder to close.
+This will destroy the decoder object.
+See Also
+drflac_close :: (pFlac: *drflac) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads sample data from the given FLAC decoder, output as interleaved signed 32-bit PCM.
+pFlac (in)
+The decoder.
+framesToRead (in)
+The number of PCM frames to read.
+pBufferOut (out, optional)
+A pointer to the buffer that will receive the decoded samples.
+Return Value
+Returns the number of PCM frames actually read. If the return value is less than `framesToRead` it has reached the end.
+pBufferOut can be null, in which case the call will act as a seek, and the return value will be the number of frames seeked.
+drflac_read_pcm_frames_s32 :: (pFlac: *drflac, framesToRead: drflac_uint64, pBufferOut: *drflac_int32) -> drflac_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads sample data from the given FLAC decoder, output as interleaved signed 16-bit PCM.
+pFlac (in)
+The decoder.
+framesToRead (in)
+The number of PCM frames to read.
+pBufferOut (out, optional)
+A pointer to the buffer that will receive the decoded samples.
+Return Value
+Returns the number of PCM frames actually read. If the return value is less than `framesToRead` it has reached the end.
+pBufferOut can be null, in which case the call will act as a seek, and the return value will be the number of frames seeked.
+Note that this is lossy for streams where the bits per sample is larger than 16.
+drflac_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (pFlac: *drflac, framesToRead: drflac_uint64, pBufferOut: *drflac_int16) -> drflac_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads sample data from the given FLAC decoder, output as interleaved 32-bit floating point PCM.
+pFlac (in)
+The decoder.
+framesToRead (in)
+The number of PCM frames to read.
+pBufferOut (out, optional)
+A pointer to the buffer that will receive the decoded samples.
+Return Value
+Returns the number of PCM frames actually read. If the return value is less than `framesToRead` it has reached the end.
+pBufferOut can be null, in which case the call will act as a seek, and the return value will be the number of frames seeked.
+Note that this should be considered lossy due to the nature of floating point numbers not being able to exactly represent every possible number.
+drflac_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (pFlac: *drflac, framesToRead: drflac_uint64, pBufferOut: *float) -> drflac_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Seeks to the PCM frame at the given index.
+pFlac (in)
+The decoder.
+pcmFrameIndex (in)
+The index of the PCM frame to seek to. See notes below.
+Return Value
+`DRFLAC_TRUE` if successful; `DRFLAC_FALSE` otherwise.
+drflac_seek_to_pcm_frame :: (pFlac: *drflac, pcmFrameIndex: drflac_uint64) -> drflac_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens a FLAC decoder from the file at the given path.
+pFileName (in)
+The path of the file to open, either absolute or relative to the current directory.
+pAllocationCallbacks (in, optional)
+A pointer to application defined callbacks for managing memory allocations.
+Return Value
+A pointer to an object representing the decoder.
+Close the decoder with drflac_close().
+This will hold a handle to the file until the decoder is closed with drflac_close(). Some platforms will restrict the number of files a process can have open
+at any given time, so keep this mind if you have many decoders open at the same time.
+See Also
+drflac_open_file :: (pFileName: *u8, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+drflac_open_file_w :: (pFileName: *wchar_t, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens a FLAC decoder from the file at the given path and notifies the caller of the metadata chunks (album art, etc.)
+pFileName (in)
+The path of the file to open, either absolute or relative to the current directory.
+pAllocationCallbacks (in, optional)
+A pointer to application defined callbacks for managing memory allocations.
+onMeta (in)
+The callback to fire for each metadata block.
+pUserData (in)
+A pointer to the user data to pass to the metadata callback.
+pAllocationCallbacks (in)
+A pointer to application defined callbacks for managing memory allocations.
+Look at the documentation for drflac_open_with_metadata() for more information on how metadata is handled.
+See Also
+drflac_open_file_with_metadata :: (pFileName: *u8, onMeta: drflac_meta_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+drflac_open_file_with_metadata_w :: (pFileName: *wchar_t, onMeta: drflac_meta_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens a FLAC decoder from a pre-allocated block of memory
+pData (in)
+A pointer to the raw encoded FLAC data.
+dataSize (in)
+The size in bytes of `data`.
+pAllocationCallbacks (in)
+A pointer to application defined callbacks for managing memory allocations.
+Return Value
+A pointer to an object representing the decoder.
+This does not create a copy of the data. It is up to the application to ensure the buffer remains valid for the lifetime of the decoder.
+See Also
+drflac_open_memory :: (pData: *void, dataSize: size_t, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens a FLAC decoder from a pre-allocated block of memory and notifies the caller of the metadata chunks (album art, etc.)
+pData (in)
+A pointer to the raw encoded FLAC data.
+dataSize (in)
+The size in bytes of `data`.
+onMeta (in)
+The callback to fire for each metadata block.
+pUserData (in)
+A pointer to the user data to pass to the metadata callback.
+pAllocationCallbacks (in)
+A pointer to application defined callbacks for managing memory allocations.
+Look at the documentation for drflac_open_with_metadata() for more information on how metadata is handled.
+See Also
+drflac_open_memory_with_metadata :: (pData: *void, dataSize: size_t, onMeta: drflac_meta_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens a FLAC stream from the given callbacks and fully decodes it in a single operation. The return value is a
+pointer to the sample data as interleaved signed 32-bit PCM. The returned data must be freed with drflac_free().
+You can pass in custom memory allocation callbacks via the pAllocationCallbacks parameter. This can be NULL in which
+Sometimes a FLAC file won't keep track of the total sample count. In this situation the function will continuously
+read samples into a dynamically sized buffer on the heap until no samples are left.
+Do not call this function on a broadcast type of stream (like internet radio streams and whatnot).
+drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 :: (onRead: drflac_read_proc, onSeek: drflac_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, channels: *u32, sampleRate: *u32, totalPCMFrameCount: *drflac_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac_int32 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Same as drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(), except returns signed 16-bit integer samples. */
+drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (onRead: drflac_read_proc, onSeek: drflac_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, channels: *u32, sampleRate: *u32, totalPCMFrameCount: *drflac_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Same as drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(), except returns 32-bit floating-point samples. */
+drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (onRead: drflac_read_proc, onSeek: drflac_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, channels: *u32, sampleRate: *u32, totalPCMFrameCount: *drflac_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Same as drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() except opens the decoder from a file. */
+drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 :: (filename: *u8, channels: *u32, sampleRate: *u32, totalPCMFrameCount: *drflac_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac_int32 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Same as drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(), except returns signed 16-bit integer samples. */
+drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (filename: *u8, channels: *u32, sampleRate: *u32, totalPCMFrameCount: *drflac_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Same as drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(), except returns 32-bit floating-point samples. */
+drflac_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (filename: *u8, channels: *u32, sampleRate: *u32, totalPCMFrameCount: *drflac_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Same as drflac_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s32() except opens the decoder from a block of memory. */
+drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32 :: (data: *void, dataSize: size_t, channels: *u32, sampleRate: *u32, totalPCMFrameCount: *drflac_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac_int32 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Same as drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(), except returns signed 16-bit integer samples. */
+drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (data: *void, dataSize: size_t, channels: *u32, sampleRate: *u32, totalPCMFrameCount: *drflac_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *drflac_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Same as drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s32(), except returns 32-bit floating-point samples. */
+drflac_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (data: *void, dataSize: size_t, channels: *u32, sampleRate: *u32, totalPCMFrameCount: *drflac_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+Frees memory that was allocated internally by dr_flac.
+Set pAllocationCallbacks to the same object that was passed to drflac_open_*_and_read_pcm_frames_*(). If you originally passed in NULL, pass in NULL for this.
+drflac_free :: (p: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drflac_allocation_callbacks) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Structure representing an iterator for vorbis comments in a VORBIS_COMMENT metadata block. */
+drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator :: struct {
+ countRemaining: drflac_uint32;
+ pRunningData: *u8;
+Initializes a vorbis comment iterator. This can be used for iterating over the vorbis comments in a VORBIS_COMMENT
+metadata block.
+drflac_init_vorbis_comment_iterator :: (pIter: *drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator, commentCount: drflac_uint32, pComments: *void) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+Goes to the next vorbis comment in the given iterator. If null is returned it means there are no more comments. The
+returned string is NOT null terminated.
+drflac_next_vorbis_comment :: (pIter: *drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator, pCommentLengthOut: *drflac_uint32) -> *u8 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Structure representing an iterator for cuesheet tracks in a CUESHEET metadata block. */
+drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator :: struct {
+ countRemaining: drflac_uint32;
+ pRunningData: *u8;
+/* The order of members here is important because we map this directly to the raw data within the CUESHEET metadata block. */
+drflac_cuesheet_track_index :: struct {
+ offset: drflac_uint64;
+ index: drflac_uint8;
+ reserved: [3] drflac_uint8;
+drflac_cuesheet_track :: struct {
+ offset: drflac_uint64;
+ trackNumber: drflac_uint8;
+ ISRC: [12] u8;
+ isAudio: drflac_bool8;
+ preEmphasis: drflac_bool8;
+ indexCount: drflac_uint8;
+ pIndexPoints: *drflac_cuesheet_track_index;
+Initializes a cuesheet track iterator. This can be used for iterating over the cuesheet tracks in a CUESHEET metadata
+drflac_init_cuesheet_track_iterator :: (pIter: *drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator, trackCount: drflac_uint32, pTrackData: *void) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Goes to the next cuesheet track in the given iterator. If DRFLAC_FALSE is returned it means there are no more comments. */
+drflac_next_cuesheet_track :: (pIter: *drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator, pCuesheetTrack: *drflac_cuesheet_track) -> drflac_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Sized Types */
+drmp3_int8 :: s8;
+drmp3_uint8 :: u8;
+drmp3_int16 :: s16;
+drmp3_uint16 :: u16;
+drmp3_int32 :: s32;
+drmp3_uint32 :: u32;
+drmp3_int64 :: s64;
+drmp3_uint64 :: u64;
+drmp3_uintptr :: drmp3_uint64;
+drmp3_bool8 :: drmp3_uint8;
+drmp3_bool32 :: drmp3_uint32;
+/* Result Codes */
+drmp3_result :: drmp3_int32;
+/* End Inline */
+drmp3_version :: (pMajor: *drmp3_uint32, pMinor: *drmp3_uint32, pRevision: *drmp3_uint32) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+drmp3_version_string :: () -> *u8 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Allocation Callbacks */
+drmp3_allocation_callbacks :: struct {
+ pUserData: *void;
+ onMalloc: #type (sz: size_t, pUserData: *void) -> *void #c_call;
+ onRealloc: #type (p: *void, sz: size_t, pUserData: *void) -> *void #c_call;
+ onFree: #type (p: *void, pUserData: *void) -> void #c_call;
+Low Level Push API
+drmp3dec_frame_info :: struct {
+ frame_bytes: s32;
+ channels: s32;
+ hz: s32;
+ layer: s32;
+ bitrate_kbps: s32;
+drmp3dec :: struct {
+ mdct_overlap: [2] [288] float;
+ qmf_state: [960] float;
+ reserv: s32;
+ free_format_bytes: s32;
+ header: [4] drmp3_uint8;
+ reserv_buf: [511] drmp3_uint8;
+/* Initializes a low level decoder. */
+drmp3dec_init :: (dec: *drmp3dec) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Reads a frame from a low level decoder. */
+drmp3dec_decode_frame :: (dec: *drmp3dec, mp3: *drmp3_uint8, mp3_bytes: s32, pcm: *void, info: *drmp3dec_frame_info) -> s32 #foreign dr_libs;
+/* Helper for converting between f32 and s16. */
+drmp3dec_f32_to_s16 :: (in: *float, out: *drmp3_int16, num_samples: size_t) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+Main API (Pull API)
+drmp3_seek_origin :: enum s32 {
+ start :: 0;
+ current :: 1;
+ drmp3_seek_origin_start :: start;
+ drmp3_seek_origin_current :: current;
+drmp3_seek_point :: struct {
+ seekPosInBytes: drmp3_uint64; /* Points to the first byte of an MP3 frame. */
+ pcmFrameIndex: drmp3_uint64; /* The index of the PCM frame this seek point targets. */
+ mp3FramesToDiscard: drmp3_uint16; /* The number of whole MP3 frames to be discarded before pcmFramesToDiscard. */
+ pcmFramesToDiscard: drmp3_uint16; /* The number of leading samples to read and discard. These are discarded after mp3FramesToDiscard. */
+Callback for when data is read. Return value is the number of bytes actually read.
+pUserData [in] The user data that was passed to drmp3_init(), drmp3_open() and family.
+pBufferOut [out] The output buffer.
+bytesToRead [in] The number of bytes to read.
+Returns the number of bytes actually read.
+A return value of less than bytesToRead indicates the end of the stream. Do _not_ return from this callback until
+either the entire bytesToRead is filled or you have reached the end of the stream.
+drmp3_read_proc :: #type (pUserData: *void, pBufferOut: *void, bytesToRead: size_t) -> size_t #c_call;
+Callback for when data needs to be seeked.
+pUserData [in] The user data that was passed to drmp3_init(), drmp3_open() and family.
+offset [in] The number of bytes to move, relative to the origin. Will never be negative.
+origin [in] The origin of the seek - the current position or the start of the stream.
+Returns whether or not the seek was successful.
+Whether or not it is relative to the beginning or current position is determined by the "origin" parameter which
+will be either drmp3_seek_origin_start or drmp3_seek_origin_current.
+drmp3_seek_proc :: #type (pUserData: *void, offset: s32, origin: drmp3_seek_origin) -> drmp3_bool32 #c_call;
+drmp3_config :: struct {
+ channels: drmp3_uint32;
+ sampleRate: drmp3_uint32;
+drmp3 :: struct {
+ decoder: drmp3dec;
+ channels: drmp3_uint32;
+ sampleRate: drmp3_uint32;
+ onRead: drmp3_read_proc;
+ onSeek: drmp3_seek_proc;
+ pUserData: *void;
+ allocationCallbacks: drmp3_allocation_callbacks;
+ mp3FrameChannels: drmp3_uint32; /* The number of channels in the currently loaded MP3 frame. Internal use only. */
+ mp3FrameSampleRate: drmp3_uint32; /* The sample rate of the currently loaded MP3 frame. Internal use only. */
+ pcmFramesConsumedInMP3Frame: drmp3_uint32;
+ pcmFramesRemainingInMP3Frame: drmp3_uint32;
+ pcmFrames: [9216] drmp3_uint8; /* <-- Multipled by sizeof(float) to ensure there's enough room for DR_MP3_FLOAT_OUTPUT. */
+ currentPCMFrame: drmp3_uint64; /* The current PCM frame, globally, based on the output sample rate. Mainly used for seeking. */
+ streamCursor: drmp3_uint64; /* The current byte the decoder is sitting on in the raw stream. */
+ pSeekPoints: *drmp3_seek_point; /* NULL by default. Set with drmp3_bind_seek_table(). Memory is owned by the client. dr_mp3 will never attempt to free this pointer. */
+ seekPointCount: drmp3_uint32; /* The number of items in pSeekPoints. When set to 0 assumes to no seek table. Defaults to zero. */
+ dataSize: size_t;
+ dataCapacity: size_t;
+ dataConsumed: size_t;
+ pData: *drmp3_uint8;
+ atEnd: drmp3_bool32;
+ memory: struct {
+ pData: *drmp3_uint8;
+ dataSize: size_t;
+ currentReadPos: size_t;
+ }; /* Only used for decoders that were opened against a block of memory. */
+Initializes an MP3 decoder.
+onRead [in] The function to call when data needs to be read from the client.
+onSeek [in] The function to call when the read position of the client data needs to move.
+pUserData [in, optional] A pointer to application defined data that will be passed to onRead and onSeek.
+Returns true if successful; false otherwise.
+Close the loader with drmp3_uninit().
+See also: drmp3_init_file(), drmp3_init_memory(), drmp3_uninit()
+drmp3_init :: (pMP3: *drmp3, onRead: drmp3_read_proc, onSeek: drmp3_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> drmp3_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Initializes an MP3 decoder from a block of memory.
+This does not create a copy of the data. It is up to the application to ensure the buffer remains valid for
+the lifetime of the drmp3 object.
+The buffer should contain the contents of the entire MP3 file.
+drmp3_init_memory :: (pMP3: *drmp3, pData: *void, dataSize: size_t, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> drmp3_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Initializes an MP3 decoder from a file.
+This holds the internal FILE object until drmp3_uninit() is called. Keep this in mind if you're caching drmp3
+objects because the operating system may restrict the number of file handles an application can have open at
+any given time.
+drmp3_init_file :: (pMP3: *drmp3, pFilePath: *u8, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> drmp3_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+drmp3_init_file_w :: (pMP3: *drmp3, pFilePath: *wchar_t, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> drmp3_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Uninitializes an MP3 decoder.
+drmp3_uninit :: (pMP3: *drmp3) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads PCM frames as interleaved 32-bit IEEE floating point PCM.
+Note that framesToRead specifies the number of PCM frames to read, _not_ the number of MP3 frames.
+drmp3_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (pMP3: *drmp3, framesToRead: drmp3_uint64, pBufferOut: *float) -> drmp3_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Reads PCM frames as interleaved signed 16-bit integer PCM.
+Note that framesToRead specifies the number of PCM frames to read, _not_ the number of MP3 frames.
+drmp3_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (pMP3: *drmp3, framesToRead: drmp3_uint64, pBufferOut: *drmp3_int16) -> drmp3_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Seeks to a specific frame.
+Note that this is _not_ an MP3 frame, but rather a PCM frame.
+drmp3_seek_to_pcm_frame :: (pMP3: *drmp3, frameIndex: drmp3_uint64) -> drmp3_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Calculates the total number of PCM frames in the MP3 stream. Cannot be used for infinite streams such as internet
+radio. Runs in linear time. Returns 0 on error.
+drmp3_get_pcm_frame_count :: (pMP3: *drmp3) -> drmp3_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Calculates the total number of MP3 frames in the MP3 stream. Cannot be used for infinite streams such as internet
+radio. Runs in linear time. Returns 0 on error.
+drmp3_get_mp3_frame_count :: (pMP3: *drmp3) -> drmp3_uint64 #foreign dr_libs;
+Calculates the total number of MP3 and PCM frames in the MP3 stream. Cannot be used for infinite streams such as internet
+radio. Runs in linear time. Returns 0 on error.
+This is equivalent to calling drmp3_get_mp3_frame_count() and drmp3_get_pcm_frame_count() except that it's more efficient.
+drmp3_get_mp3_and_pcm_frame_count :: (pMP3: *drmp3, pMP3FrameCount: *drmp3_uint64, pPCMFrameCount: *drmp3_uint64) -> drmp3_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Calculates the seekpoints based on PCM frames. This is slow.
+pSeekpoint count is a pointer to a uint32 containing the seekpoint count. On input it contains the desired count.
+On output it contains the actual count. The reason for this design is that the client may request too many
+seekpoints, in which case dr_mp3 will return a corrected count.
+Note that seektable seeking is not quite sample exact when the MP3 stream contains inconsistent sample rates.
+drmp3_calculate_seek_points :: (pMP3: *drmp3, pSeekPointCount: *drmp3_uint32, pSeekPoints: *drmp3_seek_point) -> drmp3_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Binds a seek table to the decoder.
+This does _not_ make a copy of pSeekPoints - it only references it. It is up to the application to ensure this
+remains valid while it is bound to the decoder.
+Use drmp3_calculate_seek_points() to calculate the seek points.
+drmp3_bind_seek_table :: (pMP3: *drmp3, seekPointCount: drmp3_uint32, pSeekPoints: *drmp3_seek_point) -> drmp3_bool32 #foreign dr_libs;
+Opens an decodes an entire MP3 stream as a single operation.
+On output pConfig will receive the channel count and sample rate of the stream.
+Free the returned pointer with drmp3_free().
+drmp3_open_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (onRead: drmp3_read_proc, onSeek: drmp3_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, pConfig: *drmp3_config, pTotalFrameCount: *drmp3_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+drmp3_open_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (onRead: drmp3_read_proc, onSeek: drmp3_seek_proc, pUserData: *void, pConfig: *drmp3_config, pTotalFrameCount: *drmp3_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> *drmp3_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+drmp3_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (pData: *void, dataSize: size_t, pConfig: *drmp3_config, pTotalFrameCount: *drmp3_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+drmp3_open_memory_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (pData: *void, dataSize: size_t, pConfig: *drmp3_config, pTotalFrameCount: *drmp3_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> *drmp3_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+drmp3_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_f32 :: (filePath: *u8, pConfig: *drmp3_config, pTotalFrameCount: *drmp3_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> *float #foreign dr_libs;
+drmp3_open_file_and_read_pcm_frames_s16 :: (filePath: *u8, pConfig: *drmp3_config, pTotalFrameCount: *drmp3_uint64, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> *drmp3_int16 #foreign dr_libs;
+Allocates a block of memory on the heap.
+drmp3_malloc :: (sz: size_t, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> *void #foreign dr_libs;
+Frees any memory that was allocated by a public drmp3 API.
+drmp3_free :: (p: *void, pAllocationCallbacks: *drmp3_allocation_callbacks) -> void #foreign dr_libs;
+#import "Basic"; // For assert
+dr_libs :: #library,no_dll "windows/dr_libs";
+#run {
+ {
+ instance: drwav_allocation_callbacks;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_allocation_callbacks.pUserData has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks.pUserData)) == 8, "drwav_allocation_callbacks.pUserData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks.pUserData)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onMalloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onMalloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc)) == 8, "drwav_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onRealloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onRealloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc)) == 8, "drwav_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onFree)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drwav_allocation_callbacks.onFree has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onFree)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks.onFree)) == 8, "drwav_allocation_callbacks.onFree has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks.onFree)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks) == 32, "drwav_allocation_callbacks has size % instead of 32", size_of(drwav_allocation_callbacks));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_chunk_header;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.id)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_chunk_header.id has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.id)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_chunk_header.id)) == 16, "drwav_chunk_header.id has unexpected size % instead of 16", size_of(type_of(drwav_chunk_header.id)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sizeInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_chunk_header.sizeInBytes has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sizeInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_chunk_header.sizeInBytes)) == 8, "drwav_chunk_header.sizeInBytes has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_chunk_header.sizeInBytes)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.paddingSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drwav_chunk_header.paddingSize has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.paddingSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_chunk_header.paddingSize)) == 4, "drwav_chunk_header.paddingSize has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_chunk_header.paddingSize)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_chunk_header) == 32, "drwav_chunk_header has size % instead of 32", size_of(drwav_chunk_header));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_fmt;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.formatTag)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_fmt.formatTag has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.formatTag)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.formatTag)) == 2, "drwav_fmt.formatTag has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.formatTag)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 2, "drwav_fmt.channels has unexpected offset % instead of 2", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.channels)) == 2, "drwav_fmt.channels has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.channels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_fmt.sampleRate has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.sampleRate)) == 4, "drwav_fmt.sampleRate has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.sampleRate)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.avgBytesPerSec)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_fmt.avgBytesPerSec has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.avgBytesPerSec)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.avgBytesPerSec)) == 4, "drwav_fmt.avgBytesPerSec has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.avgBytesPerSec)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.blockAlign)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drwav_fmt.blockAlign has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.blockAlign)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.blockAlign)) == 2, "drwav_fmt.blockAlign has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.blockAlign)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 14, "drwav_fmt.bitsPerSample has unexpected offset % instead of 14", ((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.bitsPerSample)) == 2, "drwav_fmt.bitsPerSample has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.bitsPerSample)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.extendedSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_fmt.extendedSize has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.extendedSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.extendedSize)) == 2, "drwav_fmt.extendedSize has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.extendedSize)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.validBitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 18, "drwav_fmt.validBitsPerSample has unexpected offset % instead of 18", ((cast(*void)(*instance.validBitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.validBitsPerSample)) == 2, "drwav_fmt.validBitsPerSample has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.validBitsPerSample)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channelMask)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 20, "drwav_fmt.channelMask has unexpected offset % instead of 20", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channelMask)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.channelMask)) == 4, "drwav_fmt.channelMask has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.channelMask)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.subFormat)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drwav_fmt.subFormat has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.subFormat)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.subFormat)) == 16, "drwav_fmt.subFormat has unexpected size % instead of 16", size_of(type_of(drwav_fmt.subFormat)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_fmt) == 40, "drwav_fmt has size % instead of 40", size_of(drwav_fmt));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav__memory_stream;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.data)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav__memory_stream.data has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.data)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream.data)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream.data has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream.data)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream.dataSize has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream.dataSize)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream.dataSize has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream.dataSize)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.currentReadPos)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav__memory_stream.currentReadPos has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.currentReadPos)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream.currentReadPos)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream.currentReadPos has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream.currentReadPos)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav__memory_stream) == 24, "drwav__memory_stream has size % instead of 24", size_of(drwav__memory_stream));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav__memory_stream_write;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.ppData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav__memory_stream_write.ppData has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.ppData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.ppData)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream_write.ppData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.ppData)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pDataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream_write.pDataSize has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pDataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.pDataSize)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream_write.pDataSize has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.pDataSize)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav__memory_stream_write.dataSize has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.dataSize)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream_write.dataSize has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.dataSize)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataCapacity)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drwav__memory_stream_write.dataCapacity has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataCapacity)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.dataCapacity)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream_write.dataCapacity has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.dataCapacity)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.currentWritePos)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 32, "drwav__memory_stream_write.currentWritePos has unexpected offset % instead of 32", ((cast(*void)(*instance.currentWritePos)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.currentWritePos)) == 8, "drwav__memory_stream_write.currentWritePos has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav__memory_stream_write.currentWritePos)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav__memory_stream_write) == 40, "drwav__memory_stream_write has size % instead of 40", size_of(drwav__memory_stream_write));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_data_format;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.container)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_data_format.container has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.container)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.container)) == 4, "drwav_data_format.container has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.container)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.format)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_data_format.format has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.format)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.format)) == 4, "drwav_data_format.format has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.format)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_data_format.channels has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.channels)) == 4, "drwav_data_format.channels has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.channels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drwav_data_format.sampleRate has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.sampleRate)) == 4, "drwav_data_format.sampleRate has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.sampleRate)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_data_format.bitsPerSample has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.bitsPerSample)) == 4, "drwav_data_format.bitsPerSample has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_data_format.bitsPerSample)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_data_format) == 20, "drwav_data_format has size % instead of 20", size_of(drwav_data_format));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_smpl_loop;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.cuePointId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_smpl_loop.cuePointId has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.cuePointId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.cuePointId)) == 4, "drwav_smpl_loop.cuePointId has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.cuePointId)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.type)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_smpl_loop.type has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.type)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.type)) == 4, "drwav_smpl_loop.type has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.type)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.firstSampleByteOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_smpl_loop.firstSampleByteOffset has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.firstSampleByteOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.firstSampleByteOffset)) == 4, "drwav_smpl_loop.firstSampleByteOffset has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.firstSampleByteOffset)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.lastSampleByteOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drwav_smpl_loop.lastSampleByteOffset has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.lastSampleByteOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.lastSampleByteOffset)) == 4, "drwav_smpl_loop.lastSampleByteOffset has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.lastSampleByteOffset)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleFraction)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_smpl_loop.sampleFraction has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleFraction)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.sampleFraction)) == 4, "drwav_smpl_loop.sampleFraction has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.sampleFraction)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.playCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 20, "drwav_smpl_loop.playCount has unexpected offset % instead of 20", ((cast(*void)(*instance.playCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.playCount)) == 4, "drwav_smpl_loop.playCount has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl_loop.playCount)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_smpl_loop) == 24, "drwav_smpl_loop has size % instead of 24", size_of(drwav_smpl_loop));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_smpl;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.manufacturerId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_smpl.manufacturerId has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.manufacturerId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.manufacturerId)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.manufacturerId has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.manufacturerId)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.productId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.productId has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.productId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.productId)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.productId has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.productId)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.samplePeriodNanoseconds)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_smpl.samplePeriodNanoseconds has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.samplePeriodNanoseconds)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.samplePeriodNanoseconds)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.samplePeriodNanoseconds has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.samplePeriodNanoseconds)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.midiUnityNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drwav_smpl.midiUnityNote has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.midiUnityNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.midiUnityNote)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.midiUnityNote has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.midiUnityNote)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.midiPitchFraction)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_smpl.midiPitchFraction has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.midiPitchFraction)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.midiPitchFraction)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.midiPitchFraction has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.midiPitchFraction)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.smpteFormat)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 20, "drwav_smpl.smpteFormat has unexpected offset % instead of 20", ((cast(*void)(*instance.smpteFormat)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.smpteFormat)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.smpteFormat has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.smpteFormat)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.smpteOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drwav_smpl.smpteOffset has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.smpteOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.smpteOffset)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.smpteOffset has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.smpteOffset)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleLoopCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 28, "drwav_smpl.sampleLoopCount has unexpected offset % instead of 28", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleLoopCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.sampleLoopCount)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.sampleLoopCount has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.sampleLoopCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 32, "drwav_smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes has unexpected offset % instead of 32", ((cast(*void)(*instance.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes)) == 4, "drwav_smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.samplerSpecificDataSizeInBytes)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pLoops)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 40, "drwav_smpl.pLoops has unexpected offset % instead of 40", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pLoops)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.pLoops)) == 8, "drwav_smpl.pLoops has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.pLoops)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pSamplerSpecificData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 48, "drwav_smpl.pSamplerSpecificData has unexpected offset % instead of 48", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pSamplerSpecificData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.pSamplerSpecificData)) == 8, "drwav_smpl.pSamplerSpecificData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_smpl.pSamplerSpecificData)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_smpl) == 56, "drwav_smpl has size % instead of 56", size_of(drwav_smpl));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_inst;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.midiUnityNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_inst.midiUnityNote has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.midiUnityNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.midiUnityNote)) == 1, "drwav_inst.midiUnityNote has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.midiUnityNote)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.fineTuneCents)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 1, "drwav_inst.fineTuneCents has unexpected offset % instead of 1", ((cast(*void)(*instance.fineTuneCents)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.fineTuneCents)) == 1, "drwav_inst.fineTuneCents has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.fineTuneCents)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.gainDecibels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 2, "drwav_inst.gainDecibels has unexpected offset % instead of 2", ((cast(*void)(*instance.gainDecibels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.gainDecibels)) == 1, "drwav_inst.gainDecibels has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.gainDecibels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.lowNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 3, "drwav_inst.lowNote has unexpected offset % instead of 3", ((cast(*void)(*instance.lowNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.lowNote)) == 1, "drwav_inst.lowNote has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.lowNote)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.highNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_inst.highNote has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.highNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.highNote)) == 1, "drwav_inst.highNote has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.highNote)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.lowVelocity)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 5, "drwav_inst.lowVelocity has unexpected offset % instead of 5", ((cast(*void)(*instance.lowVelocity)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.lowVelocity)) == 1, "drwav_inst.lowVelocity has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.lowVelocity)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.highVelocity)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6, "drwav_inst.highVelocity has unexpected offset % instead of 6", ((cast(*void)(*instance.highVelocity)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.highVelocity)) == 1, "drwav_inst.highVelocity has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drwav_inst.highVelocity)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_inst) == 7, "drwav_inst has size % instead of 7", size_of(drwav_inst));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_cue_point;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.id)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_cue_point.id has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.id)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.id)) == 4, "drwav_cue_point.id has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.id)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.playOrderPosition)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_cue_point.playOrderPosition has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.playOrderPosition)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.playOrderPosition)) == 4, "drwav_cue_point.playOrderPosition has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.playOrderPosition)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataChunkId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_cue_point.dataChunkId has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataChunkId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.dataChunkId)) == 4, "drwav_cue_point.dataChunkId has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.dataChunkId)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.chunkStart)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drwav_cue_point.chunkStart has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.chunkStart)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.chunkStart)) == 4, "drwav_cue_point.chunkStart has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.chunkStart)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.blockStart)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_cue_point.blockStart has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.blockStart)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.blockStart)) == 4, "drwav_cue_point.blockStart has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.blockStart)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleByteOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 20, "drwav_cue_point.sampleByteOffset has unexpected offset % instead of 20", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleByteOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.sampleByteOffset)) == 4, "drwav_cue_point.sampleByteOffset has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_cue_point.sampleByteOffset)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_cue_point) == 24, "drwav_cue_point has size % instead of 24", size_of(drwav_cue_point));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_cue;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.cuePointCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_cue.cuePointCount has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.cuePointCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_cue.cuePointCount)) == 4, "drwav_cue.cuePointCount has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_cue.cuePointCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pCuePoints)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_cue.pCuePoints has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pCuePoints)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_cue.pCuePoints)) == 8, "drwav_cue.pCuePoints has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_cue.pCuePoints)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_cue) == 16, "drwav_cue has size % instead of 16", size_of(drwav_cue));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_acid;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.flags)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_acid.flags has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.flags)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.flags)) == 4, "drwav_acid.flags has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.flags)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.midiUnityNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_acid.midiUnityNote has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.midiUnityNote)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.midiUnityNote)) == 2, "drwav_acid.midiUnityNote has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.midiUnityNote)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.reserved1)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6, "drwav_acid.reserved1 has unexpected offset % instead of 6", ((cast(*void)(*instance.reserved1)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.reserved1)) == 2, "drwav_acid.reserved1 has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.reserved1)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.reserved2)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_acid.reserved2 has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.reserved2)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.reserved2)) == 4, "drwav_acid.reserved2 has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.reserved2)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.numBeats)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drwav_acid.numBeats has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.numBeats)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.numBeats)) == 4, "drwav_acid.numBeats has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.numBeats)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.meterDenominator)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_acid.meterDenominator has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.meterDenominator)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.meterDenominator)) == 2, "drwav_acid.meterDenominator has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.meterDenominator)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.meterNumerator)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 18, "drwav_acid.meterNumerator has unexpected offset % instead of 18", ((cast(*void)(*instance.meterNumerator)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.meterNumerator)) == 2, "drwav_acid.meterNumerator has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.meterNumerator)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.tempo)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 20, "drwav_acid.tempo has unexpected offset % instead of 20", ((cast(*void)(*instance.tempo)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.tempo)) == 4, "drwav_acid.tempo has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_acid.tempo)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_acid) == 24, "drwav_acid has size % instead of 24", size_of(drwav_acid));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_list_label_or_note;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.cuePointId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_list_label_or_note.cuePointId has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.cuePointId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_label_or_note.cuePointId)) == 4, "drwav_list_label_or_note.cuePointId has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_label_or_note.cuePointId)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.stringLength)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_list_label_or_note.stringLength has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.stringLength)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_label_or_note.stringLength)) == 4, "drwav_list_label_or_note.stringLength has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_label_or_note.stringLength)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pString)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_list_label_or_note.pString has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pString)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_label_or_note.pString)) == 8, "drwav_list_label_or_note.pString has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_label_or_note.pString)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_list_label_or_note) == 16, "drwav_list_label_or_note has size % instead of 16", size_of(drwav_list_label_or_note));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_bext;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pDescription)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_bext.pDescription has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pDescription)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pDescription)) == 8, "drwav_bext.pDescription has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pDescription)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pOriginatorName)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_bext.pOriginatorName has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pOriginatorName)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pOriginatorName)) == 8, "drwav_bext.pOriginatorName has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pOriginatorName)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pOriginatorReference)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_bext.pOriginatorReference has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pOriginatorReference)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pOriginatorReference)) == 8, "drwav_bext.pOriginatorReference has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pOriginatorReference)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pOriginationDate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drwav_bext.pOriginationDate has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pOriginationDate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pOriginationDate)) == 10, "drwav_bext.pOriginationDate has unexpected size % instead of 10", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pOriginationDate)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pOriginationTime)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 34, "drwav_bext.pOriginationTime has unexpected offset % instead of 34", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pOriginationTime)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pOriginationTime)) == 8, "drwav_bext.pOriginationTime has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pOriginationTime)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.timeReference)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 48, "drwav_bext.timeReference has unexpected offset % instead of 48", ((cast(*void)(*instance.timeReference)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.timeReference)) == 8, "drwav_bext.timeReference has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.timeReference)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.version)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 56, "drwav_bext.version has unexpected offset % instead of 56", ((cast(*void)(*instance.version)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.version)) == 2, "drwav_bext.version has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.version)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pCodingHistory)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 64, "drwav_bext.pCodingHistory has unexpected offset % instead of 64", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pCodingHistory)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pCodingHistory)) == 8, "drwav_bext.pCodingHistory has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pCodingHistory)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.codingHistorySize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 72, "drwav_bext.codingHistorySize has unexpected offset % instead of 72", ((cast(*void)(*instance.codingHistorySize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.codingHistorySize)) == 4, "drwav_bext.codingHistorySize has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.codingHistorySize)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pUMID)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 80, "drwav_bext.pUMID has unexpected offset % instead of 80", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pUMID)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pUMID)) == 8, "drwav_bext.pUMID has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.pUMID)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.loudnessValue)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 88, "drwav_bext.loudnessValue has unexpected offset % instead of 88", ((cast(*void)(*instance.loudnessValue)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.loudnessValue)) == 2, "drwav_bext.loudnessValue has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.loudnessValue)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.loudnessRange)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 90, "drwav_bext.loudnessRange has unexpected offset % instead of 90", ((cast(*void)(*instance.loudnessRange)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.loudnessRange)) == 2, "drwav_bext.loudnessRange has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.loudnessRange)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.maxTruePeakLevel)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 92, "drwav_bext.maxTruePeakLevel has unexpected offset % instead of 92", ((cast(*void)(*instance.maxTruePeakLevel)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.maxTruePeakLevel)) == 2, "drwav_bext.maxTruePeakLevel has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.maxTruePeakLevel)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.maxMomentaryLoudness)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 94, "drwav_bext.maxMomentaryLoudness has unexpected offset % instead of 94", ((cast(*void)(*instance.maxMomentaryLoudness)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.maxMomentaryLoudness)) == 2, "drwav_bext.maxMomentaryLoudness has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.maxMomentaryLoudness)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.maxShortTermLoudness)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 96, "drwav_bext.maxShortTermLoudness has unexpected offset % instead of 96", ((cast(*void)(*instance.maxShortTermLoudness)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.maxShortTermLoudness)) == 2, "drwav_bext.maxShortTermLoudness has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_bext.maxShortTermLoudness)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_bext) == 104, "drwav_bext has size % instead of 104", size_of(drwav_bext));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_list_info_text;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.stringLength)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_list_info_text.stringLength has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.stringLength)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_info_text.stringLength)) == 4, "drwav_list_info_text.stringLength has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_info_text.stringLength)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pString)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_list_info_text.pString has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pString)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_info_text.pString)) == 8, "drwav_list_info_text.pString has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_info_text.pString)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_list_info_text) == 16, "drwav_list_info_text has size % instead of 16", size_of(drwav_list_info_text));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_list_labelled_cue_region;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.cuePointId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.cuePointId has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.cuePointId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.cuePointId)) == 4, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.cuePointId has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.cuePointId)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleLength)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.sampleLength has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleLength)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.sampleLength)) == 4, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.sampleLength has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.sampleLength)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.purposeId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.purposeId has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.purposeId)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.purposeId)) == 4, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.purposeId has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.purposeId)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.country)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.country has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.country)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.country)) == 2, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.country has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.country)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.language)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 14, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.language has unexpected offset % instead of 14", ((cast(*void)(*instance.language)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.language)) == 2, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.language has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.language)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dialect)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.dialect has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dialect)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.dialect)) == 2, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.dialect has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.dialect)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.codePage)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 18, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.codePage has unexpected offset % instead of 18", ((cast(*void)(*instance.codePage)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.codePage)) == 2, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.codePage has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.codePage)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.stringLength)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 20, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.stringLength has unexpected offset % instead of 20", ((cast(*void)(*instance.stringLength)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.stringLength)) == 4, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.stringLength has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.stringLength)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pString)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.pString has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pString)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.pString)) == 8, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.pString has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region.pString)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region) == 32, "drwav_list_labelled_cue_region has size % instead of 32", size_of(drwav_list_labelled_cue_region));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_unknown_metadata;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.id)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_unknown_metadata.id has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.id)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_unknown_metadata.id)) == 4, "drwav_unknown_metadata.id has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_unknown_metadata.id)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.chunkLocation)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drwav_unknown_metadata.chunkLocation has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.chunkLocation)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_unknown_metadata.chunkLocation)) == 4, "drwav_unknown_metadata.chunkLocation has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_unknown_metadata.chunkLocation)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSizeInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_unknown_metadata.dataSizeInBytes has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSizeInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_unknown_metadata.dataSizeInBytes)) == 4, "drwav_unknown_metadata.dataSizeInBytes has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_unknown_metadata.dataSizeInBytes)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav_unknown_metadata.pData has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_unknown_metadata.pData)) == 8, "drwav_unknown_metadata.pData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav_unknown_metadata.pData)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_unknown_metadata) == 24, "drwav_unknown_metadata has size % instead of 24", size_of(drwav_unknown_metadata));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav_metadata;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.type)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav_metadata.type has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.type)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_metadata.type)) == 4, "drwav_metadata.type has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav_metadata.type)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.data)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav_metadata.data has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.data)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav_metadata.data)) == 104, "drwav_metadata.data has unexpected size % instead of 104", size_of(type_of(drwav_metadata.data)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav_metadata) == 112, "drwav_metadata has size % instead of 112", size_of(drwav_metadata));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drwav;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onRead)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drwav.onRead has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onRead)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.onRead)) == 8, "drwav.onRead has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.onRead)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onWrite)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drwav.onWrite has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onWrite)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.onWrite)) == 8, "drwav.onWrite has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.onWrite)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drwav.onSeek has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.onSeek)) == 8, "drwav.onSeek has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.onSeek)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drwav.pUserData has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.pUserData)) == 8, "drwav.pUserData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.pUserData)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.allocationCallbacks)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 32, "drwav.allocationCallbacks has unexpected offset % instead of 32", ((cast(*void)(*instance.allocationCallbacks)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.allocationCallbacks)) == 32, "drwav.allocationCallbacks has unexpected size % instead of 32", size_of(type_of(drwav.allocationCallbacks)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.container)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 64, "drwav.container has unexpected offset % instead of 64", ((cast(*void)(*instance.container)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.container)) == 4, "drwav.container has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav.container)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.fmt)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 68, "drwav.fmt has unexpected offset % instead of 68", ((cast(*void)(*instance.fmt)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.fmt)) == 40, "drwav.fmt has unexpected size % instead of 40", size_of(type_of(drwav.fmt)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 108, "drwav.sampleRate has unexpected offset % instead of 108", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.sampleRate)) == 4, "drwav.sampleRate has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav.sampleRate)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 112, "drwav.channels has unexpected offset % instead of 112", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.channels)) == 2, "drwav.channels has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav.channels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 114, "drwav.bitsPerSample has unexpected offset % instead of 114", ((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.bitsPerSample)) == 2, "drwav.bitsPerSample has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav.bitsPerSample)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.translatedFormatTag)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 116, "drwav.translatedFormatTag has unexpected offset % instead of 116", ((cast(*void)(*instance.translatedFormatTag)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.translatedFormatTag)) == 2, "drwav.translatedFormatTag has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drwav.translatedFormatTag)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.totalPCMFrameCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 120, "drwav.totalPCMFrameCount has unexpected offset % instead of 120", ((cast(*void)(*instance.totalPCMFrameCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.totalPCMFrameCount)) == 8, "drwav.totalPCMFrameCount has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.totalPCMFrameCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataChunkDataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 128, "drwav.dataChunkDataSize has unexpected offset % instead of 128", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataChunkDataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.dataChunkDataSize)) == 8, "drwav.dataChunkDataSize has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.dataChunkDataSize)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataChunkDataPos)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 136, "drwav.dataChunkDataPos has unexpected offset % instead of 136", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataChunkDataPos)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.dataChunkDataPos)) == 8, "drwav.dataChunkDataPos has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.dataChunkDataPos)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.bytesRemaining)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 144, "drwav.bytesRemaining has unexpected offset % instead of 144", ((cast(*void)(*instance.bytesRemaining)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.bytesRemaining)) == 8, "drwav.bytesRemaining has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.bytesRemaining)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.readCursorInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 152, "drwav.readCursorInPCMFrames has unexpected offset % instead of 152", ((cast(*void)(*instance.readCursorInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.readCursorInPCMFrames)) == 8, "drwav.readCursorInPCMFrames has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.readCursorInPCMFrames)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 160, "drwav.dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite has unexpected offset % instead of 160", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite)) == 8, "drwav.dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.dataChunkDataSizeTargetWrite)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.isSequentialWrite)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 168, "drwav.isSequentialWrite has unexpected offset % instead of 168", ((cast(*void)(*instance.isSequentialWrite)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.isSequentialWrite)) == 4, "drwav.isSequentialWrite has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav.isSequentialWrite)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pMetadata)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 176, "drwav.pMetadata has unexpected offset % instead of 176", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pMetadata)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.pMetadata)) == 8, "drwav.pMetadata has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drwav.pMetadata)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.metadataCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 184, "drwav.metadataCount has unexpected offset % instead of 184", ((cast(*void)(*instance.metadataCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.metadataCount)) == 4, "drwav.metadataCount has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drwav.metadataCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.memoryStream)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 192, "drwav.memoryStream has unexpected offset % instead of 192", ((cast(*void)(*instance.memoryStream)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.memoryStream)) == 24, "drwav.memoryStream has unexpected size % instead of 24", size_of(type_of(drwav.memoryStream)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.memoryStreamWrite)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 216, "drwav.memoryStreamWrite has unexpected offset % instead of 216", ((cast(*void)(*instance.memoryStreamWrite)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.memoryStreamWrite)) == 40, "drwav.memoryStreamWrite has unexpected size % instead of 40", size_of(type_of(drwav.memoryStreamWrite)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.msadpcm)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 256, "drwav.msadpcm has unexpected offset % instead of 256", ((cast(*void)(*instance.msadpcm)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.msadpcm)) == 52, "drwav.msadpcm has unexpected size % instead of 52", size_of(type_of(drwav.msadpcm)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.ima)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 308, "drwav.ima has unexpected offset % instead of 308", ((cast(*void)(*instance.ima)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.ima)) == 88, "drwav.ima has unexpected size % instead of 88", size_of(type_of(drwav.ima)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.aiff)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 396, "drwav.aiff has unexpected offset % instead of 396", ((cast(*void)(*instance.aiff)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drwav.aiff)) == 1, "drwav.aiff has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drwav.aiff)));
+ assert(size_of(drwav) == 400, "drwav has size % instead of 400", size_of(drwav));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_allocation_callbacks;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_allocation_callbacks.pUserData has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks.pUserData)) == 8, "drflac_allocation_callbacks.pUserData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks.pUserData)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onMalloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onMalloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc)) == 8, "drflac_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onRealloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drflac_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onRealloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc)) == 8, "drflac_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onFree)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drflac_allocation_callbacks.onFree has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onFree)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks.onFree)) == 8, "drflac_allocation_callbacks.onFree has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks.onFree)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks) == 32, "drflac_allocation_callbacks has size % instead of 32", size_of(drflac_allocation_callbacks));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_seekpoint;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.firstPCMFrame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_seekpoint.firstPCMFrame has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.firstPCMFrame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_seekpoint.firstPCMFrame)) == 8, "drflac_seekpoint.firstPCMFrame has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_seekpoint.firstPCMFrame)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.flacFrameOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_seekpoint.flacFrameOffset has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.flacFrameOffset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_seekpoint.flacFrameOffset)) == 8, "drflac_seekpoint.flacFrameOffset has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_seekpoint.flacFrameOffset)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFrameCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drflac_seekpoint.pcmFrameCount has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFrameCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_seekpoint.pcmFrameCount)) == 2, "drflac_seekpoint.pcmFrameCount has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drflac_seekpoint.pcmFrameCount)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_seekpoint) == 24, "drflac_seekpoint has size % instead of 24", size_of(drflac_seekpoint));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_streaminfo;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.minBlockSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_streaminfo.minBlockSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.minBlockSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.minBlockSizeInPCMFrames)) == 2, "drflac_streaminfo.minBlockSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.minBlockSizeInPCMFrames)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 2, "drflac_streaminfo.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected offset % instead of 2", ((cast(*void)(*instance.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames)) == 2, "drflac_streaminfo.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.minFrameSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drflac_streaminfo.minFrameSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.minFrameSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.minFrameSizeInPCMFrames)) == 4, "drflac_streaminfo.minFrameSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.minFrameSizeInPCMFrames)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.maxFrameSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_streaminfo.maxFrameSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.maxFrameSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.maxFrameSizeInPCMFrames)) == 4, "drflac_streaminfo.maxFrameSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.maxFrameSizeInPCMFrames)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drflac_streaminfo.sampleRate has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.sampleRate)) == 4, "drflac_streaminfo.sampleRate has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.sampleRate)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drflac_streaminfo.channels has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.channels)) == 1, "drflac_streaminfo.channels has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.channels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 17, "drflac_streaminfo.bitsPerSample has unexpected offset % instead of 17", ((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.bitsPerSample)) == 1, "drflac_streaminfo.bitsPerSample has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.bitsPerSample)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.totalPCMFrameCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drflac_streaminfo.totalPCMFrameCount has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.totalPCMFrameCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.totalPCMFrameCount)) == 8, "drflac_streaminfo.totalPCMFrameCount has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.totalPCMFrameCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.md5)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 32, "drflac_streaminfo.md5 has unexpected offset % instead of 32", ((cast(*void)(*instance.md5)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.md5)) == 16, "drflac_streaminfo.md5 has unexpected size % instead of 16", size_of(type_of(drflac_streaminfo.md5)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_streaminfo) == 48, "drflac_streaminfo has size % instead of 48", size_of(drflac_streaminfo));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_metadata;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.type)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_metadata.type has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.type)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_metadata.type)) == 4, "drflac_metadata.type has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_metadata.type)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pRawData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_metadata.pRawData has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pRawData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_metadata.pRawData)) == 8, "drflac_metadata.pRawData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_metadata.pRawData)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.rawDataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drflac_metadata.rawDataSize has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.rawDataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_metadata.rawDataSize)) == 4, "drflac_metadata.rawDataSize has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_metadata.rawDataSize)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.data)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drflac_metadata.data has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.data)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_metadata.data)) == 152, "drflac_metadata.data has unexpected size % instead of 152", size_of(type_of(drflac_metadata.data)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_metadata) == 176, "drflac_metadata has size % instead of 176", size_of(drflac_metadata));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac__memory_stream;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.data)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac__memory_stream.data has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.data)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac__memory_stream.data)) == 8, "drflac__memory_stream.data has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac__memory_stream.data)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac__memory_stream.dataSize has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac__memory_stream.dataSize)) == 8, "drflac__memory_stream.dataSize has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac__memory_stream.dataSize)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.currentReadPos)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drflac__memory_stream.currentReadPos has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.currentReadPos)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac__memory_stream.currentReadPos)) == 8, "drflac__memory_stream.currentReadPos has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac__memory_stream.currentReadPos)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac__memory_stream) == 24, "drflac__memory_stream has size % instead of 24", size_of(drflac__memory_stream));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_bs;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onRead)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_bs.onRead has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onRead)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.onRead)) == 8, "drflac_bs.onRead has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.onRead)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_bs.onSeek has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.onSeek)) == 8, "drflac_bs.onSeek has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.onSeek)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drflac_bs.pUserData has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.pUserData)) == 8, "drflac_bs.pUserData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.pUserData)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.unalignedByteCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drflac_bs.unalignedByteCount has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.unalignedByteCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.unalignedByteCount)) == 8, "drflac_bs.unalignedByteCount has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.unalignedByteCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.unalignedCache)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 32, "drflac_bs.unalignedCache has unexpected offset % instead of 32", ((cast(*void)(*instance.unalignedCache)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.unalignedCache)) == 8, "drflac_bs.unalignedCache has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.unalignedCache)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.nextL2Line)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 40, "drflac_bs.nextL2Line has unexpected offset % instead of 40", ((cast(*void)(*instance.nextL2Line)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.nextL2Line)) == 4, "drflac_bs.nextL2Line has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.nextL2Line)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.consumedBits)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 44, "drflac_bs.consumedBits has unexpected offset % instead of 44", ((cast(*void)(*instance.consumedBits)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.consumedBits)) == 4, "drflac_bs.consumedBits has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.consumedBits)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.cacheL2)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 48, "drflac_bs.cacheL2 has unexpected offset % instead of 48", ((cast(*void)(*instance.cacheL2)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.cacheL2)) == 4096, "drflac_bs.cacheL2 has unexpected size % instead of 4096", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.cacheL2)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.cache)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4144, "drflac_bs.cache has unexpected offset % instead of 4144", ((cast(*void)(*instance.cache)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.cache)) == 8, "drflac_bs.cache has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.cache)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.crc16)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4152, "drflac_bs.crc16 has unexpected offset % instead of 4152", ((cast(*void)(*instance.crc16)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.crc16)) == 2, "drflac_bs.crc16 has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.crc16)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.crc16Cache)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4160, "drflac_bs.crc16Cache has unexpected offset % instead of 4160", ((cast(*void)(*instance.crc16Cache)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.crc16Cache)) == 8, "drflac_bs.crc16Cache has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.crc16Cache)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.crc16CacheIgnoredBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4168, "drflac_bs.crc16CacheIgnoredBytes has unexpected offset % instead of 4168", ((cast(*void)(*instance.crc16CacheIgnoredBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.crc16CacheIgnoredBytes)) == 4, "drflac_bs.crc16CacheIgnoredBytes has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_bs.crc16CacheIgnoredBytes)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_bs) == 4176, "drflac_bs has size % instead of 4176", size_of(drflac_bs));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_subframe;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.subframeType)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_subframe.subframeType has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.subframeType)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_subframe.subframeType)) == 1, "drflac_subframe.subframeType has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_subframe.subframeType)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.wastedBitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 1, "drflac_subframe.wastedBitsPerSample has unexpected offset % instead of 1", ((cast(*void)(*instance.wastedBitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_subframe.wastedBitsPerSample)) == 1, "drflac_subframe.wastedBitsPerSample has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_subframe.wastedBitsPerSample)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.lpcOrder)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 2, "drflac_subframe.lpcOrder has unexpected offset % instead of 2", ((cast(*void)(*instance.lpcOrder)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_subframe.lpcOrder)) == 1, "drflac_subframe.lpcOrder has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_subframe.lpcOrder)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pSamplesS32)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_subframe.pSamplesS32 has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pSamplesS32)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_subframe.pSamplesS32)) == 8, "drflac_subframe.pSamplesS32 has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_subframe.pSamplesS32)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_subframe) == 16, "drflac_subframe has size % instead of 16", size_of(drflac_subframe));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_frame_header;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFrameNumber)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_frame_header.pcmFrameNumber has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFrameNumber)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.pcmFrameNumber)) == 8, "drflac_frame_header.pcmFrameNumber has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.pcmFrameNumber)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.flacFrameNumber)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_frame_header.flacFrameNumber has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.flacFrameNumber)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.flacFrameNumber)) == 4, "drflac_frame_header.flacFrameNumber has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.flacFrameNumber)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drflac_frame_header.sampleRate has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.sampleRate)) == 4, "drflac_frame_header.sampleRate has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.sampleRate)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.blockSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drflac_frame_header.blockSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.blockSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.blockSizeInPCMFrames)) == 2, "drflac_frame_header.blockSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.blockSizeInPCMFrames)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channelAssignment)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 18, "drflac_frame_header.channelAssignment has unexpected offset % instead of 18", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channelAssignment)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.channelAssignment)) == 1, "drflac_frame_header.channelAssignment has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.channelAssignment)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 19, "drflac_frame_header.bitsPerSample has unexpected offset % instead of 19", ((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.bitsPerSample)) == 1, "drflac_frame_header.bitsPerSample has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.bitsPerSample)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.crc8)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 20, "drflac_frame_header.crc8 has unexpected offset % instead of 20", ((cast(*void)(*instance.crc8)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.crc8)) == 1, "drflac_frame_header.crc8 has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame_header.crc8)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_frame_header) == 24, "drflac_frame_header has size % instead of 24", size_of(drflac_frame_header));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_frame;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.header)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_frame.header has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.header)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame.header)) == 24, "drflac_frame.header has unexpected size % instead of 24", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame.header)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFramesRemaining)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drflac_frame.pcmFramesRemaining has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFramesRemaining)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame.pcmFramesRemaining)) == 4, "drflac_frame.pcmFramesRemaining has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame.pcmFramesRemaining)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.subframes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 32, "drflac_frame.subframes has unexpected offset % instead of 32", ((cast(*void)(*instance.subframes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_frame.subframes)) == 128, "drflac_frame.subframes has unexpected size % instead of 128", size_of(type_of(drflac_frame.subframes)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_frame) == 160, "drflac_frame has size % instead of 160", size_of(drflac_frame));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onMeta)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac.onMeta has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onMeta)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.onMeta)) == 8, "drflac.onMeta has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac.onMeta)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserDataMD)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac.pUserDataMD has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserDataMD)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.pUserDataMD)) == 8, "drflac.pUserDataMD has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac.pUserDataMD)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.allocationCallbacks)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drflac.allocationCallbacks has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.allocationCallbacks)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.allocationCallbacks)) == 32, "drflac.allocationCallbacks has unexpected size % instead of 32", size_of(type_of(drflac.allocationCallbacks)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 48, "drflac.sampleRate has unexpected offset % instead of 48", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.sampleRate)) == 4, "drflac.sampleRate has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac.sampleRate)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 52, "drflac.channels has unexpected offset % instead of 52", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.channels)) == 1, "drflac.channels has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac.channels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 53, "drflac.bitsPerSample has unexpected offset % instead of 53", ((cast(*void)(*instance.bitsPerSample)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.bitsPerSample)) == 1, "drflac.bitsPerSample has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac.bitsPerSample)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 54, "drflac.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected offset % instead of 54", ((cast(*void)(*instance.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames)) == 2, "drflac.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drflac.maxBlockSizeInPCMFrames)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.totalPCMFrameCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 56, "drflac.totalPCMFrameCount has unexpected offset % instead of 56", ((cast(*void)(*instance.totalPCMFrameCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.totalPCMFrameCount)) == 8, "drflac.totalPCMFrameCount has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac.totalPCMFrameCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.container)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 64, "drflac.container has unexpected offset % instead of 64", ((cast(*void)(*instance.container)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.container)) == 4, "drflac.container has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac.container)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.seekpointCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 68, "drflac.seekpointCount has unexpected offset % instead of 68", ((cast(*void)(*instance.seekpointCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.seekpointCount)) == 4, "drflac.seekpointCount has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac.seekpointCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.currentFLACFrame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 72, "drflac.currentFLACFrame has unexpected offset % instead of 72", ((cast(*void)(*instance.currentFLACFrame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.currentFLACFrame)) == 160, "drflac.currentFLACFrame has unexpected size % instead of 160", size_of(type_of(drflac.currentFLACFrame)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.currentPCMFrame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 232, "drflac.currentPCMFrame has unexpected offset % instead of 232", ((cast(*void)(*instance.currentPCMFrame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.currentPCMFrame)) == 8, "drflac.currentPCMFrame has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac.currentPCMFrame)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.firstFLACFramePosInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 240, "drflac.firstFLACFramePosInBytes has unexpected offset % instead of 240", ((cast(*void)(*instance.firstFLACFramePosInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.firstFLACFramePosInBytes)) == 8, "drflac.firstFLACFramePosInBytes has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac.firstFLACFramePosInBytes)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.memoryStream)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 248, "drflac.memoryStream has unexpected offset % instead of 248", ((cast(*void)(*instance.memoryStream)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.memoryStream)) == 24, "drflac.memoryStream has unexpected size % instead of 24", size_of(type_of(drflac.memoryStream)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pDecodedSamples)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 272, "drflac.pDecodedSamples has unexpected offset % instead of 272", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pDecodedSamples)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.pDecodedSamples)) == 8, "drflac.pDecodedSamples has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac.pDecodedSamples)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pSeekpoints)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 280, "drflac.pSeekpoints has unexpected offset % instead of 280", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pSeekpoints)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.pSeekpoints)) == 8, "drflac.pSeekpoints has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac.pSeekpoints)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance._oggbs)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 288, "drflac._oggbs has unexpected offset % instead of 288", ((cast(*void)(*instance._oggbs)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac._oggbs)) == 8, "drflac._oggbs has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac._oggbs)));
+ // Bitfields are currently not correctly aligned
+ // assert(((cast(*void)(*instance._noSeekTableSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 296, "drflac._noSeekTableSeek has unexpected offset % instead of 296", ((cast(*void)(*instance._noSeekTableSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac._noSeekTableSeek)) == 4, "drflac._noSeekTableSeek has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac._noSeekTableSeek)));
+ // Bitfields are currently not correctly aligned
+ // assert(((cast(*void)(*instance._noBinarySearchSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 296, "drflac._noBinarySearchSeek has unexpected offset % instead of 296", ((cast(*void)(*instance._noBinarySearchSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac._noBinarySearchSeek)) == 4, "drflac._noBinarySearchSeek has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac._noBinarySearchSeek)));
+ // Bitfields are currently not correctly aligned
+ // assert(((cast(*void)(*instance._noBruteForceSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 296, "drflac._noBruteForceSeek has unexpected offset % instead of 296", ((cast(*void)(*instance._noBruteForceSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac._noBruteForceSeek)) == 4, "drflac._noBruteForceSeek has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac._noBruteForceSeek)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.bs)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 304, "drflac.bs has unexpected offset % instead of 304", ((cast(*void)(*instance.bs)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.bs)) == 4176, "drflac.bs has unexpected size % instead of 4176", size_of(type_of(drflac.bs)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pExtraData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4480, "drflac.pExtraData has unexpected offset % instead of 4480", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pExtraData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac.pExtraData)) == 1, "drflac.pExtraData has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac.pExtraData)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac) == 4488, "drflac has size % instead of 4488", size_of(drflac));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.countRemaining)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator.countRemaining has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.countRemaining)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator.countRemaining)) == 4, "drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator.countRemaining has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator.countRemaining)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pRunningData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator.pRunningData has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pRunningData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator.pRunningData)) == 8, "drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator.pRunningData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator.pRunningData)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator) == 16, "drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator has size % instead of 16", size_of(drflac_vorbis_comment_iterator));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.countRemaining)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator.countRemaining has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.countRemaining)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator.countRemaining)) == 4, "drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator.countRemaining has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator.countRemaining)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pRunningData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator.pRunningData has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pRunningData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator.pRunningData)) == 8, "drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator.pRunningData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator.pRunningData)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator) == 16, "drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator has size % instead of 16", size_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_iterator));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_cuesheet_track_index;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.offset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_cuesheet_track_index.offset has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.offset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_index.offset)) == 8, "drflac_cuesheet_track_index.offset has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_index.offset)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.index)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_cuesheet_track_index.index has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.index)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_index.index)) == 1, "drflac_cuesheet_track_index.index has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_index.index)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.reserved)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 9, "drflac_cuesheet_track_index.reserved has unexpected offset % instead of 9", ((cast(*void)(*instance.reserved)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_index.reserved)) == 3, "drflac_cuesheet_track_index.reserved has unexpected size % instead of 3", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_index.reserved)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_index) == 16, "drflac_cuesheet_track_index has size % instead of 16", size_of(drflac_cuesheet_track_index));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drflac_cuesheet_track;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.offset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drflac_cuesheet_track.offset has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.offset)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.offset)) == 8, "drflac_cuesheet_track.offset has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.offset)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.trackNumber)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drflac_cuesheet_track.trackNumber has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.trackNumber)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.trackNumber)) == 1, "drflac_cuesheet_track.trackNumber has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.trackNumber)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.ISRC)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 9, "drflac_cuesheet_track.ISRC has unexpected offset % instead of 9", ((cast(*void)(*instance.ISRC)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.ISRC)) == 12, "drflac_cuesheet_track.ISRC has unexpected size % instead of 12", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.ISRC)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.isAudio)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 21, "drflac_cuesheet_track.isAudio has unexpected offset % instead of 21", ((cast(*void)(*instance.isAudio)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.isAudio)) == 1, "drflac_cuesheet_track.isAudio has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.isAudio)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.preEmphasis)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 22, "drflac_cuesheet_track.preEmphasis has unexpected offset % instead of 22", ((cast(*void)(*instance.preEmphasis)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.preEmphasis)) == 1, "drflac_cuesheet_track.preEmphasis has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.preEmphasis)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.indexCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 23, "drflac_cuesheet_track.indexCount has unexpected offset % instead of 23", ((cast(*void)(*instance.indexCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.indexCount)) == 1, "drflac_cuesheet_track.indexCount has unexpected size % instead of 1", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.indexCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pIndexPoints)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drflac_cuesheet_track.pIndexPoints has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pIndexPoints)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.pIndexPoints)) == 8, "drflac_cuesheet_track.pIndexPoints has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drflac_cuesheet_track.pIndexPoints)));
+ assert(size_of(drflac_cuesheet_track) == 32, "drflac_cuesheet_track has size % instead of 32", size_of(drflac_cuesheet_track));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drmp3_allocation_callbacks;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drmp3_allocation_callbacks.pUserData has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks.pUserData)) == 8, "drmp3_allocation_callbacks.pUserData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks.pUserData)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onMalloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onMalloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc)) == 8, "drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onMalloc)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onRealloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onRealloc)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc)) == 8, "drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onRealloc)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onFree)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 24, "drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onFree has unexpected offset % instead of 24", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onFree)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onFree)) == 8, "drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onFree has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks.onFree)));
+ assert(size_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks) == 32, "drmp3_allocation_callbacks has size % instead of 32", size_of(drmp3_allocation_callbacks));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drmp3dec_frame_info;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.frame_bytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drmp3dec_frame_info.frame_bytes has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.frame_bytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.frame_bytes)) == 4, "drmp3dec_frame_info.frame_bytes has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.frame_bytes)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drmp3dec_frame_info.channels has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.channels)) == 4, "drmp3dec_frame_info.channels has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.channels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.hz)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drmp3dec_frame_info.hz has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.hz)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.hz)) == 4, "drmp3dec_frame_info.hz has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.hz)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.layer)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 12, "drmp3dec_frame_info.layer has unexpected offset % instead of 12", ((cast(*void)(*instance.layer)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.layer)) == 4, "drmp3dec_frame_info.layer has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.layer)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.bitrate_kbps)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drmp3dec_frame_info.bitrate_kbps has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.bitrate_kbps)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.bitrate_kbps)) == 4, "drmp3dec_frame_info.bitrate_kbps has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec_frame_info.bitrate_kbps)));
+ assert(size_of(drmp3dec_frame_info) == 20, "drmp3dec_frame_info has size % instead of 20", size_of(drmp3dec_frame_info));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drmp3dec;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.mdct_overlap)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drmp3dec.mdct_overlap has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.mdct_overlap)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.mdct_overlap)) == 2304, "drmp3dec.mdct_overlap has unexpected size % instead of 2304", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.mdct_overlap)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.qmf_state)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 2304, "drmp3dec.qmf_state has unexpected offset % instead of 2304", ((cast(*void)(*instance.qmf_state)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.qmf_state)) == 3840, "drmp3dec.qmf_state has unexpected size % instead of 3840", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.qmf_state)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.reserv)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6144, "drmp3dec.reserv has unexpected offset % instead of 6144", ((cast(*void)(*instance.reserv)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.reserv)) == 4, "drmp3dec.reserv has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.reserv)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.free_format_bytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6148, "drmp3dec.free_format_bytes has unexpected offset % instead of 6148", ((cast(*void)(*instance.free_format_bytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.free_format_bytes)) == 4, "drmp3dec.free_format_bytes has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.free_format_bytes)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.header)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6152, "drmp3dec.header has unexpected offset % instead of 6152", ((cast(*void)(*instance.header)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.header)) == 4, "drmp3dec.header has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.header)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.reserv_buf)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6156, "drmp3dec.reserv_buf has unexpected offset % instead of 6156", ((cast(*void)(*instance.reserv_buf)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.reserv_buf)) == 511, "drmp3dec.reserv_buf has unexpected size % instead of 511", size_of(type_of(drmp3dec.reserv_buf)));
+ assert(size_of(drmp3dec) == 6668, "drmp3dec has size % instead of 6668", size_of(drmp3dec));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drmp3_seek_point;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.seekPosInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drmp3_seek_point.seekPosInBytes has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.seekPosInBytes)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_seek_point.seekPosInBytes)) == 8, "drmp3_seek_point.seekPosInBytes has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3_seek_point.seekPosInBytes)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFrameIndex)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 8, "drmp3_seek_point.pcmFrameIndex has unexpected offset % instead of 8", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFrameIndex)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_seek_point.pcmFrameIndex)) == 8, "drmp3_seek_point.pcmFrameIndex has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3_seek_point.pcmFrameIndex)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.mp3FramesToDiscard)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16, "drmp3_seek_point.mp3FramesToDiscard has unexpected offset % instead of 16", ((cast(*void)(*instance.mp3FramesToDiscard)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_seek_point.mp3FramesToDiscard)) == 2, "drmp3_seek_point.mp3FramesToDiscard has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drmp3_seek_point.mp3FramesToDiscard)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFramesToDiscard)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 18, "drmp3_seek_point.pcmFramesToDiscard has unexpected offset % instead of 18", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFramesToDiscard)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_seek_point.pcmFramesToDiscard)) == 2, "drmp3_seek_point.pcmFramesToDiscard has unexpected size % instead of 2", size_of(type_of(drmp3_seek_point.pcmFramesToDiscard)));
+ assert(size_of(drmp3_seek_point) == 24, "drmp3_seek_point has size % instead of 24", size_of(drmp3_seek_point));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drmp3_config;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drmp3_config.channels has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_config.channels)) == 4, "drmp3_config.channels has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3_config.channels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 4, "drmp3_config.sampleRate has unexpected offset % instead of 4", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3_config.sampleRate)) == 4, "drmp3_config.sampleRate has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3_config.sampleRate)));
+ assert(size_of(drmp3_config) == 8, "drmp3_config has size % instead of 8", size_of(drmp3_config));
+ }
+ {
+ instance: drmp3;
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.decoder)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 0, "drmp3.decoder has unexpected offset % instead of 0", ((cast(*void)(*instance.decoder)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.decoder)) == 6668, "drmp3.decoder has unexpected size % instead of 6668", size_of(type_of(drmp3.decoder)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6668, "drmp3.channels has unexpected offset % instead of 6668", ((cast(*void)(*instance.channels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.channels)) == 4, "drmp3.channels has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3.channels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6672, "drmp3.sampleRate has unexpected offset % instead of 6672", ((cast(*void)(*instance.sampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.sampleRate)) == 4, "drmp3.sampleRate has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3.sampleRate)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onRead)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6680, "drmp3.onRead has unexpected offset % instead of 6680", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onRead)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.onRead)) == 8, "drmp3.onRead has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.onRead)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.onSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6688, "drmp3.onSeek has unexpected offset % instead of 6688", ((cast(*void)(*instance.onSeek)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.onSeek)) == 8, "drmp3.onSeek has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.onSeek)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6696, "drmp3.pUserData has unexpected offset % instead of 6696", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pUserData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.pUserData)) == 8, "drmp3.pUserData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.pUserData)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.allocationCallbacks)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6704, "drmp3.allocationCallbacks has unexpected offset % instead of 6704", ((cast(*void)(*instance.allocationCallbacks)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.allocationCallbacks)) == 32, "drmp3.allocationCallbacks has unexpected size % instead of 32", size_of(type_of(drmp3.allocationCallbacks)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.mp3FrameChannels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6736, "drmp3.mp3FrameChannels has unexpected offset % instead of 6736", ((cast(*void)(*instance.mp3FrameChannels)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.mp3FrameChannels)) == 4, "drmp3.mp3FrameChannels has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3.mp3FrameChannels)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.mp3FrameSampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6740, "drmp3.mp3FrameSampleRate has unexpected offset % instead of 6740", ((cast(*void)(*instance.mp3FrameSampleRate)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.mp3FrameSampleRate)) == 4, "drmp3.mp3FrameSampleRate has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3.mp3FrameSampleRate)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFramesConsumedInMP3Frame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6744, "drmp3.pcmFramesConsumedInMP3Frame has unexpected offset % instead of 6744", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFramesConsumedInMP3Frame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.pcmFramesConsumedInMP3Frame)) == 4, "drmp3.pcmFramesConsumedInMP3Frame has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3.pcmFramesConsumedInMP3Frame)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFramesRemainingInMP3Frame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6748, "drmp3.pcmFramesRemainingInMP3Frame has unexpected offset % instead of 6748", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFramesRemainingInMP3Frame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.pcmFramesRemainingInMP3Frame)) == 4, "drmp3.pcmFramesRemainingInMP3Frame has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3.pcmFramesRemainingInMP3Frame)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 6752, "drmp3.pcmFrames has unexpected offset % instead of 6752", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pcmFrames)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.pcmFrames)) == 9216, "drmp3.pcmFrames has unexpected size % instead of 9216", size_of(type_of(drmp3.pcmFrames)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.currentPCMFrame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 15968, "drmp3.currentPCMFrame has unexpected offset % instead of 15968", ((cast(*void)(*instance.currentPCMFrame)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.currentPCMFrame)) == 8, "drmp3.currentPCMFrame has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.currentPCMFrame)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.streamCursor)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 15976, "drmp3.streamCursor has unexpected offset % instead of 15976", ((cast(*void)(*instance.streamCursor)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.streamCursor)) == 8, "drmp3.streamCursor has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.streamCursor)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pSeekPoints)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 15984, "drmp3.pSeekPoints has unexpected offset % instead of 15984", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pSeekPoints)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.pSeekPoints)) == 8, "drmp3.pSeekPoints has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.pSeekPoints)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.seekPointCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 15992, "drmp3.seekPointCount has unexpected offset % instead of 15992", ((cast(*void)(*instance.seekPointCount)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.seekPointCount)) == 4, "drmp3.seekPointCount has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3.seekPointCount)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16000, "drmp3.dataSize has unexpected offset % instead of 16000", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataSize)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.dataSize)) == 8, "drmp3.dataSize has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.dataSize)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataCapacity)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16008, "drmp3.dataCapacity has unexpected offset % instead of 16008", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataCapacity)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.dataCapacity)) == 8, "drmp3.dataCapacity has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.dataCapacity)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.dataConsumed)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16016, "drmp3.dataConsumed has unexpected offset % instead of 16016", ((cast(*void)(*instance.dataConsumed)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.dataConsumed)) == 8, "drmp3.dataConsumed has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.dataConsumed)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.pData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16024, "drmp3.pData has unexpected offset % instead of 16024", ((cast(*void)(*instance.pData)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.pData)) == 8, "drmp3.pData has unexpected size % instead of 8", size_of(type_of(drmp3.pData)));
+ // Bitfields are currently not correctly aligned
+ // assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.atEnd)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16032, "drmp3.atEnd has unexpected offset % instead of 16032", ((cast(*void)(*instance.atEnd)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.atEnd)) == 4, "drmp3.atEnd has unexpected size % instead of 4", size_of(type_of(drmp3.atEnd)));
+ assert(((cast(*void)(*instance.memory)) - cast(*void)(*instance)) == 16040, "drmp3.memory has unexpected offset % instead of 16040", ((cast(*void)(*instance.memory)) - cast(*void)(*instance)));
+ assert(size_of(type_of(drmp3.memory)) == 24, "drmp3.memory has unexpected size % instead of 24", size_of(type_of(drmp3.memory)));
+ assert(size_of(drmp3) == 16064, "drmp3 has size % instead of 16064", size_of(drmp3));
+ }
diff --git a/windows/dr_libs.lib b/windows/dr_libs.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5345955
Binary files /dev/null and b/windows/dr_libs.lib differ