
163 lines
7.0 KiB

" A simple dark vim colorscheme.
" Created by Michael Campagnaro (
if has('termguicolors')
" Supports 24-bit color range
set termguicolors
let g:campo_theme_use_rainbow_parens = 0
echoerr "This theme requires 'termguicolors' support!"
if !has("gui_running") && &t_Co != 88 && &t_Co != 256
echoerr "Don't have expected color support!"
set background=dark
hi clear
syntax reset
source $HOME/.vim/colors/utils
let g:colors_name = "campo-dark-blue"
" Shared colors
let s:blue = "3699cc"
let s:purple = "ce93d8"
let s:grey = "b0bec5"
let s:orange = "ffb74d"
let s:yellow = "fff176"
let s:green = "88b888"
let s:red = "ef2929"
let s:text = "f1f1e8" " A majority of the syntax will use this.
let s:bg = "072730"
let s:select = "546e8f"
let s:window = "37474f"
let s:comment = "5dea82"
let s:tab = "03404a"
let s:error = "e40e0e"
let s:proc = "0eefcb"
let s:warn = "dcd53e"
let s:spell = "aaf53e"
" Vim
call X("Normal", s:text, s:bg, "")
call X("LineNr", s:grey, "", "")
call X("NonText", s:text, "", "")
call X("SpecialKey", s:blue, "", "")
call X("Search", s:text, s:select, "")
call X("TabLineSel", s:text, s:bg, "bold")
call X("TabLine", "dddddd", s:tab, "none")
call X("TabLineFill", "", s:tab, "none") " The tab line region that doesn't contain tab entries.
call X("StatusLine", s:window, s:text, "reverse")
call X("StatusLineNC", s:window, s:comment, "reverse")
call X("VertSplit", s:window, s:window, "none")
call X("Visual", "", s:select, "")
call X("Directory", s:blue, "", "")
call X("ModeMsg", s:green, "", "")
call X("MoreMsg", s:green, "", "")
call X("Question", s:green, "", "")
call X("MatchParen", "", s:select, "")
call X("Folded", s:comment, s:bg, "")
call X("FoldColumn", s:comment, s:bg, "")
call X("SpellBad", s:spell, s:bg, "bold")
call X("SpellCap", s:text, s:bg, "") " A word that should start with a capital
call X("SpellLocal", s:spell, s:bg, "bold") " Correctly spelled but used in another region.
call X("SpellRare", s:text, s:bg, "") " A correctly spelled that is hardly ever used. Don't care about this.
call X("ErrorMsg", s:error, s:bg, "bold")
if version >= 700
call X("PMenu", s:text, s:select, "none") " Autocompletion menu
call X("PMenuSel", s:text, "027990", "bold") " Selected autocompletion item
call X("SignColumn", "", s:bg, "none")
call X("CursorLine", "", "022f36", "none") " Horizontal line at the cursor.
call X("CursorColumn", "", "022c33", "none") " Vertical line at the cursor.
if version >= 703
call X("ColorColumn", "", "022c33", "none") " Vertical line set by colorcolumn option.
" Standard Highlighting
call X("Comment", s:comment, "", "")
call X("Title", s:comment, "", "")
call X("Cursor", "", s:text, "")
call X("Identifier", s:grey, "", "none")
call X("Statement", s:text, "", "") " 'return', 'goto', 'case', 'break', etc
call X("Conditional", s:text, "", "")
call X("Repeat", s:text, "", "") " 'for' and 'while'
call X("Structure", "ae90ea", "", "")
call X("Function", s:proc, "", "")
call X("Constant", s:text, "", "") " Constants, e.g. SOME_CONST
call X("Boolean", s:text, "", "") " true, false
call X("String", s:text, "", "")
call X("Special", s:text, "", "")
call X("PreProc", s:text, "", "")
call X("Operator", s:text, "", "none")
call X("Type", s:text, "", "") " Data types
call X("Define", "a5bce4", "", "none")
call X("Include", s:text, "", "") " #include in C/C++
call X("Number", s:text, "", "")
" Notes
call X("Todo", "b8fbb0", s:bg, "underline")
call X("Bugs", "d8fbb0", s:bg, "standout")
call X("Notes", "ffffff", s:bg, "standout")
call X("Notices", s:warn, s:bg, "bold")
" Build markers
call X("BuildError", s:error, s:bg, "bold")
call X("BuildWarn", s:warn, s:bg, "bold")
call X("BuildInfo", s:text, s:bg, "bold")
" Jai Highlighting
call X("jaiVariableDeclaration", s:text, "", "")
call X("jaiTagNote", s:orange, "", "bold")
" airblade/vim-gitgutter
call X("GitGutterAdd", s:green, "", "")
call X("GitGutterDelete", s:red, "", "")
call X("GitGutterChange", s:yellow, "", "")
call X("GitGutterChangeDelete", s:orange, "", "")
" C Highlighting
call X("cType", s:text, "", "")
call X("cStorageClass", s:text, "", "")
call X("cConditional", s:text, "", "")
call X("cRepeat", s:text, "", "")
" Python Highlighting
call X("pythonInclude", s:red, "", "")
call X("pythonStatement", s:blue, "", "")
call X("pythonConditional", s:purple, "", "")
call X("pythonRepeat", s:purple, "", "")
call X("pythonException", s:purple, "", "")
call X("pythonFunction", s:proc, "", "")
call X("pythonSelf", s:grey, "", "")
call X("pythonOperator", s:purple, "", "")
call X("pythonExtraOperator", s:purple, "", "")
call X("pythonClass", s:proc, "", "")
call X("pythonDecorator", s:orange, "", "")
call X("pythonDocstring", s:comment, "", "")
call X("pythonBuiltinObj", s:yellow, "", "")
call X("pythonBuiltinType", s:orange, "", "")
call X("pythonNumber", s:orange, "", "")
" JS Highlighting
call X("javaScriptBraces", s:text, "", "")
call X("javaScriptFunction", s:purple, "", "")
call X("javaScriptConditional", s:purple, "", "")
call X("javaScriptRepeat", s:purple, "", "")
call X("javaScriptNumber", s:orange, "", "")
call X("javaScriptMember", s:orange, "", "")
" HTML Highlighting
call X("htmlTag", s:text, "", "")
call X("htmlTagName", s:text, "", "")
call X("htmlArg", s:text, "", "")
call X("htmlScriptTag", s:blue, "", "")
" Diff Highlighting
call X("DiffAdd", s:window, s:green, "none")
call X("DiffDelete", s:window, s:red, "none")
call X("DiffChange", s:window, s:yellow, "none")
call X("DiffText", s:bg, s:yellow, "none")