2019-04-27 11:43:56 -04:00
bash_profile Big cleanup and more streamlined windows setup 2017-02-18 13:05:08 -05:00
bashrc Update vimrc 2019-03-27 20:23:13 -04:00
gitconfig.platform Update git config for Windows 2017-06-09 16:10:39 -04:00
hosts Update Windows host file 2018-12-22 16:36:32 -05:00
inputrc Add an inputrc to windows dir 2017-06-10 16:48:16 -04:00 Update windows readme 2019-04-27 11:43:56 -04:00 Add a script for generating symbolic links with msys 2017-08-28 00:54:15 -04:00

Windows Setup

  • Turn off hibernation

    • Open admin cmd prompt: powercfg.exe /hibernate off
  • Install Windows Defender

  • Enable clear text

Enable security updates

If you don't have an antivirus program, or you do but it's not verified by Microsoft, then you will not receive security updates unless you set a key in the registry. Note that Windows Defender counts as a valid antivirus program.

Add the following registry key: Key="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\QualityCompat" Value="cadca5fe-87d3-4b96-b7fb-a231484277cc" Type="REG_DWORD” Data="0x00000000”

Configure Shell

  • Install MSYS2 w/ MinGW-w64 to C:\msys64

    • Open C:\msys64\mingw64.exe
    • Run pacman -S base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain git bc
    • Use C:\Users\<user> as the terminal $HOME by editting C:\msys64\etc\nsswitch.conf and changing the db_home value to windows.
  • You may need to work around an issue with envsubst.exe - you'll know there's a bug if git displays "': not a valid identifierline 89: export: dashless" or rebase complains about "new_count".

  • Map caps to left-ctrl using

  • Use symlink command cmd //c 'mklink .name-of-dotfile drive:\path\to\file.

  • Symlink ~/.private-files to the root directory containing dev/.

  • Symlink ~/.dev to ~/.private-files/path/to/dev.

  • Symlink ~/.dotfiles to ~/.dev/path/to/dotfiles.

  • Create ~/bin.

  • Symlink $HOME/bin/sym to $HOME/.dotfiles/windows/ You can now use this to do symlinks.

  • Symlink files in the dotfiles windows folder.

  • Symlink appropriate files in the root dotfiles directory.

    • Ignore all zsh files.
    • Don't symlink .vim folder because Plugged will fail to install the plugins. Just make a copy.
  • Setup private dotfiles. Once done, you should now have ~/bin and ~/.dotfiles/bin in your path.

Configure Private dotfiles

  • The most important task is to setup the c-dev-x64 shortcut for launching a msys shell with appropriate dev environment.
    • Add this to your taskbar and use this for launching a shell.

Setup dev tools

Setup Visual Studio

  • Use the backed up VS2015 ISO.
  • Pick a custom install directory, e.g. /x/programs/VS2015, /c/VS2015, etc.
  • Make sure to not do a default install. You must select the C++ language support.

Setting up Vim


  • If for some reason you want to compile Vim on Windows, do the following:
    • Git clone vim from Github
    • cd vim/src


You have to make a copy of the vim folder. For some unknown reason the Plugged scripts don't work when running them on a symlinked .vim directory. Can also symlink most of the directories in the vim folder. You have to symlink using the full path instead of something like ~\.dotfiles\vim, otherwise it won't work. The full path is something like c:\users\michael\.dotfiles\vim. Be careful when removing symlinks as it will delete the linked source as well.

Search Setup The vim search setup requires some setup:

  • First install Rusto. See Setting up Rust below.
  • Setup ripgrep:
    • Open an msvc x64 shell and run cargo install ripgrep.
    • Verify it works by running rg in a shell.


Setting up Cygwin

  • Can create symlinks to dotfiles using the git bash shell. The cygwin home directory is likely going to be C:\cygwin\home\<username>.
  • Build rlwrap

Setting up Rust

Setting up Go

Setting up Clojure

Setup Xbox stuff

  • Install the xbox controller drivers
  • Turn off stats collection
    • cmd-r, msconfig.exe, startup tab, uncheck Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories.

Turn off various startup processes

  • cmd-r -> msconfig.exe -> startup tab



  • If you see jaggy fonts then about about:config and check the value of gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.rendering_mode. Mine was -1 by default. Setting it to 5 removed the bad font rendering.