
84 lines
3.1 KiB

path = ~/.gitconfig.platform
path = ~/.gitconfig.private
summary = true
tool = vimdiff
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore
hookspath = ~/.git_hooks
preloadindex = true
fscache = true
default = upstream
algorithm = patience
diff = auto
status = auto
branch = auto
interactive = auto
ui = true
pager = true
[color "branch"]
current = yellow reverse
local = yellow
remote = green
[color "diff"]
meta = blue
frag = magenta
old = red
new = green
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
required = true
process = git-lfs filter-process
# Note: I'm using %ad in the pretty log to see the author's timestamp, as
# opposed to %cr which is the commiter's timestamp. I prefer the former
# because I sometimes edit an earlier commit message while rebasing and I
# want to continue to see the original date.
# @note If you want a grey that's slightly darker than %C(white dim) then
# try %C(black bold).
# Style 1
#lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h %Creset%C(white dim)[%Creset%an%Creset%C(white dim)]%Creset%C(yellow bold)%d %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(white dim)<%ad|%cr>%Creset'
# Style 2
#lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h [%Creset%an%Creset%C(yellow bold)]%d %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(white dim)<%ad|%cr>%Creset'
# Style 3
#lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h %Creset<%an> %C(yellow bold)%d %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(white dim)<%ad|%cr>%Creset'
# Style 4
#lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h %Creset[%an] %C(yellow bold)|%d %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(white dim)<%ad|%cr>%Creset'
# Style 5
#lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h|%Creset%an%Creset%C(yellow bold)|%d %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(white dim)<%ad|%cr>%Creset'
# Style 6
#lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h|%Creset%C(yellow dim)%an%Creset%C(yellow bold)|%d %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(white dim)<%ad|%cr>%Creset'
# Style 7
lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h %Creset%C(yellow dim)%an %Creset%C(yellow bold)| %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(white dim)[%ad|%cr] %Creset%C(yellow bold)%d %C(cyan bold)%<(8,trunc)%GK%Creset'
# Style 8
#lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h%Creset%C(white dim)|%Creset%an%Creset%C(white dim) >%Creset%C(yellow bold)%d %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(white dim)<%ad|%cr>%Creset'
# Style 9
#lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h%C(black bold)|%C(white dim)%an%Creset%C(yellow bold) >%d %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(black bold)<%ad|%cr>%Creset'
# Style 10
#lg = log --graph --date=relative --pretty=format:'%C(yellow bold)%h %Creset%C(yellow dim)%an%Creset%C(yellow bold) >%d %Creset%C(white bold)%s %C(white dim)<%ad|%cr>%Creset'
start = !git init && git commit --allow-empty -m \"Initial commit\"
enabled = true
auto = 0
detachedHead = false