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*obsession.txt* Continuously updated session files
Author: Tim Pope <>
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
USAGE *obsession* *:Obsession*
:Obsession {file} Invoke |:mksession| on {file} and continue to keep it
updated until Vim exits, triggering on the |BufEnter|
and |VimLeavePre| autocommands. If the file exists,
it will be overwritten if and only if it looks like a
session file.
:Obsession {dir} Invoke |:Obsession| on {dir}/Session.vim. Use "." to
write to a session file in the current directory.
:Obsession If session tracking is already in progress, pause it.
Otherwise, resume tracking or create a new session in
the current directory.
:Obsession! Stop obsession and delete the underlying session file.
Loading a session created with |:Obsession| automatically resumes updates to
that file.