scriptencoding utf-8 let hatena_id = 'your-hatena-id' let password = 'your-hatena-password' " write entry let entry = atom#newEntry() call entry.setTitle("title of entry") call entry.setContentType("text/html") call entry.setContent("") " post draft let id = atom#createEntry("".hatena_id."/atom/draft", hatena_id, password, entry) " modify it. publish it. call entry.setContent("") let id = atom#updateEntry(id, hatena_id, password, entry, {"X-HATENA-PUBLISH": 1}) " get the entry. let entry = atom#getEntry(id, hatena_id, password) echo entry.getTitle() echo entry.getContent() " delete the entry. call atom#deleteEntry(id, hatena_id, password) " vim:set ft=vim: