#!/usr/bin/env bash if which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then ncolors=$(tput colors) fi if [ -t 1 ] && [ -n "$ncolors" ] && [ "$ncolors" -ge 8 ]; then RED="$(tput setaf 1)" GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)" YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)" BLUE="$(tput setaf 4)" BOLD="$(tput bold)" NORMAL="$(tput sgr0)" else RED="" GREEN="" YELLOW="" BLUE="" BOLD="" NORMAL="" fi error() { printf "${BOLD}${RED}$1${NORMAL}" } abort() { error "\nAborting...\n" exit 1 } set -e cwd=$PWD printf "${BOLD}Attempting to connect to device via adb...\nMake sure 'file transfer' mode is set on device. You may have to accept the connection and then re-run this script.\n${NORMAL}" adb forward tcp:9222 localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote src=_tabs.json if wget -qO $src http://localhost:9222/json/list; then ts=`date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"` dest="${cwd}/${ts}_android-chrome-tabs.md" sed -n "/\"url\"/p" $src | sed -e "s/^[ \t]*.\{8\}//" -e "s/.\{2\}$//" > $dest printf "${BOLD}Saved tabs to: ${YELLOW}$dest${NORMAL}\n" else error "Unable to download tabs from device!\n" fi rm $src