# # Note: this may contain Windows line endings. If you're going to use it in Linux then you'll need # to remove those with: `sed -i 's/\r//' ` or with `dos2unix`. # if which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then ncolors=$(tput colors) fi if [ -t 1 ] && [ -n "$ncolors" ] && [ "$ncolors" -ge 8 ]; then RED="$(tput setaf 1)" GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)" YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)" BLUE="$(tput setaf 4)" MAGENTA="$(tput setaf 5)" CYAN="$(tput setaf 6)" BOLD="$(tput bold)" NORMAL="$(tput sgr0)" else RED="" GREEN="" YELLOW="" BLUE="" MAGENTA="" CYAN="" BOLD="" NORMAL="" fi platform=`uname` #################################################################################################### # Helper Functions #################################################################################################### error() { printf "${BOLD}${RED}$1${NORMAL}\n" } abort() { error "\nAborting..." exit 1 } reload() { test -f ~/.env.loader && . ~/.env.loader } update-shell() { if [[ '${platform,,}' == *'ming'* ]]; then pacman -Syu printf "\n${BOLD}${YELLOW}Close this shell, open a new one, and then run 'pacman -Su'${NORMAL}\n" fi } # Will return a symlink path in its expanded form. If the path's root is the # home directory symbol "~" then it'll be replaced by the full home path. expand_path() { local ret="$1" IFS="/" read -ra parts <<< "$ret" if [[ "${parts[0]}" == "~" ]]; then ret="$HOME" for ((i=1; i < ${#parts[@]}; i++)) do ret="$ret/${parts[$i]}" done fi ret=$(readlink -m "$ret") echo $ret } is_absolute_unix_path() { if [[ $1 =~ ^/ ]]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi } is_windows_path() { if [[ ! $1 =~ \/+ ]]; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi } # Returns a Unix path with spaces escaped with a '\'. escape_unix_path() { ret="$1" ret="${ret/ /\\ }" echo "$ret" } # Returned value does not have a trailing '\'. unix_to_windows_path() { ret="$1" if [[ $(is_windows_path "$ret") -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ $(is_absolute_unix_path "$ret") -eq 1 ]]; then ret="${ret/\//}" # Fix the drive name, e.g. c\foo becomes c:\foo ret=$(sed 's,\([a-zA-Z]*\),\1:,' <<< "$ret") fi ret="${ret////\\}" # Replace Unix slashes. ret="${ret//\\\(/\(}" # Remove backslash before (. ret="${ret//\\\)/\)}" # Remove backslash before ). fi # Strip trailing slashes. shopt -s extglob ret=$(echo "${ret%%+(\\)}") echo $ret } remove_windows_file() { local path=$(expand_path "$1") if [[ -f "$path" || -d "$path" ]]; then local dest=$(unix_to_windows_path "$path") recycle-bin.exe $dest else echo "'$path' does not exist!" fi } open_explorer_here() { local path_expanded=$(expand_path "$1") if [[ -d $path_expanded ]]; then local path=$(unix_to_windows_path "$path_expanded") explorer.exe "$path" else echo "Folder no longer exists" fi } ################## # Building code ################## # Dev build b() { test -f build && ./build $@ ; test -f build.sh && ./build.sh $@ ; test -f build.jai && ./build.jai $@ } # fast dev build bf() { test -f build && ./build $@ -fast ; test -f build.sh && ./build.sh $@ -fast ; test -f build.jai && ./build.jai $@ } # Optimized dev build bb() { test -f build && ./build $@ -o 1 ; test -f build.sh && ./build.sh $@ -o 1 ; test -f build.jai && ./build.jai -release $@ } # Production build bp() { test -f build && ./build $@ -p p ; test -f build.sh && ./build.sh $@ -p p ; test -f build.jai && ./build.jai -release $@ - -prod } # Profiling build bpf() { test -f build && ./build $@ -p pf ; test -f build.sh && ./build.sh $@ -p pf } # GPU profiling build bgpf() { test -f build && ./build $@ -p gpu ; test -f build.sh && ./build.sh $@ -p gpu } # Run build r() { test -f run && ./run $@ ; test -f run.sh && ./run.sh $@ } # Build then run br() { b $@ ; r } #################################################################################################### if [[ $platform == 'Darwin' ]]; then alias trash='rmtrash' alias tt='rmtrash' elif [[ "${platform,,}" == *'ming'* ]]; then # convert to lowercase then compare with wildcard #alias rm='echo "use trash command instead!"' #alias rmr='echo "use trash command instead!"' alias trash='remove_windows_file' alias tt='remove_windows_file' alias cgrep='cgrep.exe' fi alias cd-='echo "Use c- instead"' alias ..='cd ../' alias ...='cd ../..' alias cd..='cd ..' alias cd...='cd ../..' alias cd....='cd ../../..' alias cd.....='cd ../../../..' alias ls='ls -F --color' alias l='ls -lh' alias ll='ls -lha' alias aliases='vim ~/.dotfiles/aliases' alias al='aliases' if [[ "${platform,,}" == *'ming'* ]]; then _checksum() { local algo="$1" local file="$2" certutil -hashfile $file $algo } alias checksum='certutil -hashfile' alias checksum-md5='_checksum MD5' alias checksum-sha1='_checksum SHA1' alias checksum-sha256='_checksum SHA256' alias checksum-sha512='_checksum SHA512' fi check_signature() { local algo="$1" local hashes_file="$2" local pem_file="$3" local sig_file="$4" if [[ $hashes_file == "" || $pem_file == "" || $sig_file == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi openssl dgst -$algo -verify $pem_file -signature $sig_file $hashes_file } alias check-signature256='check_signature sha256 ' alias cr='RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -A unused_variables -A dead_code -A unused_parens" cargo run' alias crr='cargo run --release' alias cb='RUSTFLAGS="$RUSTFLAGS -A unused_variables -A dead_code -A unused_parens" cargo build' alias cbr='cargo build --release' alias clrtmp='trash ~/tmp/*.bak && trash ~/tmp/*.swp' alias clrtemp='clrtmp' alias clipboard='xclip -selection c' # Cloc alias may be overridden by a private alias alias cloc='cloc --no3 --by-file-by-lang --skip-win-hidden' alias cls=clear alias cpr='cp -r' alias dc='gdc' alias duh='du -csh' alias e='open_explorer_here "$PWD"' alias exp='echo "Use e instead."' alias f='fg' alias hist='history' alias histroy='history' alias irb='irb --readline -r irb/completion' alias lcc='lein clean' alias lca='lein cljsbuild auto dev' alias ldi='lein deps install' alias lsd='lein start-dev' alias moon='curl wttr.in/moon -A "curl"' alias reguard='killall -9 ruby ; guard' alias rb='rbenv' alias rbg='rbenv gemset active' alias rbp='cd $RBENV_PATH/versions/$(rbenv version | sed -e "s/ (set.*$//")' alias rbl='cd $RBENV_PATH/versions/$(rbenv version | sed -e "s/ (set.*$//")/lib/ruby' alias rc='rclone' alias rcc='rclone copy' alias restart='sudo shutdown now -r' alias rl='reload' alias rmr='rm -r' alias rmrf='rm -rf' alias s='cd ~/.ssh' alias sc='vim ~/.ssh/config' alias shutdown='sudo shutdown now' alias t='tree' alias tag='ctags -R .' alias v='vim' alias vi='vim' alias vh='vagrant halt' alias vs='vagrant ssh' alias vu='vagrant up' alias vimrc='vim ~/.vimrc' alias weather='curl wttr.in/toronto -A "curl"' #################################################################################################### # Grep #################################################################################################### custom_grep() { local term="$1" shift 1 local include_list=("$@") local include_arg="" if [[ $include_list != "" ]]; then for i in "${include_list[@]}"; do include_arg+="--include=\*${i} " done fi eval grep -nri --color=auto $include_arg --exclude=tags --exclude=newtags --exclude-dir=.git \"$term\" } # Search c/cpp/txt files. Only supports a single search term arg or a quoted search term. grep_dev() { custom_grep "$@" .h .c .cpp .inc .def .txt .md } # Search c/cpp files. Only supports a single search term arg or a quoted search term. grep_c() { custom_grep "$@" .h .c .cpp .inc .def } # Search txt/md files. Only supports a single search term arg or a quoted search term. grep_txt() { custom_grep "$@" .txt .md } alias grepp='grep -n --color=auto --exclude=tags --exclude=newtags --exclude-dir=.git ' alias grep-c='grep_c ' alias grep-txt='grep_txt' alias grep-dev='grep_dev' #################################################################################################### # Downloading Vids and Audio #################################################################################################### COMPRESSION_ON=1 COMPRESSION_OFF=0 SHORTNAME_ON=1 SHORTNAME_OFF=0 make_vid_dir_and_cd_into() { local url="$1" local dir_name="$2" shift 2 local opts="$@" if [[ $dir_name == "" ]]; then # @note If the filename contains symbols that are incompatible with # Windows' directory names then add --restrict-filenames to the command. dir_name=$(yt-dlp.exe --get-filename -o "%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s - %(title)s" $opts $url) if [[ $dir_name == "" ]]; then return 1 fi fi printf "${BOLD}Creating directory ${YELLOW}'$dir_name'${NORMAL}\n" mkdir "$dir_name" 2>/dev/null cd "$dir_name" error=$? if [[ ! $error -eq 0 ]]; then error "Error: failed to create directory. Aborting.\n" return 1 fi return 0 } # Download YouTube videos. Note that yt-dlp downloads a lot faster than streamlink. download_youtube_vid() { local format="$1" local shortname="$2" local make_folder="$3" local url="$4" shift 4 local opts="$@" if [[ $url == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi if [[ ! $url =~ "v=" ]]; then error "URL is missing a video id" return fi if [[ $format == "" ]]; then printf "${BOLD}No format given; using best available.${NORMAL}\n" # Download best mp4 video and best m4a audio, then merge. format="bv*[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]" opts+=" --merge-output-format mp4" fi opts+=" --write-subs --sub-lang en --embed-subs" if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then make_vid_dir_and_cd_into $url "" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi fi if [[ $shortname -eq 0 ]]; then local name_format="%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-%(title)s-yt-%(id)s.%(ext)s" else local name_format="%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-shortname-yt-%(id)s.%(ext)s" fi local cmd="yt-dlp.exe -f $format -o \"$name_format\" $opts $url" eval $cmd # Need to eval in order to preserve the quotes wrapping the filename format string. # Removing any trailing subtitle files rm *.vtt *.srt 2>/dev/null if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then cd .. fi } # Download YouTube video and flip horizontally. download_youtube_vid_and_hflip() { local format="$1" local make_folder="$2" local url="$3" shift 3 local opts="$@" if [[ $url == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi if [[ $format == "" ]]; then printf "${BOLD}No format given; using best available.${NORMAL}\n" # Download best mp4 video and best m4a audio, then merge. format="bv*[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]" opts+=" --merge-output-format mp4" fi opts+=" --write-sub --sub-lang en --embed-subs" if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then make_vid_dir_and_cd_into $url "" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi fi local filename=$(yt-dlp.exe --get-filename -f $format -o "%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-%(title)s-yt-%(id)s.%(ext)s" $url) local cmd="yt-dlp.exe -f $format -o \"$filename\" $opts $url" eval $cmd # Need to eval in order to preserve the quotes wrapping the filename format string. # Removing any trailing subtitle files rm *.vtt *.srt 2>/dev/null # Flip ffmpeg -i "$filename" -vf hflip -c:a copy "copy_${filename}" mv "copy_${filename}" "$filename" if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then cd .. fi } download_youtube_playlist() { local format="$1" local url="$2" local dir_name="$3" shift 3 local opts="$@" if [[ $url == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi if [[ $format == "" ]]; then printf "${BOLD}No format given; using best available.${NORMAL}\n" # Download best mp4 video and best m4a audio, then merge. format="bv*[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]" opts+=" --merge-output-format mp4" fi opts+=" --write-sub --sub-lang en --embed-subs" if [[ $dir_name != "" ]]; then make_vid_dir_and_cd_into $url "$dir_name" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi fi local cmd="yt-dlp.exe -f $format -o \"v%(playlist_index)03d--%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-%(title)s-yt-%(id)s.%(ext)s\" $opts $url" eval $cmd # Need to eval in order to preserve the quotes wrapping the filename format string. # Removing any trailing subtitle files rm *.vtt *.srt 2>/dev/null cd .. } # Download Twitch chat transcript actually_download_twitch_chat() { local url="$1" local filename="$2" rechat.exe -d $url "$filename.json" if [[ -f "$filename.json" ]]; then rechat.exe -p "$filename.json" "$filename.txt" -b -o rm "$filename.json" else error "Video doesn't have a chat transcript." fi } download_twitch_chat() { local make_folder="$1" local url="$2" shift 2 local opts="$@" if [[ $url == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then make_vid_dir_and_cd_into $url "" $opts if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi fi actually_download_twitch_chat $url "$(yt-dlp.exe --get-filename -o "%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-%(title)s-tw-%(id)s" $opts $url)" if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then cd .. fi } # Download Twitch videos, both VODs and live streams. Pass a Twitch account URL to download a live stream. # The live stream filename will not contain the stream title, so you'll need to modify it afterwards. # # If you want to download subcriber-only vids then first extract your Twitch # cookies to a file (can use cookies.txt add-on from Lennon Hill) and then pass it as an option, # using the full path to the cookies file, e.g. # `tw-1080p60 --cookies /c//twitch_cookies.txt` # # To extract a portion of a video, you have to first download the entire file and then use the # `trim-video` or `compress-video-and-trim` scripts. # download_twitch_vid() { local format="$1" local shortname="$2" local compress="$3" local make_folder="$4" local url="$5" shift 5 local opts="$@" if [[ $url == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi # We use yt-dlp to get the filename and then use streamlink to download it (the latter is a lot faster). # It's a two step process because streamlink cannot pass the formatted filename to ffmpeg. # We fallback to yt-dlp when it's a subscriber VOD because we don't have an easy way to access it with streamlink. local subscriber_vod=0 local split_opts=($opts) if [[ ${split_opts[0]} == "--cookies" ]]; then subscriber_vod=1 printf "${BOLD}Subscriber VOD. Will use yt-dlp to download.${NORMAL}\n" fi if [[ $compress -eq 0 ]]; then printf "${BOLD}Downloading Twitch vid with no compression.${NORMAL}\n" else printf "${BOLD}Downloading Twitch vid with compression.${NORMAL}\n" fi local yt_dlp_format="" local streamlink_format="" if [[ $format == "" ]]; then # Twitch only supplies pre-merged mp4s so we can ask for the best format and not worry about anything else. printf "${BOLD}No format given; using best available.${NORMAL}\n" yt_dlp_format="b" streamlink_format="best" else yt_dlp_format="$format" streamlink_format="$format" fi if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then make_vid_dir_and_cd_into $url "" $opts if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi fi if [[ $shortname -eq 0 ]]; then local name_format="%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-%(title)s-tw-%(id)s" else local name_format="%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-shortname-tw-%(id)s" fi # Download Twitch chat transcript actually_download_twitch_chat $url "$(yt-dlp.exe --get-filename -o "$name_format" $opts $url)" # Get the video filename. local filename=$(yt-dlp.exe --get-filename -o "$name_format.%(ext)s" $opts $url) # Download if [[ $subscriber_vod -eq 0 ]]; then local cmd="streamlink.exe --twitch-low-latency --twitch-disable-ads --twitch-disable-hosting --force --force-progress $opts $url $streamlink_format -O | ffmpeg -i pipe:0 -c copy \"$filename\"" else local cmd="yt-dlp.exe -f $yt_dlp_format -o \"$filename\" $opts $url" fi eval $cmd # Need to eval in order to preserve the quotes wrapping the filename format string. error=$? if [[ $error -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ $compress -eq 1 ]]; then local temp_name="temp_${RANDOM}" # 0=cpu, 1=gpu compress-video "$filename" "$temp_name" 0 extension="${filename##*.}" mv "$filename" "orig_$filename" mv $temp_name.$extension "$filename" printf "${BOLD}Make sure to delete the original video file${NORMAL}\n" fi else error "Error: Failed to download '$url'\n" fi if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then cd .. fi } # Download Vimeo videos. # Can download an embedded vid. You might need to save the site cookies if the vid is behind a paywall. # e.g. yt-dlp.exe -F --cookies cookies.txt --referer https://gillyandkeeves.tv https://player.vimeo.com/video/756941969 # The vid ID can be found by looking at the embed's iframe src attribute. download_vimeo_vid() { local format="$1" local shortname="$2" local compress="$3" local make_folder="$4" local url="$5" shift 5 local opts="$@" if [[ $url == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi if [[ $compress -eq 0 ]]; then printf "${BOLD}Downloading Vimeo vid with no compression.${NORMAL}\n" else printf "${BOLD}Downloading Vimeo vid with compression.${NORMAL}.\n" fi if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then make_vid_dir_and_cd_into $url "" $opts if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi fi if [[ $shortname -eq 0 ]]; then local name_format="%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-%(title)s-vimeo-%(id)s" else local name_format="%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-shortname-vimeo-%(id)s" fi # Download the video. local filename=$(yt-dlp.exe --get-filename -f $format -o "$name_format.%(ext)s" $opts $url) local cmd="yt-dlp.exe -f $format -o \"$filename\" $opts $url" eval $cmd # Need to eval in order to preserve the quotes wrapping the filename format string. error=$? if [[ $error -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ $compress -eq 1 ]]; then local temp_name="temp_${RANDOM}" # 0=cpu, 1=gpu compress-video "$filename" "$temp_name" 0 extension="${filename##*.}" mv "$filename" "orig_$filename" mv $temp_name.$extension "$filename" printf "${BOLD}Make sure to delete the original video file${NORMAL}\n" fi else error "Error: Failed to download '$url'\n" fi if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then cd .. fi } # Download Twitter videos. download_twitter_vid() { local format="$1" local make_folder="$2" local url="$3" local vid_name="$4" if [[ $url == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi printf "${BOLD}Downloading Twitter vid.${NORMAL}\n" if [[ $vid_name == "" ]]; then local name_format="%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-%(title)s-twitter-%(id)s" local opts="" else local name_format="%(upload_date>%Y-%m-%d)s-${vid_name}-twitter-%(id)s" shift 4 local opts="$@" fi if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then make_vid_dir_and_cd_into $url $vid_name $opts if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then return fi fi if [[ $format == "" ]]; then printf "${BOLD}No format given; using best available.${NORMAL}\n" format="b" fi # Download the video. local filename=$(yt-dlp.exe --get-filename -f $format -o "$name_format.%(ext)s" $opts $url) local cmd="yt-dlp.exe -f $format -o \"$filename\" $opts $url" eval $cmd # Need to eval in order to preserve the quotes wrapping the filename format string. error=$? if [[ $error -eq 1 ]]; then error "Error: Failed to download '$url'\n" fi if [[ $make_folder == "1" ]]; then cd .. fi } # Download MP4 video. download_mp4() { local url="$1" local filename="$2" if [[ $url == "" || $filename == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi temp_name="temp_${RANDOM}.mp4" printf "${BOLD}Downloading: ${YELLOW}$filename${NORMAL}\n" curl "$url" -o $temp_name if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "Error: failed to download.\n" return fi mv $temp_name "$filename.mp4" } # Download from m3u8 stream to mp4. download_from_m3u8() { local m3u8_path="$1" local filename="$2" if [[ $m3u8_path == "" || $filename == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi printf "${BOLD}Downloading: ${YELLOW}$filename${NORMAL}\n" ffmpeg.exe -protocol_whitelist file,https,crypto,tls,tcp -i $m3u8_path -acodec copy -vcodec copy "${filename}.mp4" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "Error: failed to download.\n" return fi printf "${BOLD}Finished downloading ${YELLOW}$filename${NORMAL}\n" } # Download Instagram video and flip horizontally. download_instagram_vid_and_hflip() { local url="$1" local filename="$2" if [[ $url == "" || $filename == "" ]]; then error "Format: $0 \n" return fi temp_name="temp_${RANDOM}.mp4" printf "${BOLD}Downloading: ${YELLOW}$filename${NORMAL}\n" curl "$url" -o $temp_name if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then error "Error: failed to download.\n" return fi # Flip ffmpeg -i $temp_name -vf hflip -c:a copy "copy_$temp_name" mv copy_${temp_name} "$filename.mp4" rm $temp_name } # YouTube Vid DL alias yt='download_youtube_vid "" $SHORTNAME_OFF' alias yt-shortname='download_youtube_vid "" $SHORTNAME_ON' alias yt-1080='download_youtube_vid "137+140" $SHORTNAME_OFF' alias yt-1080-shortname='download_youtube_vid "137+140" $SHORTNAME_ON' alias yt-720='download_youtube_vid "136+140" $SHORTNAME_OFF' alias yt-720-shortname='download_youtube_vid "136+140" $SHORTNAME_ON' alias yt-playlist='download_youtube_playlist ""' alias yt-playlist-1080='download_youtube_playlist "137+140"' alias yt-playlist-720='download_youtube_playlist "136+140"' alias yt-playlist-tiny='download_youtube_playlist "160+140"' alias yt-audio='yt-dlp.exe -f "140"' alias yt-and-hflip='download_youtube_vid_and_hflip "137+140"' # 1080p # Twitch Vid DL alias tw='download_twitch_vid "" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-compressed='download_twitch_vid "" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-shortname='download_twitch_vid "" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-shortname-compressed='download_twitch_vid "" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-custom='download_twitch_vid ' alias tw-chat='download_twitch_chat' alias tw-1080='download_twitch_vid "1080" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-1080-compressed='download_twitch_vid "1080" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-1080-shortname='download_twitch_vid "1080" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-1080-shortname-compressed='download_twitch_vid "1080" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-1080p60='download_twitch_vid "1080p60" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-1080p50='download_twitch_vid "1080p50" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-1080p60-compressed='download_twitch_vid "1080p60" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-1080p50-compressed='download_twitch_vid "1080p50" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-1080p60-shortname='download_twitch_vid "1080p60" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-1080p50-shortname='download_twitch_vid "1080p50" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-1080p60-shortname-compressed='download_twitch_vid "1080p60" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-1080p50-shortname-compressed='download_twitch_vid "1080p50" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-720='download_twitch_vid "720p" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-720-compressed='download_twitch_vid "720p" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-720-shortname='download_twitch_vid "720p" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-720p60='download_twitch_vid "720p60" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-720p60-shortname='download_twitch_vid "720p60" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-4k='download_twitch_vid "2160p" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-4k-compressed='download_twitch_vid "2160p" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-4k-shortname='download_twitch_vid "2160p" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias tw-4k-shortname-compressed='download_twitch_vid "2160p" $SHORTNAME_ON $COMPRESSION_ON' alias tw-source='download_twitch_vid "Source" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_OFF' # Vimeo Vid DL alias vimeo='download_vimeo_vid "Original" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_OFF' alias vimeo-compressed='download_vimeo_vid "Original" $SHORTNAME_OFF $COMPRESSION_ON' # Instagram Vid DL alias ig-download-and-hflip='download_instagram_vid_and_hflip ' # Twitter Vid DL alias twt='download_twitter_vid "" ' # Misc alias download-mp4='download_mp4' alias download-from-m3u8='download_from_m3u8' #################################################################################################### # Video Compression #################################################################################################### function _compress_video_hard() { local crf=35 local name="$1" local out="$2" if [[ name == "" || out == "" ]]; then error "Format: cmd \n" return fi # 0=cpu, 1=gpu compress-video-with-crf $crf "$name" "$out" 0 } alias compress-video-hard='_compress_video_hard' #################################################################################################### # Git #################################################################################################### if [[ '${platform,,}' == *'ming'* ]]; then # Fix a weird mingw 'not a valid identifierline' error. # Got the fix from https://github.com/Alexpux/MSYS2-packages/issues/735#issuecomment-328938800 alias git="PATH=/usr/bin git" fi git_cmd_wrapper() { # If no args are provided then run `git status -s` if [[ $# > 0 ]]; then git $@ else git status -s fi } git_commit() { cmd="git commit -m \"$*\"" eval "$cmd" } # Performs a commit with the nocheckin prehook disabled. git_commit_nocheckin() { cmd="git commit -m \"$*\"" eval "DISABLE_NOCHECKIN=1 $cmd" } git_commit_signed() { cmd="git commit -S -m \"$*\"" eval "$cmd" } git_fix_nocheckin() { eval "DISABLE_NOCHECKIN=1 git commit --amend -C HEAD" } git_branch_name() { val=`git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '^*' | colrm 1 2` echo "$val" } git_nuke() { git checkout master && git branch -D $1 && git push origin :$1 } git_create_stash_patch() { stashNum="$1" file="stash_$stashNum.patch" git stash show "stash@{$stashNum}" -p > $file printf "${BOLD}${YELLOW}Created $file for stash@{$stashNum}.${NORMAL}\n" } alias am='git commit --amend' alias ama='git commit --amend -C head --author' alias ams='git commit -S --amend' # signed alias ammend='echo "use am instead"' alias amend='echo "use am instead"' alias g='git_cmd_wrapper' alias ga='git add -A' alias gaa='git add -A; gdcc' alias gap='git add -Ap' alias gau='git add --update' alias gaup='git add --update -p' alias gb='git branch -v' alias gbb='git bisect bad' alias gbd='git branch -D' alias gbdr='git branch -Dr' alias gbg='git bisect good' alias gbl='git branch --all' alias gblm='git blame -wMC' alias gbm='git branch -m' alias gbr='git branch -rv' alias gc='git commit' alias gcl='git clone' alias gcm='git_commit' alias gcms='git_commit_signed' # signed alias gcmno='git_commit_nocheckin' alias gco='git checkout' alias gco-='git checkout -' alias gcob='git checkout -b' alias gcon='vi .git/config' alias gcp='git cherry-pick' alias gcpa='git cherry-pick --abort' alias gcpc='git cherry-pick --continue' alias gcps='git cherry-pick -n' alias gd='git diff' alias gdc='git diff --cached' alias gdcc='git diff --cached --color-words' alias gdm='git diff master' alias gds='git diff --stat=160,120' alias gf='git fetch' alias gfa='git fetch --all' alias gfd='git fetch --prune' # Removes remote branches that don't have a counterpart branch on the remote. alias gfix='git commit --amend -C HEAD' alias gfixs='git commit -S -a --amend -C HEAD' # signed alias gfixno='git_fix_nocheckin' alias gfo='git fetch origin' alias gfu='git fetch up' alias gfm='git fetch origin master' alias gfup='git fetch upstream' alias ggrep='git log --all --oneline | grep ' alias gla='git lg --all' alias gl='git lg -30' alias gll='git lg' alias gli='git show --pretty="format:" --name-only' alias glog='git log' alias glom='gl origin/master' alias gm='git merge' alias gmnff='git merge --no-ff' alias gmff='git merge --ff-only' alias gmffm='git merge --ff-only master' alias gmffs='git merge --ff-only --squash' alias gmtheirs='git merge -Xtheirs' alias gp='git push' alias gpa='git push --all && echo "pushing tags..." && git push --tags' alias gpf='git push -f' alias gpff='git pull --ff-only' alias gplu='git pull --set-upstream origin HEAD' alias gplup='git pull upstream master' alias gpo='git push origin' alias gpom='git push origin master' alias gpr='git pull --rebase' alias gpt='git push --tags' alias gpu='git push --set-upstream origin HEAD' alias gr='git reset' alias gr1='git reset HEAD^1' alias grb='git rebase --autostash' alias grba='git rebase --abort' alias grbc='git rebase --continue' alias grbs='git rebase --skip' alias grbi='git rebase -i --autostash' alias grbm='git rebase master --autostash' alias grbmi='git rebase master -i --autostash' alias grbom='git fetch origin master && git rebase origin/master --autostash' alias grbomi='git fetch origin master && git rebase origin/master -i --autostash' alias grbum='git fetch upstream master && git rebase upstream/master --autostash' alias grbumi='git fetch upstream master && git rebase upstream/master -i --autostash' alias gre='git remote' alias grea='git remote add' alias gremo='git remote remove origin; git remote add origin' alias greao='git remote add origin' alias gred='git remote remove' alias gref='git reflog --format="%C(auto)%h %<|(17)%gd %C(cyan)%ci%C(reset) [%gs] %C(yellow)(%s)%C(reset)"' alias grev='git remote -v' alias grm='git rm' alias grmr='git rm -r' alias grp='git reset -p' alias gsnapshot='git stash save "snapshot: $(date)" && git stash apply "stash@{0}"' alias gsh='git show' alias gshh='git show -w' alias gs='git stash' alias gsc='git_create_stash_patch' alias gsk='git stash -k -u' alias gssk='git stash save -k -u' alias gss='git stash save' alias gsd='git stash drop' alias gsl='git stash list' alias gsi='git stash -p' alias gsp='git stash pop' alias gsp0='git stash pop stash@{0}' alias gsp1='git stash pop stash@{1}' alias gsp2='git stash pop stash@{2}' alias gsp3='git stash pop stash@{3}' alias gsp4='git stash pop stash@{4}' alias gsp5='git stash pop stash@{6}' alias gsp6='git stash pop stash@{7}' alias gt='git tag -s' # Signed alias gta='git tag -a' alias gtd='git tag -d' alias gtl='git tag -l' alias gx='git reset --hard' alias gxx='git reset --hard HEAD~1' alias gxom='git reset --hard origin/master' alias gstats='echo "Total commits: $(git rev-list HEAD --count)"; echo "\nAuthor breakdown:"; git shortlog | grep -E "^[^ ]"' alias gwip="git add . && git commit -m \"WIP\"" #################################################################################################### # Elixir #################################################################################################### alias iex='rlwrap -i -f ~/.iex_history -H ~/.iex_history -s 30000 iex' alias iexw='rlwrap -i -f ~/.iex_history -H ~/.iex_history -s 30000 iex --werl' alias ep='iex -S mix phx.server' alias ei='iex -S mix' alias er='mix phx.server' alias et='mix test' #################################################################################################### # Haxe #################################################################################################### alias flow='haxelib run flow' alias snowfall='haxelib run snowfall' #################################################################################################### # CMake #################################################################################################### alias cmake-gen='cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/c++" CMAKE_C_COMPILER="/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/cc" ..'