# Handle the fact that this file will be used with multiple OSs platform=`uname` if [[ $platform == 'Linux' ]]; then alias l='ls -l --color' alias ll='ls -lrth --color' elif [[ $platform == 'Darwin' ]]; then alias l='ls -laG' alias ls='ls -laG' alias ll='ls -lG' fi alias c='cd' alias c-='cd -' alias cd-='echo "Use c- instead"' alias ..='cd ../' alias ...='cd ../..' alias cd..='cd ..' alias cd...='cd ../..' alias cd....='cd ../../..' alias cd.....='cd ../../../..' alias aliases='vim ~/.dotfiles/zsh/aliases' alias al='aliases' alias b='bundle' alias be='bundle exec' alias bi='bundle install' alias br='bundle exec rake' alias beg='bundle exec guard' alias bl='brew link --overwrite' alias bld='brew link --overwrite --dry-run' alias bower='noglob bower' alias bu='bundle update' alias bo='bundle open' alias cls=clear alias code='cd ~/code' alias cpr='cp -r' alias cw='compass watch' alias dot='cd ~/.' alias duh='du -csh' alias functions='vim ~/.dotfiles/zsh/functions' alias f='fg' alias gib='gem install bundler' alias history='fc -l 1' alias histroy='history' alias h='heroku' alias ho='heroku open' alias hc='heroku config' alias hca='heroku config:add' alias hcu='heroku config:unset' alias hcr='heroku config:unset' alias hl='heroku logs -t -n 5000' alias irb='irb --readline -r irb/completion' alias lcc='lein clean' alias lca='lein cljsbuild auto dev' alias ldi='lein deps install' alias li='lineman' alias lir='lineman run' alias lib='lineman build' alias lig='lineman grunt' alias lis='lineman spec' alias lic='lineman spec-ci' alias lsd='lein start-dev' alias mc='mvn compile' alias mct='mvn test' alias mi='mvn install' alias mci='mvn clean install' alias mp='mvn package' alias mcp='mvn clean package' alias opensource='cd ~/.personal-files/open-source' alias patch='git format-patch HEAD^ --stdout > patch.diff' alias pi='yaourt -S' # wrapper around Arch Pacman alias pr='yaourt -R' alias po='pacman -Qdt' # see orphaned packages alias reguard='killall -9 ruby ; guard' alias r='rails' alias rr='bundle exec rake release' alias rb='rbenv' alias rbg='rbenv gemset active' alias rbp='cd $RBENV_PATH/versions/$(rbenv version | sed -e "s/ (set.*$//")' alias rbl='cd $RBENV_PATH/versions/$(rbenv version | sed -e "s/ (set.*$//")/lib/ruby' alias rg='rails generate' alias rl='reload' alias rmr='rm -rf' alias rc='rails console' alias rs='rails server' alias reload='source ~/.zshrc' alias s='cd ~/.ssh' alias sc='vim ~/.ssh/config' alias t='tree' alias u='cd ..' alias v='vim' alias vi='vim' alias vh='vagrant halt' alias vs='vagrant ssh' alias vu='vagrant up' alias vimrc='vim ~/.vimrc' alias zsh='vim ~/.zshrc' # Git alias am='git commit --amend' alias ama='git commit --amend -C head --author' alias ams='git commit -S --amend' # signed alias ammend='echo "use am instead"' alias amend='echo "use am instead"' alias g='gst' alias ga='git add -A :/' alias gaa='git add -A' alias gau='git add --update' alias gb='git branch' alias gbd='git branch -D' alias gbl='git branch --all' alias gbm='git branch -m' alias gbr='git branch -rv' alias gbv='git branch -v' alias gc='git commit' alias gcs='git commit -S' alias gcl='git clone' alias gcm="git commit -m" alias gcms="git commit -S -m" alias gco='git checkout' alias gcob='git checkout -b' alias gcon='vi .git/config' alias gcp='git cherry-pick' alias gcpa='git cherry-pick --abort' alias gcpc='git cherry-pick --continue' alias gcps='git cherry-pick -n' alias gd='git diff' alias gdc='git diff --cached' alias gdm='git diff master' alias gds='git diff --stat=160,120' alias gdw='git diff --color-words' alias gf='git fetch' alias gfa='git fetch --all' alias gfix="git commit --amend -C HEAD" alias gfixs="git commit -S -a --amend -C HEAD" # signed alias gfo='git fetch origin' alias gfm='git fetch origin master' alias gfup='git fetch upstream' alias ggrep='git log --all --oneline | grep ' alias gh="source ~/.githelpers && show_git_head" alias gla='git lg --all' alias gl='git lg -30' alias gll='git lg' alias gli='git show --pretty="format:" --name-only' alias glog='git log' alias gm='git merge' alias gmnff='git merge --no-ff' alias gmff='git merge --ff-only' alias gmffm='git merge --ff-only master' alias gmffs='git merge --ff-only --squash' alias gmtheirs='git merge -Xtheirs' alias gp='git push' alias gpa='git push && echo "pushing tags..." && git push --tags' alias gpd='git push && git push heroku master' alias gpdf='gpf && gphf' alias gpp='echo "Pushing Upstream master to production" && git push production master' alias gppp='echo "Pushing to remotes first..." && git push origin master:master && git push upstream master:master && echo "Pushing upstream master to Production..." && git push production upstream/master:master' alias gps='git push staging' alias gpps='echo "Pushing Upstream master to staging" && git push staging upstream/master:master -f' alias gppf='gpf && git push production HEAD:production -f' alias gph='echo "pushing $(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | cut -d"/" -f 3) to Heroku master" && git push heroku HEAD:master' alias gphf='git push heroku master --force' alias gpu='git push --set-upstream origin HEAD' alias gpff='git pull --ff-only' alias gpl='echo "you may want to use gpff instead" ; git pull' alias gplup='git pull upstream master' alias gpo='git push origin' alias gpom='git push origin master' alias gpr='git pull --rebase' alias gpt='git push --tags' alias gr='git reset' alias grb='git rebase' alias grba='git rebase --abort' alias grbc='git rebase --continue' alias grbi='git rebase -i' alias grbm='git rebase master' alias grbmi='git rebase master -i' alias grbo='git fetch origin master && git rebase origin/master' alias grboi='git fetch origin master && git rebase origin/master -i' alias grbum='git fetch upstream master && git rebase upstream/master' alias gre='git remote' alias grea='git remote add' alias greao='git remote add origin' alias gref='git reflog' alias grev='git remote -v' alias grm='git rm' alias grmr='git rm -r' alias gsnapshot='git stash save "snapshot: $(date)" && git stash apply "stash@{0}"' alias gsh='git show' alias gst='git status' alias gs='git stash' alias gss='git stash save' alias gsd='git stash drop' alias gsdl='git stash drop stash@{0}' alias gsl='git stash list' alias gsp='git stash pop' alias gsp1='git stash pop stash@{0}' alias gsp2='git stash pop stash@{1}' alias gsp3='git stash pop stash@{2}' alias gsp4='git stash pop stash@{3}' alias gsp5='git stash pop stash@{4}' alias gsp6='git stash pop stash@{5}' alias gt='git tag' alias gta='git tag -a' alias gtd='git tag -d' alias gtl='git tag -l' alias gx='git reset --hard' alias gxx='git reset --hard HEAD~1' alias gstats='echo "Total commits: $(git rev-list HEAD --count)"; echo "\nAuthor breakdown:"; git shortlog | grep -E "^[^ ]"' alias gwip="git add . && git commit -m \"WIP\"" # Notes alias notes='cd ~/.personal-files/documents' alias pn='vim ~/.personal-files/documents/Notes/stack.txt' alias writing='cd ~/.personal-files/brain/writing' # Projects alias projects='cd ~/.personal-files/projects' alias dot='cd ~/.dotfiles' alias work='cd ~/.personal-files/work' alias brain='cd ~/.personal-files/brain' # Work alias dh='git push heroku-staging master -f' # Other aliases source ~/.work-aliases