#!/usr/bin/env bash if which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then ncolors=$(tput colors) fi if [ -t 1 ] && [ -n "$ncolors" ] && [ "$ncolors" -ge 8 ]; then RED="$(tput setaf 1)" GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)" YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)" BLUE="$(tput setaf 4)" MAGENTA="$(tput setaf 5)" CYAN="$(tput setaf 6)" BOLD="$(tput bold)" NORMAL="$(tput sgr0)" else RED="" GREEN="" YELLOW="" BLUE="" MAGENTA="" CYAN="" BOLD="" NORMAL="" fi use_gpu=$1 filename=$(basename -- "$2") output_name="$3" if [[ $use_gpu == "" || $2 == "" || $output_name == "" ]]; then printf "${BOLD}${RED}Usage: $0 ${NORMAL}\n" exit 1 fi # Found the following to work best with vids containing text (e.g. programming vid): 25 for CPU encoding and 27 for GPU. use_crf=21 if [[ $use_gpu -eq 1 ]]; then use_crf=25 fi compress-video-with-crf $use_gpu $use_crf "$filename" "$output_name"