diff --git a/dotfiles/bin/extract-16bit-wav-from-video b/dotfiles/bin/extract-16bit-wav-from-video
deleted file mode 100644
index b92d68f..0000000
--- a/dotfiles/bin/extract-16bit-wav-from-video
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-if which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- ncolors=$(tput colors)
-if [ -t 1 ] && [ -n "$ncolors" ] && [ "$ncolors" -ge 8 ]; then
- RED="$(tput setaf 1)"
- GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)"
- YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)"
- BLUE="$(tput setaf 4)"
- MAGENTA="$(tput setaf 5)"
- CYAN="$(tput setaf 6)"
- BOLD="$(tput bold)"
- NORMAL="$(tput sgr0)"
- RED=""
- GREEN=""
- BLUE=""
- CYAN=""
- BOLD=""
-if [[ $input == "" || $output_name == "" ]]; then
- printf "${BOLD}${RED}Usage: $0 ${NORMAL}\n"
- exit 1
-if [[ ! -f "$input" ]]; then
- printf "${RED}${BOLD}Error: failed to extract audio. Video file \"$input\" doesn't exist.\n${NORMAL}"
- exit 1
-# Add extension if not provided.
-output_basename=$(basename -- "$output_name")
-if [[ $output_extension != "wav" ]]; then
- output_name="${output_name}.wav"
-printf "\n${YELLOW}${BOLD}Extracting 16-bit WAV from $input | output: $output_name${NORMAL}\n"
-# -ac 1 mixes audio to a single channel.
-ffmpeg -i "$input" -ar 16000 -ac 1 -c:a pcm_s16le "$output_name"
-printf "${GREEN}${BOLD}Done extracting 16-bit WAV from $input | output: $output_name${NORMAL}\n"
diff --git a/dotfiles/bin/extract-audio-from-video b/dotfiles/bin/extract-audio-from-video
index ae4b27f..e57a0ec 100644
--- a/dotfiles/bin/extract-audio-from-video
+++ b/dotfiles/bin/extract-audio-from-video
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Extracts audio from a video. It expects you to know what audio codecs the video container has, e.g.
+# it's an mp4 video with aac and m4a audio. Just set the format to the appropriate extension.
+# If you want to convert to a different format or you want to change the bit rate, channels, trim the audio, etc.
+# then use extract-audio-from-video-and-transcode
if which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then
ncolors=$(tput colors)
@@ -23,13 +28,11 @@ else
-filename=$(basename -- "$2")
+filename=$(basename -- "$1")
-if [[ $1 == "" || $2 == "" || $3 == "" ]]; then
- printf "${BOLD}${RED}Usage: $0 ${NORMAL}\n"
+if [[ $1 == "" || $2 == "" ]]; then
+ printf "${BOLD}${RED}Usage: extract-audio-from-video ${NORMAL}\n"
exit 1
@@ -37,19 +40,9 @@ extension="${filename##*.}"
-if [[ $bitrate == "" ]]; then
- bitrate="64"
+printf "\n${YELLOW}${BOLD}Extracting audio from $filename.$extension | output: $output_name${NORMAL}\n"
-printf "\n${YELLOW}${BOLD}Extracting audio from $filename.$extension | bitrate: ${bitrate}k | output: $output_name${NORMAL}\n"
-if [[ $transcode == "1" ]]; then
- # Transcode audio
- ffmpeg -i "$filename.$extension" -b:a ${bitrate}k -ac 2 -ar 44100 -map a "$output_name"
- # Grab the audio stream from the video.
- ffmpeg -i "$filename.$extension" -vn -acodec copy "$output_name"
+ffmpeg -y -stats -loglevel level+error -i "$filename.$extension" -vn -acodec copy "$output_name"
printf "\n${GREEN}${BOLD}Done extracting audio from $filename.$extension | output name '$output_name'${NORMAL}\n\n"
diff --git a/dotfiles/bin/extract-audio-from-video-and-transcode b/dotfiles/bin/extract-audio-from-video-and-transcode
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee29f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dotfiles/bin/extract-audio-from-video-and-transcode
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Extracts audio from a video and transcodes it based on the supplied params. If you just want the audio
+# from the video as-is then use extract-audio-from-video
+if which tput >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ ncolors=$(tput colors)
+if [ -t 1 ] && [ -n "$ncolors" ] && [ "$ncolors" -ge 8 ]; then
+ RED="$(tput setaf 1)"
+ GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)"
+ YELLOW="$(tput setaf 3)"
+ BLUE="$(tput setaf 4)"
+ MAGENTA="$(tput setaf 5)"
+ CYAN="$(tput setaf 6)"
+ BOLD="$(tput bold)"
+ NORMAL="$(tput sgr0)"
+ RED=""
+ GREEN=""
+ BLUE=""
+ CYAN=""
+ BOLD=""
+output_base=$(basename -- "$output_name")
+if [[ $filename == "" || $output_extension == "" || $output_extension == $output_base ]]; then
+ printf "${BOLD}${RED}Usage: extract-audio-from-video-and-transcode