+ Preparations for costume rules - Feature "Report URLs" + Auto hash rules + Minimize rules length + Add start and end delimiters to rules
651 lines
20 KiB
651 lines
20 KiB
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
* This script is responsible for the core functionalities.
var providers = [];
var prvKeys = [];
var badges = [];
var tabid = 0;
var siteBlockedAlert = 'javascript:void(0)';
var dataHash;
var localDataHash;
var os;
var currentURL;
function start()
* Save OS Version
browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo(function(info) {
os = info.os;
* Initialize the JSON provider object keys.
* @param {JSON Object} obj
function getKeys(obj){
for(var key in obj){
* Initialize the providers form the JSON object.
function createProviders()
data = storage.ClearURLsData;
for(var p = 0; p < prvKeys.length; p++)
//Create new provider
providers.push(new Provider(prvKeys[p],data.providers[prvKeys[p]].completeProvider));
//Add URL Pattern
//Add rules to provider
for(var r = 0; r < data.providers[prvKeys[p]].rules.length; r++)
//Add exceptions to provider
for(var e = 0; e < data.providers[prvKeys[p]].exceptions.length; e++)
//Add redirections to provider
for(var re = 0; re < data.providers[prvKeys[p]].redirections.length; re++)
* Convert the external data to Objects and
* call the create provider function.
* @param {String} retrievedText - pure data form github
function toObject(retrievedText) {
* Get the hash for the rule file on github.
* Check the hash with the hash form the local file.
* If the hash has changed, then download the new rule file.
* Else do nothing.
function getHash()
//Get the target hash from github
var responseTextHash = response.clone().text().then(function(responseTextHash){
if(response.ok && $.trim(responseTextHash))
dataHash = responseTextHash;
if($.trim(dataHash) !== $.trim(localDataHash))
else {
else {
dataHash = false;
* ##################################################################
* # Fetch Rules & Exception from URL #
* ##################################################################
function fetchFromURL()
function checkResponse(response)
var responseText = response.clone().text().then(function(responseText){
if(response.ok && $.trim(responseText))
var downloadedFileHash = $.sha256(responseText);
if($.trim(downloadedFileHash) === $.trim(dataHash))
storage.ClearURLsData = responseText;
storage.dataHash = downloadedFileHash;
else {
storage.ClearURLsData = JSON.parse(storage.ClearURLsData);
// ##################################################################
* ##################################################################
* # Supertyp Provider #
* ##################################################################
* Declare constructor
* @param {String} _name Provider name
* @param {boolean} _completeProvider Set URL Pattern as rule
* @param {boolean} _isActive Is the provider active?
function Provider(_name, _completeProvider = false, _isActive = true){
var name = _name;
var urlPattern;
var enabled_rules = {};
var disabled_rules = {};
var enabled_exceptions = {};
var disabled_exceptions = {};
var canceling = _completeProvider;
var enabled_redirections = {};
var disabled_redirections = {};
var active = _isActive;
enabled_rules[".*"] = true;
* Returns the provider name.
* @return {String}
this.getName = function() {
return name;
* Add URL pattern.
* @require urlPatterns as RegExp
this.setURLPattern = function(urlPatterns) {
urlPattern = new RegExp(urlPatterns, "i");
* Return if the Provider Request is canceled
* @return {Boolean} isCanceled
this.isCaneling = function() {
return canceling;
* Check the url is matching the ProviderURL.
* @return {boolean} ProviderURL as RegExp
this.matchURL = function(url) {
return urlPattern.test(url) && !(this.matchException(url));
* Add a rule to the rule array
* and replace old rule with new rule.
* @param {String} rule RegExp as string
* @param {boolean} isActive Is this rule active?
this.addRule = function(rule, isActive = true) {
// Add start and end delimiters to rule
rule = "^"+rule+"=[^\\/|\\?|&]*(\\/|&(amp;)?)?$";
enabled_rules[rule] = true;
if(disabled_rules[rule] !== undefined)
delete disabled_rules[rule];
else {
disabled_rules[rule] = true;
if(enabled_rules[rule] !== undefined)
delete enabled_rules[rule];
* Return all active rules as an array.
* @return Array RegExp strings
this.getRules = function() {
return Object.keys(enabled_rules);
* Add a exception to the exceptions array
* and replace old with new exception.
* @param {String} exception RegExp as string
* @param {Boolean} isActive Is this exception acitve?
this.addException = function(exception, isActive = true) {
enabled_exceptions[exception] = true;
if(disabled_exceptions[exception] !== undefined)
delete disabled_exceptions[exception];
else {
disabled_exceptions[exception] = true;
if(enabled_exceptions[exception] !== undefined)
delete enabled_exceptions[exception];
* Private helper method to check if the url
* an exception.
* @param {String} url RegExp as string
* @return {boolean} if matching? true: false
this.matchException = function(url) {
var result = false;
//Add the site blocked alert to every exception
if(url == siteBlockedAlert) return true;
for(var exception in enabled_exceptions) {
if(result) break;
exception_regex = new RegExp(exception, "i");
result = exception_regex.test(url);
return result;
* Add a redirection to the redirections array
* and replace old with new redirection.
* @param {String} redirection RegExp as string
* @param {Boolean} isActive Is this redirection active?
this.addRedirection = function(redirection, isActive = true) {
enabled_redirections[redirection] = true;
if(disabled_redirections[redirection] !== undefined)
delete disabled_redirections[redirection];
else {
disabled_redirections[redirection] = true;
if(enabled_redirections[redirection] !== undefined)
delete enabled_redirections[redirection];
* Return all redirection.
* @return url
this.getRedirection = function(url) {
var re = null;
for(var redirection in enabled_redirections) {
result = (url.match(new RegExp(redirection, "i")));
if (result && result.length > 0 && redirection)
re = (new RegExp(redirection, "i")).exec(url)[1];
return re;
// ##################################################################
* Helper function which remove the tracking fields
* for each provider given as parameter.
* @param {Provider} provider Provider-Object
* @param {webRequest} request webRequest-Object
* @return {Array} Array with changes and url fields
function removeFieldsFormURL(provider, request)
var url = request.url;
var domain = url.replace(new RegExp("\\?.*", "i"), "");
var fields = "";
var rules = provider.getRules();
var changes = false;
var cancel = false;
* Expand the url by provider redirections. So no tracking on
* url redirections form sites to sites.
var re = provider.getRedirection(url);
if(re !== null)
url = decodeURIComponent(re);
//Log the action
pushToLog(request.url, url, translate('log_redirect'));
return {
"redirect": true,
"url": url
* Only test for matches, if there are fields that can be cleaned.
* It must be non-greedy, because by default .* will match
* all ? chars. So the replace function delete everything
* before the last ?. With adding a ? on the quantifier *,
* we fixed this problem.
fields = extractFileds(url.replace(new RegExp(".*?\\?", "i"), ""));
fields.forEach(function(field, index) {
rules.forEach(function(rule) {
var beforReplace = fields.flat().join("&");
var match = new RegExp(rule, "i").test(field);
if(match) {
delete fields[index];
//Log the action
pushToLog(domain+"?"+beforReplace, domain+"?"+fields.flat().join("&"), rule);
if(badges[tabid] == null) badges[tabid] = 0;
if(storage.badgedStatus) {
browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: (++badges[tabid]).toString(), tabId: tabid});
browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: "", tabId: tabid});
changes = true;
if(fields.flat().length > 0)
url = domain+"?"+fields.flat().join("&");
url = domain;
else {
if(domain != url)
url = domain;
changes = true;
pushToLog(request.url, request.url, translate('log_domain_blocked'));
if(badges[tabid] == null)
badges[tabid] = 0;
if(storage.badgedStatus) {
browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: (++badges[tabid]).toString(), tabId: tabid});
browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: "", tabId: tabid});
cancel = true;
return {
"changes": changes,
"url": url,
"cancel": cancel
* Function which called from the webRequest to
* remove the tracking fields from the url.
* @param {webRequest} request webRequest-Object
* @return {Array} redirectUrl or none
function clearUrl(request)
var URLbeforeReplaceCount = countFields(request.url);
//Add Fields form Request to global url counter
var result = {
"changes": false,
"url": "",
"redirect": false,
"cancel": false
* Call for every provider the removeFieldsFormURL method.
for (var i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) {
result = removeFieldsFormURL(providers[i], request);
* Expand urls and bypass tracking.
* Cancel the active request.
browser.tabs.update(request.tabId, {url: result.url});
return {cancel: true};
* Cancel the Request and redirect to the site blocked alert page,
* to inform the user about the full url blocking.
return {
redirectUrl: siteBlockedAlert
* Ensure that the function go not into
* a loop.
return {
redirectUrl: result.url
// Default case
return {};
* Function to log all activities from ClearUrls.
* Only logging when activated.
* The log is only temporary saved in the cache and will
* permanently saved with the saveLogOnClose function.
* @param beforeProcessing the url before the clear process
* @param afterProcessing the url after the clear process
* @param rule the rule that triggered the process
function pushToLog(beforeProcessing, afterProcessing, rule)
"before": beforeProcessing,
"after": afterProcessing,
"rule": rule,
"timestamp": Date.now()
* Call loadOldDataFromStore, getHash, counter, status and log functions
* Call by each tab is updated.
* And if url has changed.
function handleUpdated(tabId, changeInfo, tabInfo) {
delete badges[tabId];
currentURL = tabInfo.url;
* Call by each tab is updated.
* Call by each tab change to set the actual tab id
function handleActivated(activeInfo) {
tabid = activeInfo.tabId;
browser.tabs.get(tabid).then(function (tab) {
currentURL = tab.url;
* Call by each tab change.
* Check the request.
function promise(requestDetails)
return {};
else {
var ret = clearUrl(requestDetails);
return ret;
* To prevent long loading on data urls
* we will check here for data urls.
* @type {requestDetails}
* @return {boolean}
function isDataURL(requestDetails) {
var s = requestDetails.url;
return s.substring(0,4) == "data";
* Call by each Request and checking the url.
* @type {Array}
{urls: ["<all_urls>"], types: getData("types")},