var element = $("#statistics_value"); var elGlobalPercentage = $("#statistics_value_global_percentage"); var elProgressbar_blocked = $('#progress_blocked'); var elProgressbar_non_blocked = $('#progress_non_blocked'); var elTotal = $('#statistics_total_elements'); var globalPercentage = 0; var globalCounter; var globalurlcounter; var globalStatus; var badgedStatus; var hashStatus; var loggingStatus; var core = function (func) { return browser.runtime.getBackgroundPage().then(func); }; function getData() { core(function (ref){ globalCounter = ref.getData('globalCounter'); globalurlcounter = ref.getData('globalurlcounter'); globalStatus = ref.getData('globalStatus'); badgedStatus = ref.getData('badgedStatus'); hashStatus = ref.getData('hashStatus'); loggingStatus = ref.getData('loggingStatus'); }); } /** * Initialize the UI. * */ function init() { setHashStatus(); setGlobalStatus(); changeStatistics(); setTabcounter(); setLogging(); } /** * Get the globalCounter value from the browser storage * @param {(data){} Return value form */ function changeStatistics(){ globalPercentage = ((globalCounter/globalurlcounter)*100).toFixed(3); if(isNaN(Number(globalPercentage))) globalPercentage = 0; element.text(globalCounter.toLocaleString()); elGlobalPercentage.text(globalPercentage+"%"); elProgressbar_blocked.css('width', globalPercentage+'%'); elProgressbar_non_blocked.css('width', (100-globalPercentage)+'%'); elTotal.text(globalurlcounter.toLocaleString()); } /** * Change the value of the globalStatus. * Call by onChange() * */ function changeGlobalStatus() { var element = $('#globalStatus').is(':checked'); core(function (ref){ ref.setData('globalStatus', element); }); } /** * Set the values for the global status switch */ function setGlobalStatus() { var element = $('#globalStatus'); element.prop('checked', globalStatus); } /** * Change the value of the badgedStatus. * Call by onChange() * */ function changeTabcounter() { var element = $('#tabcounter').is(':checked'); core(function (ref){ ref.setData('badgedStatus', element); }); } /** * Set the values for the tabcounter switch */ function setTabcounter() { var element = $('#tabcounter'); element.prop('checked', badgedStatus); } /** * Change the value of the logging switch */ function changeLogging() { var element = $('#logging').is(':checked'); core(function (ref){ ref.setData('loggingStatus', element); }); } /** * Set the value for the hashStatus on startUp. */ function setHashStatus() { var element = $('#hashStatus'); if(hashStatus) { element.text(hashStatus); } else { element.text('Oops something went wrong!'); } } /** * Set the value for the logging switch */ function setLogging() { var element = $('#logging'); element.prop('checked', loggingStatus); } /** * Reset the global statistic */ function resetGlobalCounter(){ core(function (ref){ globalurlcounter = 0; globalCounter = 0; ref.setData('globalCounter', 0); ref.setData('globalurlcounter', 0); }); } getData(); $(document).ready(function(){ init(); $("#globalStatus").on("change", changeGlobalStatus); $('#reset_counter_btn').on("click", resetGlobalCounter); $('#tabcounter').on('change', changeTabcounter); $('#logging').on('change', changeLogging); $('#loggingPage').attr('href', browser.extension.getURL('./html/log.html'));; });