# ClearURLs **ClearURLs** is an add-on based on the new WebExtensions technology and is optimized for *Firefox*. This add-on will remove the tracking fields form all URLs which are visited by the browser and use a rule file, namely `data.json`. This add-on protects your privacy and block the request from advertising services like *doubleclick.net*. ## Application Large (and small) webpages use elements in the URL, e.g.: https://example.com?source=thisIstheSiteIvisitedBefore to track your online activities. In this example, the source field tells the provider which page you visited before. The add-on will remove these tracking fields from the URL. ## Installation Install on [Firefox AMO.](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/clearurls/) ## Contribute If you have any suggestions or complaints, please [create an issue.](https://github.com/KevinRoebert/ClearUrls/issues/new) ## Screenshot ![Interface (version 1.2.2.x)](https://github.com/KevinRoebert/ClearUrls/blob/master/promotion/screens/Popup_v_1.2.2.8.png?raw=true) ## Copyright We use some third-party scripts in our add-on. The authors and licenses are listed below. - [Bootstrap v3.3.7 ](http://getbootstrap.com) | Copyright 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc. | [MIT](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) - [jQuery v3.2.1](https://jquery.com/) | Copyright 2017 The jQuery Foundation | [MIT](https://jquery.org/license/) - [sha256.jquery.plugin](https://github.com/orsozed/sha256.jquery.plugin) | Copyright 2003, Christoph Bichlmeier | [MIT](https://raw.github.com/orsozed/JQuery-Plugins/master/license/MIT-LICENSE.txt) | [GPLv2](https://raw.github.com/orsozed/JQuery-Plugins/master/license/GPL-LICENSE.txt) - [DataTables](https://datatables.net/) | Copyright 2011-2015 SpryMedia Ltd | [MIT](https://datatables.net/license/) - [Pick-a-Color v1.2.3](https://github.com/lauren/pick-a-color) | Copyright (c) 2013 Lauren Sperber and Broadstreet Ads | [MIT](https://github.com/lauren/pick-a-color/blob/master/LICENSE) ## Licence [![License: QaPL v0.2](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-QaPL%20v0.2-brightgreen.svg)](https://github.com/KevinRoebert/ClearUrls/blob/master/LICENSE.md)