/* * ClearURLs * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Kevin Röbert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ var settings = []; getData(); /** * Load only when document is ready */ $(document).ready(function(){ setText(); $("#badged-color-picker").colorpicker({ format: "hex" }); $('#reset_settings_btn').on("click", reset); $('#export_settings_btn').on("click", exportSettings); $('#importSettings').on("change", importSettings); $('#save_settings_btn').on("click", save); }); /** * Reset everything. * Set everthing to the default values. */ function reset() { browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "initSettings", params: [] }).then(handleResponse, handleError); browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "saveOnExit", params: [] }).then(handleResponse, handleError); browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "reload", params: [] }).then(handleResponse, handleError); } /** * Saves the settings. */ function save() { saveData("badged_color", $('input[name=badged_color]').val()) .then(() => saveData("ruleURL", $('input[name=ruleURL]').val())) .then(() => saveData("hashURL", $('input[name=hashURL]').val())) .then(() => saveData("types", $('input[name=types]').val())) .then(() => saveData("logLimit", $('input[name=logLimit]').val())) .then(() => browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "setBadgedStatus", params: [] }), handleError) .then(() => browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "saveOnExit", params: [] }), handleError) .then(() => browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "reload", params: [] }), handleError); } /** * Translate a string with the i18n API. * * @param {string} string Name of the attribute used for localization * @param {string[]} placeholders Array of placeholders */ function translate(string, ...placeholders) { return browser.i18n.getMessage(string, placeholders); } /** * Get the data. */ function getData() { loadData("badged_color") .then(() => loadData("ruleURL")) .then(() => loadData("hashURL")) .then(() => loadData("types")) .then(() => loadData("logLimit")) .then(logData => { if(logData.response === undefined || logData.response === -1) { $('#logLimit_label').text(translate('setting_log_limit_label', "∞")); } else { $('#logLimit_label').text(translate('setting_log_limit_label', logData.response)); } }); loadData("contextMenuEnabled") .then(() => loadData("historyListenerEnabled")) .then(() => loadData("localHostsSkipping")) .then(() => loadData("referralMarketing")) .then(() => loadData("domainBlocking")) .then(() => loadData("pingBlocking")) .then(() => { changeSwitchButton("localHostsSkipping", "localHostsSkipping"); changeSwitchButton("historyListenerEnabled", "historyListenerEnabled"); changeSwitchButton("contextMenuEnabled", "contextMenuEnabled"); changeSwitchButton("referralMarketing", "referralMarketing"); changeSwitchButton("domainBlocking", "domainBlocking"); changeSwitchButton("pingBlocking", "pingBlocking"); }); } /** * Loads data from storage and saves into local variable. * * @param name data/variable name * @returns {Promise} requested data */ async function loadData(name) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "getData", params: [name] }).then(data => { settings[name] = data.response; $('input[name='+name+']').val(data.response); resolve(data); }, handleError); }); } /** * Saves data to storage. * * @param key key of the data that should be saved * @param data data that should be saved * @returns {Promise} message from background script */ async function saveData(key, data) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "setData", params: [key, data] }).then(message => { handleResponse(message); resolve(message); }, handleError); }); } /** * Set the text for the UI. */ function setText() { document.title = translate('settings_html_page_title'); $('#page_title').text(translate('settings_html_page_title')); $('#badged_color_label').text(translate('badged_color_label')); $('#reset_settings_btn').text(translate('setting_html_reset_button')) .prop('title', translate('setting_html_reset_button_title')); $('#rule_url_label').text(translate('setting_rule_url_label')); $('#hash_url_label').text(translate('setting_hash_url_label')); $('#types_label').html(translate('setting_types_label')); $('#save_settings_btn').text(translate('settings_html_save_button')) .prop('title', translate('settings_html_save_button_title')); injectText("context_menu_enabled", "context_menu_enabled"); $('#history_listener_enabled').html(translate('history_listener_enabled')); injectText("local_hosts_skipping", "local_hosts_skipping"); $('#export_settings_btn_text').text(translate('setting_html_export_button')); $('#export_settings_btn').prop('title', translate('setting_html_export_button_title')); $('#import_settings_btn_text').text(translate('setting_html_import_button')); $('#importSettings').prop('title', translate('setting_html_import_button_title')); injectText("referral_marketing_enabled", "referral_marketing_enabled"); injectText("domain_blocking_enabled", "domain_blocking_enabled"); $('#ping_blocking_enabled').html(translate('ping_blocking_enabled')) .prop('title', translate('ping_blocking_enabled_title')); } /** * This function exports all ClearURLs settings with statistics and rules. */ function exportSettings() { browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "storageAsJSON", params: [] }).then((data) => { let blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data.response)], {type: 'application/json'}); browser.downloads.download({ 'url': URL.createObjectURL(blob), 'filename': 'ClearURLs.conf', 'saveAs': true }); }); } /** * This function imports an exported ClearURLs setting and overwrites the old one. */ function importSettings(evt) { let file = evt.target.files[0]; let fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function(e) { let data = JSON.parse(e.target.result); const length = Object.keys(data).length; let i=0; Object.entries(data).forEach(([key, value]) => { browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "setData", params: [key, value] }).then(() => { i++; if(i === length) { location.reload(); } }, handleError); }); }; fileReader.readAsText(file); } function handleResponse(message) { console.log(`Message from the background script: ${message.response}`); } function handleError(error) { console.log(`Error: ${error}`); } /** * Change the value of a switch button. * @param {string} id HTML id * @param {string} storageID storage internal id */ function changeSwitchButton(id, storageID) { let element = $('#'+id); element.on('change', function(){ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "setData", params: [storageID, element.is(':checked')] }).then((data) => { if(storageID === "globalStatus"){ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "changeIcon", params: [] }); } browser.runtime.sendMessage({ function: "saveOnExit", params: [] }); }); }); setSwitchButton(id, storageID); } /** * Helper function to inject the translated text and tooltip. * * @param {string} id ID of the HTML element * @param {string} attribute Name of the attribute used for localization * @param {boolean} tooltip */ function injectText(id, attribute, tooltip = "") { let object = $('#'+id); object.text(translate(attribute)); /* This function will throw an error if no translation is found for the tooltip. This is a planned error. */ tooltip = translate(attribute+"_title"); if(tooltip !== "") { object.prop('title', tooltip); } } /** * Set the value of a switch button. * @param {string} id HTML id * @param {string} varname js internal variable name */ function setSwitchButton(id, varname) { let element = $('#'+id); element.prop('checked', settings[varname]); }