{ "hash_status_code_1": { "message": "не потребує оновлення", "description": "This status code says, that no update is available for the ClearURLs rules and everything is up to date." }, "hash_status_code_2": { "message": "оновлено", "description": "This status code says, that the ClearURLs rules are successfully updated." }, "hash_status_code_3": { "message": "наявне оновлення", "description": "This status code says, that an update is available for the ClearURLs rules." }, "hash_status_code_4": { "message": "помилка", "description": "This status code says, that the ClearURLs could not be started correctly." }, "hash_status_code_5": { "message": "Ой, щось не так!", "description": "This status code says, that an error occurred while updating the ClearURLs rules." }, "log_redirect": { "message": "Ця URL-адреса перенаправляється", "description": "This string is used on redirections in the ClearURLs log." }, "log_domain_blocked": { "message": "Цей домен заблоковано", "description": "This string is used on blocked domains in the ClearURLs log." }, "check_os_log": { "message": "[ClearURLs]: listener журналу додано.", "description": "This string is used on ClearURLs log startup." }, "log_html_page_title": { "message": "Журнал ClearURLs", "description": "This string is used as header on the log page." }, "log_html_table_head_1": { "message": "Перед обробкою", "description": "This string is used as table title on the log page." }, "log_html_table_head_2": { "message": "Після обробки", "description": "This string is used as table title on the log page." }, "log_html_table_head_3": { "message": "Правило", "description": "This string is used as table title on the log page." }, "log_html_table_head_4": { "message": "Час", "description": "This string is used as table title on the log page." }, "log_html_reset_button": { "message": "Скинути", "description": "This string is used for the reset button on the log page." }, "log_html_reset_button_title": { "message": "Скидання глобального журналу", "description": "This string is used as title for the reset button on the log page." }, "popup_html_configs_head": { "message": "Налаштування", "description": "This string is used as title for the configs on the popup page." }, "popup_html_configs_switch_filter": { "message": "Фільтр", "description": "This string is used as name for the filter switch button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_configs_switch_filter_title": { "message": "Активує функцію очищення ClearURLs. Якщо вимкнути - додаток не працюватиме", "description": "This string is used as title for the filter switch button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_configs_switch_log": { "message": "Журнал", "description": "This string is used as name for the logging switch button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_configs_switch_log_title": { "message": "Журнал зберігається лише локально. Не активуйте цю функцію, якщо вона вам не потрібна", "description": "This string is used as title for the logging switch button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_configs_switch_badges": { "message": "Позначки", "description": "This string is used as name for the badges switch button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_configs_switch_badges_title": { "message": "Показати кількість очищених URL", "description": "This string is used as title for the badges switch button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_statistics_head": { "message": "Статистика", "description": "This string is used as title for the statistics on the popup page." }, "popup_html_statistics_elements": { "message": "Елементи", "description": "This string is used as name for the elements on the popup page." }, "popup_html_statistics_blocked": { "message": "Заблоковано", "description": "This string is used as name for the blocked elements on the popup page." }, "popup_html_statistics_percentage": { "message": "Відсоток", "description": "This string is used as name for the percentage of blocked elements on the popup page." }, "popup_html_statistics_reset_button": { "message": "Скинути", "description": "This string is used as name for the statistics reset button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_statistics_reset_button_title": { "message": "Скидання глобальної статистики", "description": "This string is used as title for the statistics reset button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_rules_status_head": { "message": "Актуальність правил", "description": "This string is used as title for the rules-status section on the popup page." }, "popup_html_log_head": { "message": "Журнал", "description": "This string is used as name for the log button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_log_head_title": { "message": "Відкрити журнал", "description": "This string is used as title for the log button on the popup page." }, "popup_html_report_button": { "message": "Повідомити про URL", "description": "Note: Currently not used." }, "popup_html_report_button_title": { "message": "Повідомити про URL з цієї вкладки.", "description": "Currently not used." }, "core_save_on_disk": { "message": "[ClearURLs]: Зберегти на диск.", "description": "This string is used to tell the user, that ClearURLs saved the settings on disk." }, "core_error": { "message": "[ClearURLs]: Не вдалося запустити додаток.", "description": "This string is used to tell the user, that ClearURLs could not be started." }, "configs_switch_statistics": { "message": "Статистика", "description": "This string is used as name for the statistics switch button on the popup page." }, "configs_switch_statistics_title": { "message": "Увімкнення чи вимкнення статистики", "description": "This string is used as title for the statistics switch button on the popup page." }, "settings_html_page_title": { "message": "Налаштування ClearURLs", "description": "This string is used as title on the settings page." }, "badged_color_label": { "message": "Колір піктограми", "description": "This string is used as name for the badged color label." }, "setting_html_reset_button": { "message": "Скинути", "description": "This string is used as name for the reset button on the settings page." }, "setting_html_reset_button_title": { "message": "Скинути все", "description": "This string is used as title for the reset button on the settings page." }, "setting_rule_url_label": { "message": "Посилання на файл data.json (правила)", "description": "This string is used as name for the rule url label." }, "settings_html_save_button": { "message": "Зберегти і перезавантажити додаток", "description": "This string is used as name for the save&reload button on the settings page." }, "settings_html_save_button_title": { "message": "Збереження налаштувань", "description": "This string is used as title for the save&reload button on the settings page." }, "setting_hash_url_label": { "message": "Посилання на файл rules.hash (хеш)", "description": "This string is used as name for the rule.hash url label." }, "setting_types_label": { "message": "Типи запитів (експертний рівень)", "description": "This string is used as name for the types label." }, "setting_report_server_label": { "message": "Звіт про сервер URL", "description": "Note: Currently not used." }, "success_report_url": { "message": "Успішно повідомлено про URL-адресу. Ми невдовзі це перевіримо.", "description": "Note: Currently not used." }, "error_report_url": { "message": "Схоже, про цю URL-адресу вже повідомлено.", "description": "Note: Currently not used." }, "donate_button": { "message": "Внесок для розробників ClearURLs.", "description": "This string is used to refer to a donation page." } }