/* * ################################################################## * # Fetch Rules & Exception from URL # * ################################################################## */ var data = []; var providers = []; var prvKeys = []; var globalStatus; var badges = []; var badgedStatus; var tabid = 0; var globalCounter; var globalURLCounter; /** * Initialize the JSON provider object keys. * * @param {JSON Object} obj */ function getKeys(obj){ for(var key in obj){ prvKeys.push(key); } }; /** * Initialize the providers form the JSON object. * */ function createProviders() { for(var p = 0; p < prvKeys.length; p++) { //Create new provider providers.push(new Provider(prvKeys[p],data.providers[prvKeys[p]].completeProvider)); //Add URL Pattern providers[p].setURLPattern(data.providers[prvKeys[p]].urlPattern); //Add rules to provider for(var r = 0; r < data.providers[prvKeys[p]].rules.length; r++) { providers[p].addRule(data.providers[prvKeys[p]].rules[r]); } //Add exceptions to provider for(var e = 0; e < data.providers[prvKeys[p]].exceptions.length; e++) { providers[p].addException(data.providers[prvKeys[p]].exceptions[e]); } } }; /** * Fetch the Rules & Exception github. * */ function fetchFromURL() { fetch("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KevinRoebert/ClearUrls/master/data/data.json?flush_cache=true") .then((response) => response.text().then(toJSON)); function toJSON(retrievedText) { data = JSON.parse(retrievedText); getKeys(data.providers); createProviders(); } } //Execute the command fetchFromURL(); // ################################################################## /* * ################################################################## * # Supertyp Provider # * ################################################################## */ /** * Declare constructor * * @param {String} _name Provider name * @param {boolean} completeProvider Set URL Pattern as rule */ function Provider(_name,_completeProvider = false){ var name = _name; var urlPattern; var rules = new Array(); var exceptions = new Array(); var canceling = _completeProvider; if(_completeProvider){ rules.push(".*"); } /** * Add URL pattern. * * @require urlPatterns as RegExp */ this.setURLPattern = function(urlPatterns) { urlPattern = new RegExp(urlPatterns, "mgi"); }; /** * Return if the Provider Request is canceled * @return {Boolean} isCanceled */ this.isCaneling = function() { return canceling; }; /** * Check the url is matching the ProviderURL. * * @return {String} ProviderURL as RegExp */ this.matchURL = function(url) { return !(this.matchException(url)) && (url.match(urlPattern) != null) && (url.match(urlPattern).length > 0); }; /** * Add a rule to the rule array. * * @param String rule RegExp as string */ this.addRule = function(rule) { rules.push(rule); }; /** * Set the rules for the provider * @param String _rules RegEx as string */ this.setRules = function(_rules) { rules = _rules; }; /** * Return all rules as an array. * * @return Array RegExp strings */ this.getRules = function() { return rules; }; /** * Add a exception to the exceptions array. * * @param String exception RegExp as string */ this.addException = function(exception) { exceptions.push(exception); }; /** * Private helper method to check if the url * an exception. * * @param {String} url RegExp as string * @return {boolean} if matching? true: false */ this.matchException = function(url) { var result = false; for (var i = 0; i < exceptions.length; i++) { if(result) { break; } result = (url.match(new RegExp(exceptions[i], "gi"))) && (url.match(new RegExp(exceptions[i], "gi")).length > 0); } return result; }; } // ################################################################## /** * Helper function which remove the tracking fields * for each provider given as parameter. * * @param {Provider} provider Provider-Object * @param {webRequest} request webRequest-Object * @return {Array} Array with changes and url fields */ function removeFieldsFormURL(provider, request) { var url = request.url; var rules = provider.getRules(); var changes = false; var cancel = false; if(provider.matchURL(url)) { for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { var bevorReplace = url; url = url.replace(new RegExp(rules[i], "gi"), ""); if(bevorReplace != url) { if(badges[tabid] == null) { badges[tabid] = 0; } browser.storage.local.set({"globalCounter": ++globalCounter}); if(badgedStatus) { browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: (++badges[tabid]).toString(), tabId: tabid}); } else { browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: "", tabId: tabid}); } changes = true; } } if(provider.isCaneling()){ if(badges[tabid] == null) { badges[tabid] = 0; } browser.storage.local.set({"globalCounter": ++globalCounter}); if(badgedStatus) { browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: (++badges[tabid]).toString(), tabId: tabid}); } else { browser.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: "", tabId: tabid}); } cancel = true; } } return { "changes": changes, "url": url, "cancel": cancel } }; /** * Return the number of parameters query strings. * @param {String} url URL as String * @return {int} Number of Parameters */ function countFields(url) { var matches = (url.match(/[^\/|\?|&]+=[^\/|\?|&]+/gi) || []); var count = matches.length; return count; } /** * Function which called from the webRequest to * remove the tracking fields from the url. * * @param {webRequest} request webRequest-Object * @return {Array} redirectUrl or none */ function clearUrl(request) { var URLbeforeReplaceCount = countFields(request.url); //Add Fields form Request to global url counter globalURLCounter += URLbeforeReplaceCount; browser.storage.local.set({"globalURLCounter": globalURLCounter}); browser.storage.local.get('globalStatus', clear); function clear(data){ globalStatus = data.globalStatus; if(globalStatus == null){ globalStatus = true; } } if(globalStatus){ var result = { "changes": false, "url": "" }; /* * Call for every provider the removeFieldsFormURL method. */ for (var i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) { result = removeFieldsFormURL(providers[i], request); /* * Cancel the Request */ if(result["cancel"]){ return { cancel: true } } /* * Ensure that the function go not into * an loop. */ if(result["changes"]){ return { redirectUrl: result["url"] }; } } } }; /** * Call by each tab is closed. */ function handleRemoved(tabId, removeInfo) { delete badges[tabId]; } /** * Get the globalCounter value from the browser storage * @param {(data){} Return value form browser.storage.local.get */ function setGlobalCounter() { browser.storage.local.get('globalCounter', function(data){ if(data.globalCounter){ globalCounter = data.globalCounter; } else { globalCounter = 0; } }); browser.storage.local.get('globalURLCounter', function(data){ if(data.globalURLCounter){ globalURLCounter = data.globalURLCounter; } else { globalURLCounter = 0; } }); } /** * Get the badged status from the browser storage and put the value * into a local variable. * */ function setBadgedStatus() { browser.storage.local.get('badgedStatus', function(data) { if(data.badgedStatus) { badgedStatus = data.badgedStatus; browser.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ 'color': 'orange' }); } else if(data.badgedStatus === null || typeof(data.badgedStatus) == "undefined"){ badgedStatus = false; } else { badgedStatus = false; } }); } setBadgedStatus(); setGlobalCounter(); /** * Call by each change in the browser storage. */ browser.storage.onChanged.addListener(setGlobalCounter); browser.storage.onChanged.addListener(setBadgedStatus); /** * Call by each tab is closed. */ browser.tabs.onRemoved.addListener(handleRemoved); /** * Call by each tab change to set the actual tab id */ function handleActivated(activeInfo) { tabid = activeInfo.tabId; } /** * Call by each tab change. */ browser.tabs.onActivated.addListener(handleActivated); /** * Call by each Request and checking the url. * * @type {Array} */ browser.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( clearUrl, {urls: [""]}, ["blocking"] );