40 lines
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40 lines
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"use strict";
(function() {
// setTimeout(function() {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.textContent = `(${setNavigator})()`;
(document.head || document.documentElement || document).appendChild(script);
// });
function setNavigator(nav = { plugins: navigator.plugins, mimeTypes: navigator.mimeTypes}) {
console.log("setNavigator - uri: " + location);
var plugins = Object.assign(Object.create(PluginArray.prototype), [...nav.plugins]);
Object.defineProperties(plugins, { item: {value: (a) => plugins[a]}, namedItem: {value: (a) => plugins[a]},
refresh: {value: () => { nav.plugins.refresh(); setNavigator(nav)}},
length: { writable: true, value: nav.plugins.length}});
for (var a of plugins) { Object.defineProperty(plugins, a.name, {configurable: true, value: a}); };
[].splice.call(plugins, [].findIndex.call(plugins, (a) => a.name == "Shockwave Flash"), 1);
delete plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
Object.defineProperty(navigator, "plugins", {configurable: true, value: plugins});
var mimetypes = Object.assign(Object.create(MimeTypeArray.prototype), [...nav.mimeTypes]);
Object.defineProperties(mimetypes, { item: {value: (a) => mimetypes[a]}, namedItem: {value: (a) => mimetypes[a]},
refresh: {value: () => { plugins.refresh()}}, length: { writable: true, value: nav.mimeTypes.length}});
for (var a of mimetypes) { Object.defineProperty(mimetypes, a.type, {configurable: true, value: a}); };
[].forEach.call(nav.plugins["Shockwave Flash"] || [], ({type}) =>
delete mimetypes[[].splice.call(mimetypes, [].findIndex.call(mimetypes, (a) => a.type == type), 1)[0].type]);
Object.defineProperty(navigator, "mimeTypes", {configurable: true, value: mimetypes});
// </>